Monday, January 31, 2005


Gods gifting

I like to work on a thing I just read in the word in exodus to give my blog tonight. I am going to put this text tonight at the last part of my notes. I am reading the Bible in a year and I am going at a good pace. In this text I want to note that the Lord gives gifts to people. Some might want to think there are certain gifts that might be. God has made people for certain things at certain times. Lets look at this passage.

Ex. 1 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: 2 “See, I have called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. 3 And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, 4 to design artistic works, to work in gold, in silver, in bronze, 5 in cutting jewels for setting, in carving wood, and to work in all manner of workmanship.
First I look at Bezalel. God gave him the gift of art. It seems like this man was made to craft something for the Lord alone. God I think gives us in the church things that we are to do for him. Like Jobs. I am not sure what mine is yet but I want to preach and teach the word for people. But I am not going to till Jesus tells me to. We are all to teach and outreach I think. All the gifting in the New Testament is for the local church. I am a man that wants to be biblical and that I think means work within the local body of believers. God when he saved us has placed us in a church. Local church is where the Lord builds us and uses us to do his work. I asked a lady one time what is the first thing one ought to do for a baby in Jesus and she said get them to Church. God uses me to bless people in that context. I am blessed in turn by people. All you ought to email me your local church so I know your in one.
A major reason for this is so you can give your gift to the body. I have the gift of exhorting and of discernment. I might have more but I am using them to tell people the bible and hopefully your gaining from the gift. I am talented on the Internet so this is one reason I do the site I am. I by doing this site hopefully will encourge you and find the lost so they hear. I might not ever reach one soul on this site yet your reading it so people read it. People come and read this and I am glad. It is all for the fame of Jesus and for folks to know me and my love for Jesus. Lets get interactive is my email so email me your gifts and tell me how your loving Jesus with them.

So lift Jesus up and come back soon


Sunday, January 30, 2005


God id faithful

Hi I am hot in this apartment and I am tired but not to bad. I am happy to be off work till Thursday. I go to the wolf game this week and that will be fun to go to. I am happy the Iraq elections got done right and there was some bad times there but the truth is that they all went out despite the threats and voted for a person they want to lead the nation. I am happy I voted for Bush and I am hoping he gets stuff done and wins the war. To have the elections and allowing the people to vote is worth the loss of life to me. I realize that people lost loved ones but they died to bring freedom to a part of the world that wants it. So you libs you’re all of and the freedom is sweet and we need to do more to get it everywhere. God gives freedom to from his end. Jesus died so you can be free of sin and if you need him always email me and we will talk it out.

Tonight I am going to begin some thoughts on God and his faithfulness. I might take a few times to go over this on but we will see. God has been faithful to me this week. I ought to have lost my Job and he not only gave me the job but a ton of money in the bank and no suspension. (Amen) God is faithful to do what he said he is going to do. If God said he is going to save ones soul and take him to heaven the Lord is going to do that. Here is a thought from a old testament story

Deu 6 “For you are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth. 7 The LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any other people, for you were the least of all peoples; 8 but because the LORD loves you, and because He would keep the oath which He swore to your fathers, the LORD has brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you from the house of bondage, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
9 “Therefore know that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments; 10 and He repays those who hate Him to their face, to destroy them. He will not be slack with him who hates Him; He will repay him to his face. 11 Therefore you shall keep the commandment, the statutes, and the judgments, which I command you today, to observe them.

Kind of a long passage. God is talking to the people he brought out of the land. I want to look at verse 9. It is God saying that he is a faithful God. He keeps his word to folks that follow him. He also is going to repay the hate that people give him. Has God been faithful to his word? To me he has. He gave me mercy and grace at work. He blessed me in Cali when I did not deserve it. He brought me to Jesus and keeps me t here.

God cannot change. God said he made up his mind and it is settled. I guess that this means I am not to trust people that claim to have a new thing the Lord said to them. God’s word is faithful and you are able to trust it. I like it when it told me I can do all things in Christ. It means I am to do all things in Christ and not anything else. Also it means that when God said something to you in the bible It is thru and God will do it. Like give and it will be given to you. If you give you are going to get. God is faithful perfectly and if he said it it is true and will happen. God said to Adam he was going to distroy the evil one and on the cross Jesus did that. God told Moses he would take them out of the land and God did it. God told david a king would come to take his throne God did that.

Here is a point for tonight, Gods word is trustworthy and since that is the case read the word and trust he is going to keep it to you to


Saturday, January 29, 2005


Gods creation

It is a great day to be alive. In Iraq folks are going to freely vote ending the time dark dictatorship. Many of you might not know what this means and you libs are screaming that we ought not be in the war we are in. I think this is a great thing. We as a land have given the gift of freedom to a land that never had it. In this we have paid with 1400 people. It is the smallest war death of all times. If the people freely choose to vote they are going to have freedom. Friend we got to make this freedom spread and do it all over. If you think we are wrong for being there then email ma at and tell why. Why do we just keep our own free? We do we have the right to not die for people that lived under a man that used gas on his own people? Is it ok to just allow genocide and hate to run the world? People we are the most blessed land there is yet we kept our freedoms for granted.

I am so mad at folks in this land that think voting some kind of game. We go out and make it a game and do not think it makes a difference. If you do not vote in this land you ought to live where you can’t. If you do not vote and are saved you’re sinning I think. God has blessed this land out of pure grace. We do not deserve it. I do not deserve it. I lost my cool at work and I ought to be out of a job but this day praise the Lord I have got a job. Out of pure mercy my firing did not happen. Even more blessed I got a suspension but even that is stayed meaning I have it but for getting help I am not serving it. I need to get anger help. Pray for me hard on this. I need Jesus grace to hold me not leave me and help me get a hold of anger. I am not to get a temper. It never helped me and it only kills. I am being honest here so be helpful. I lost my cool and I need to not let it good again. I also need to love all the people I work with and be ready to serve them. I had a great time there today and that is a good thing. Grace is a awesome thing and even more inspiring it the truth Gods smiling at me. I am in sin he blessed me.

I am doing a series on the truths and the character of God. I am going to be working this for months. I am not sure how long but my goal is to make points on who God is and outline truths in the bible and get a personal grasp of our God. I started on God wants to be known. I want to work on the next thing and I name it God is the maker of all. Lots of folks reading this tell me we are made from evolution. I think this is a lie and the bible does not cover it so I will not. God made the world in 7 days. They were 24 hours and no longer. I used to think it might have been a longer time period. I no longer have that view. God made the earth and everything in it. Look at this verse in Psalms

Psalms 27 1 The earth is the LORD’s, and all its fullness,
The world and those who dwell therein.
2 For He has founded it upon the seas,
And established it upon the waters.
Note GOD founded the earth. He made it. He did not make it via any way but what the bible said. Humans are made for the Lord. The earth is his gift to us.

Here are 4 things that a book told me about creation
First the world is not god. God is alone God and he asked me to worship him alone. If I worship a creation I am sinning. It is not “mother nature” or anything like that. Creation is a separate thing from God. God made it outside of himself. God spoke it and it came into being.

We are not to make the earth a thing that we need to worship. It is important to take care of the earth because we need to hand it back to the Lord. He is going to burn this earth in the end. If your not saved your only hope is Jesus and his forgiven sin for you, God is going to burn all the things we have and all we will need is going to give us a new place to dwell. Yet we need to be good to the earth. If the ozone is gone we need to fix it. We as God’s kids need to lead the way to save things and recycle. It is stewardship and if we do not take care of it then we are not doing as the Lord demands. We are to occupy and take care of it.

I guess God has made a great place to dwell in amen? He made it to enjoy and to show off his Glory. God looks good and his art is awesome. To think he loves me and wants a friendship with us is awesome. How great thou art!@


Thursday, January 27, 2005


God wants to know you part 2

Hi people and thank you for coming tonight to my blog. I want to think more tonight on the truth the Lord wants me to know him. Jesus in his coming to earth was God and man. I take this is the absolute truth. Jesus said that he came to seek the Lost. We were lost and the Lord came to find us. I dare say that not only is the Lord wanting to be known God is looking for followship with his people. I must say that this might mean the ones he chooses or the ones that he saves. Jesus seeking to save the Lost means that he finds us. Here are more passages on this topic

John 14 5 Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?”
6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
7 “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.”
Here is the passage at most Graham events. Jesus came that he alone is the way and the truth and the life. Jesus is saying that he is Gods path to get to God. Jesus came to us to give us the reason and the way to go to God. If God did not want me to know him there is no need for Jesus to come and find me. Also note that there is one way to the father and that is the Son and Jesus is the way. If you know Jesus then you Know the God of the world, there is no other.

A side note tonight the guys at work said there is 2000 gods and they are right on target. I maintain that only one true God and that is the one of the bible. I can go and show you things on the net just email me at and if your reading this email me and let me know.

18 For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. This is in eph. We have access. I wanted to point this out to show the word in the bible. Access to God is as we see is Jesus. Need to know Jesus to know God.

Col 1 19 For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, 20 and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.
21 And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled 22 in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight— 23 if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, became a minister.
Loaded It pleased God that we are in him and his fullness is in me. Note this we were wicked and no good and in Jesus now we are his and have peace. It is only for the CHRISTIAN and not for you if your outside of Jesus. Jesus is pleased to give you to the father and bring you into heaven. You must want it. Jesus is a gentleman and is not going to make you get saved. If you ask him he saved you not if you do not ask. There is more to work on but I got to rest and I will get more on soon


Wednesday, January 26, 2005


God wants me to know him

I want to keep going on the altitudes of God. Here is what I think it means. It means that God is knowable. God wants us to seek him and that means he will tell us who he is when we week him. My text tonight is Ex 34. Lets look at this text

4 So he cut two tablets of stone like the first ones. Then Moses rose early in the morning and went up Mount Sinai, as the LORD had commanded him; and he took in his hand the two tablets of stone.
5 Now the LORD descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD. 6 And the LORD passed before him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, 7 keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.”

Here Moses has gone to God and he gives the Law. God in this tells us who he is. God wanted to show Moses who he was and this is for us to know. Note that God reveals the truth of his name here. God is mercy meaning he gives us forgiveness of our sins. He is grace meaning he gives to us. God gives so much to me. Life and food and all I am and will ever are is in God. God is long suffering. God is going to wait for people to repent and trust him. God is going to put up with wickness holding out hope for one to repent. It is not forever this is going to be. In the end hell is there for the non-repent. If you do not know Jesus you best get it now. God is going to forgive and he is going to save. God is wanting you to know his Love for you.

In the old testament the Lord demanded things to see him. You had to know how to know him and be clean to see him. God did make a way back and to know him. Look at this as a example in Lev

12 The vessel of earth that he who has the discharge touches shall be broken, and every vessel of wood shall be rinsed in water.
13 ‘And when he who has a discharge is cleansed of his discharge, then he shall count for himself seven days for his cleansing, wash his clothes, and bathe his body in running water; then he shall be clean. 14 On the eighth day he shall take for himself two turtledoves or two young pigeons, and come before the LORD, to the door of the tabernacle of meeting, and give them to the priest. 15 Then the priest shall offer them, the one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering. So the priest shall make atonement for him before the LORD because of his discharge.

Note we had to do some things to come into his space.

Here are some Psalms

1 Praise is awaiting You, O God, in Zion;
And to You the vow shall be performed.
2 O You who hear prayer,
To You all flesh will come.
3 Iniquities prevail against me;
As for our transgressions,
You will provide atonement for them.
4 Blessed is the man You choose,
And cause to approach You,
That he may dwell in Your courts.
We shall be satisfied with the goodness of Your house,
Of Your holy temple.
God shows people who can come into his room. Note the Lord chooses who is going to come in

Ps 145 18 The LORD is near to all who call upon Him,
To all who call upon Him in truth.

He is near and wants to be found
6 Seek the LORD while He may be found,
Call upon Him while He is near.
7 Let the wicked forsake his way,
And the unrighteous man his thoughts;
Let him return to the LORD,
And He will have mercy on him;
And to our God,

God rewards the seeker with knowledge of his news.

Here is the place where God is giving us his kids the chance to be in his place
51 Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split,

AS I see Jesus brings me to the place where God wants to know me. Here is the thing Lets go before the Lord that made us his and spend time knowing him


Tuesday, January 25, 2005


money and my lord Jesus

Well as I got home I found out I am getting hours cut at work. Pray for two things that one I will live in the money I make and second pray I will not complain. I can ask that you pray for more hours and me but I am recalling the thing that Jesus is going to meet all my needs. It did not say all my wants. I ought to know truth that money is not really all there is in life. Money belongs to the Lord. I serve Jesus not the almighty dollar. Paul said to be content in what I have and not to long to get rich. Couple things I want to be frank with you on that I get tons of money for being disabled or might I ought to say fior being special. I am blessed and my work money is really a treat. I have things I am able to cut in my life and not feel hurt by it. We are all blessed think about it. If you got 100 bucks a week in income we are higher than 80 percent of the world. Look at the people in asia they got nothing and here we sit with the riches. If you got this reading your blessed. God gives wealth in his plan and if I go hungry it means I am close to going home. SO to close lets look at a passage in the Bible. Jesus said this

Matt 31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Note Jesus puts himself first. If we want to Love and adore Jesus he wants to be the one that you glory in. If you want to be a success in Jesus and grow learn this Jesus gives us the things we need. Jesus Loves us and his dad is loving and perfect.and he being the best at fatherhood gives all we ever need or want. I am not about money I hope I am about the Lord. Well I am home so later



a oldie and a goodie

Here is a bible talk for tonight I am going to try to do. It is the Lords talk on how to solve problems with brothers and sisters in the faith. It is a major thing that we need to do in the church. It is sad that as brothers we conflict and bicker over things. Here is the Lords solution for the Church. We need to follow the Lords commands in this topic and if we do the Lord is going to bless the church in the little and big sense.

15 “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.’ 17 And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.
Here are the orders from the Lord. If one sins we go and tell him he has sinned and need to get right with Jesus I note here that Jesus forgave the sin when you are forgiven and it is over. You also forgive when the person confesses and then it is over. If this happens you are out of the loop in the displaine issues. They do not proceed because the sin is out and forgiven. What is a sin? It is falling short of the word of God. It is not doing something or failing to so it right. Every time one sins he is out of the fellowship with the Lord and needs to restore it in confessing and accepting his forgiveness.
If you go to the person and he does not want to get right or thinks the sin is ok then you proceed to the next step and that is you go and take some others with you. It is key to make sure the Lord is in it. I want to say this that if the job of this is not to make one feel good about himself or to improve his life. It is about taking the word of God and teaching it rightly. If I say it is ok to be a gay I am not right with the Lord. If you are gay and the people confront you and there is no repenting then the church has to take up the thing. If one is sleep around the church is called to take steps to get you to repent and get right with Jesus.
If you did not get in them in the meeting with 2 or 3 Jesus said to take it to the church and let the local church go and try to win them. A LOCAL CHURCH is the local fellowship and it does not leave this. It is the highest government for the body. It is not right to say the church does not get to go outside of it. A LOCAL CHURCH is the fellowship you go to and are a member of. If the sinner does not repent you KICK him out of the body until he repents. If the person is a gay REMOVE TILL HE REPENTS. If he is a drunk REMOVE TILL he goes to treatment and repents and gets right with Jesus. Itr is harsh but Jesus made the rules I did not. If he repents you take him in and he is forgiven and he is restored. THE GOAL IS TO GET HIM TO REPENT It is Jesus who does not want to lose one sinner. Look at the part right before. He is going to leave all to get the sinner to repent and get right. God does not want to lose one person.

18 “Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
19 “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”

This passage does not let you forgive sins. ONLY JESUS does that. Here is what I think. Jesus gives his blessing to the one that makes calls on earth that are with the bible.

Saturday, January 22, 2005


what now

I got to go before Tat on monday to see if I am going back here. I am thinking I got a 49 percent chance. I might of been a bit poshy at times but I can improve. I did talk aboiut erin in my testamony. It could go either way. Of course I want to be back yet I want to here I havfe groiwn in my walk. I think I am not so needy for a relationshp. Also I think I can do better with gals however I did good. I did seekout men to hang out wit\h. I might of been not good with the speakers. I did not hug gals and make them feel bad. I did sitwith wsome but there was always a man there and I focused on the man. I spoke with Johnson and she saw improvrements. I am not going to this a perfect time but if I am going to grade it I would say a b because there is elaments that might of been hairy but over all I had good times and learned tons or better put was reminded of things that are important.

One thing is the salvation I have is forever and not a thing I will ever do will take the truth away from me. I am embedded forever in Jesus and it is sealed. I loved the songs that pointed so hard to this point and the truth that I am not into earning Jesus it is a gift. I also got more on the absolute truth that a christian is chosen by the Lord and not really a choice for the christian to choose. I am going to have fights on my view that the founding of this land is not a christian one. I have to fight this hard and ask you all to prove that thisw is a christian nation. Burton is going to hunted as hard lieing. The founders were not saved and in love with Jesus. They were into works salvation and not into grace. I might have to fight for calvinism a bit in mn but I am not going to allow it to be the issue. There will be changes in my walk to, I am going to work harder on the bible and make sure I am in it and preach it hard. How2ever I still need to be ok with not giving the gospel openly to work. I tgo work hard and not com[plain but know Jesus is always there as you friends. I do not agree with music not ok. But I have to sing worsdhip and hymns. I am not going to fight to ban ccm but I will disearn the things people sing and watch doctinue. I am going to not let calthloics say they are saved when they are not. I am also never going to allow gays to call themselfs saved and ok. I do not hate but I am not going to give ground they want.

Well the ctrip is over and mark reviews it so I am going to enjoy life till itg is over


Friday, January 21, 2005

Hi there It is a good time had by all herer. I am meeting peoplle like Rosie1 and Baily hi to both of you if your reading. I talked to Edwards and she was gblad to see me here and I hope she knows I am in prayer for her and erin b. It is the coolest thing prayer that one can affect anothers life for Jesus so email me all your needs and I will pray for them. I got a secret weapon I pray for people and I am hopeing they pray for me. I can even pray for people that are not into Jesus and he just might save them. I am taking photos and did a role today. I hope you all pray for me and it is good beth prays for me. Jesus even prays for me.

I am going to be able to check out things from masters at the libraytt in st cloud but tyhis is going to be good to get stuffr about Jesus from st cloud. I am going to keep it short and hope to talk later


Thursday, January 20, 2005


It is all good.

I think I learning not to be scared, beth is not here I do not think. I want to look at the holy God. Gods holyness is meaning he is seprate from all others things. Lets look at the holy God and think on some things. What does it mean. God apart from all things. God is morally vperfect and has never sinned in anyway. God is perfect and as my daddy he has never sinned. He also is so creator and he owes all he ever made. God is personal to meaning he talks to the people he saved.


bible week

It has been busy the last couple and I am going to have a hard time getting this done. I saw BE and it is not good to want to get her to like me cause she do es not. As for wed I went with Pirate to the beach with his sis. She is nice and sang to me the anthem. We went to the ocean and it was a mean waves. I went up to me knees and we threw the ball around. I loved it. WE ATE at a joint and I had fish and chips. I got to the bible talks early. He last night spoke on how to glory in the Lord. We need to get mad at the preachers when they feed christiasns the gunk and trash. I have been a little easy on them and I am going to also feel bad when Jesus is trashed. People tend to have a feild day and not give Jesus the glory he alone is worthy off. People we need to defend the Lord and not allow people to think there are other truths and ways to know Jesus. God only will hear you if your in Jesus and his way. Man goes and makes a way and no matter how they think Jesus made the only way.

I also looked at repenting the Lord demands this and if we do not know sins are wrong wer can never come to Jesus and get his grace. I do not got my notes but look at Ps 51 and see the pattern of repenting. It is to know Jesus is offended that ought to make me repent. I AM not saved for my sake I am saved for his to make him look good and not me. I am no good Jesus maes me good. If I am a kid of theww Lord then he did it and not me. Jesus called me and I was his before all happened. I repenting is all to make Jesus look goods and not for me. Jesus is honored only in himself. I hope to work more on this.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Once again welcome by the way of blogging to southern cali. Its warm and I am glad yourv here for the Masters eve. I did the sight seeing thing today here and I got some photos. I took a tour on the bus in hollywood. It was a stars home kind of a thing. Saw lots of places where the movie stars live. I also saw the big rodeo drive where all of them shop. I saw the neighborhood where Nick Cage and Harrison live. 2 of the best live in the same neighborhood. Saw where the night life is and where some of the movies and shows are taped. When and if I can I will post photos of all the sites I am seeing because it true a photo is 1000 words. I then met Mike Hi mike you read this so here is your claim to fame. What a man gets me lunch and shows me the stap;es center. I got to say the hi light of the day was to see the collseeum. I still can think of the opening cermonies of the 1984 games I watched at Grandma Chris place in st paul. I stayed up to see the closing at home and remeber the night I was sad. I went into mas room because I could not sleep that night. We went to the dells and Chicago the day after to see Bible gardens and eat some big macs. It is on the site of USC. Never knewv that. I got a nolan ryan card to think of the day. Mike got it for me. It is the 1981 set when I first got into collecting. He might of got a shutout that year to. Or no hitter.

I am going tob have my host type up some of his storys of the trip so look for that. I am going to grace club and I think it is going emotional and neat so I might get a comment on here about it. Prepare for that. I am talking to your from grace campus tonight, it is a semnary Mac found. In a way I am feeling the work of the Lord is here. People go and spread Jesus to many from this place. It is a holy place I think because Jesus is here and mac preaches not 100 yards from here. Peoples lifes are found here and many that are here bring Jesus to so many people. Men go and reach people from the places that I aa at and I am hoping Jesus changes me here and thur the teaching of men that go here. I hope I am not the same atfer Bible week and God gets me in ways I could not dream here. Lord work me hard gthis week and grow me


Monday, January 17, 2005


cali trip day v4

I am going to blog I hope a long one tonight just because I want to thin over the trip so far. I went to grace last night and heard just how much the Lord Jesus Loves me. It is this that God does not love everone the same. If you r his your love God loves yas with is unmatched and with no limmits. If you are not saved Gods love will turn on you and he will hate you in hell. God is not going to hold the love you get for him if you reject him he is going to hate you and have no compassion on your soul. In Jesus I have got the complete love of God and Gods love in forever in me. There is a choice fore you to make. If you want to get saved then ask Jesus to come into your life and let me know you did. And if not then face the God that one day will hate you. I got to preach it even in the wartm weather! Hate vit don't you.

Met tasha last night. She is a Bible person and I might put here on the team. I like I am saying have seen lots of people and they knew me. What I have not told you that all the old team has checked in. Mike called on the way in on the first night and nic did to. Katie was in church that was good and they all have gotten to say hi. I went to the Reagen libary today and that was good. It is always good to see the gippers news and things about him. I got some post cards to tell them to read this so if your readiong this from a post card you got email me at the address on the bottom of this post and I will shoot something neato your way. In the library is alot of regen thigns. I found the assination of him interesting. I almost got a book on his faith but just might get it later.

Last night I spoke to Rick holland a pastor out here at grace. It was neat to know he even reads the blog and that he knows I love Jesus. I wrotre on my card that I want help in loving Jesus better. Rick did a message on the topic I am going to study out inthe comming weeks. 7 things about God that that feed my worship. First there is Gods greatness is unsurpassed. God is awesome. I ought to only use that word in my thinking of the Lord and not about anything else, it ought to make me fear the Lord because he is so great. 2 is Gods power. God in a breath created the world and all and we are to honor him for that. Gods Glory, good notes here on Gods Glory. It is Gods pride in himself. Also his attractiveness or interest. God is so awesome that he is the only thing to think on in the world. God ought to engulf the thinking of christians. I use to think this made you a freak but the center of my life ought to be Jesus alone. Not anything else ought to be the focus of life, Jesus is the center and if I am not in him or he is not the center of my life I am going to loose out. All comes from God alone. All is Jesus and all paths in the life of a christian point to Jesus. God wins everytime he plays and wins bigtime. God has never lost anything. Gods record is perfect. He loves man only because he needs to give them to his son Jesus. Ifr man does not repent he is going to bow to Jesus and then he is headed forever to hell. If man repents God gives him all he is and makes him a joint heir of Jesus. God is going to have me bow to Jesus and to all the people that toy with Jesus and mock him YOU WILL LOSE AND BOW. Gods rule is it. God rules stand no matter what. Here is the rule that if Jesus saved me he has me forever. It is not about this world it is about the heaven of forever. I am going to be there BECAUSE OF JESUS WORK AND THE SAVING OF MY SOUL. I will never lose it and it is going to happen for me. I am saved. I will win in the long term because I am going to be in the rapture and go to be in Jesus vhome for all time and eternaly. No one can ever pluck my soul out of that and that is why I am not going to tolerate sins of people and I am going to preach harderto make ones repent and get right. If your not right and your reading this blog I plead with you to call upon Jesus to save you andforgive you of your sins. Jesus died for your sins and offers you the free chioce to ask him to forgive you and take you to heaven. If you need to pray with me I will not ever tell a soul but I want you to email me. and let me know. If you want to think it over do it. If you want to comment on anything post a comment. I am here for aweek but I will be home soon.


Sunday, January 16, 2005


Grace church day

Well my team lost in the playoffs but it was a fun. I got to see them play and that was good. I did not cheat and see the score before the end of the game. I think they did not play all that good but hey that is the vikings and the way they are.

I am finding lots of people know me here and they are glad I am here. I went to church at grace this morning. Mac talked on the parble of the mustard seed and how we have the kingdom and the kingdom of Jesus is going to be so big one day. It is like the 12 were not all that and the Lord bulit of the 12 a kingdom that is in all the lands of the world. Gods book is in almost every people group to. It ony is 5 percent and its in all. Jesus made this kingdom big and he has done well. Jesus is king. Holland talked about how great God is and how Jesus is all we need. He places alot into reading the bible and quiet times in his work. I will never get to know God outside of Jesus. I am seeing a thread here that I am not able to add anything to the work of Jesus for heaven. It is a great thing Jesus did for me to do it all for God and his work did it all. I add nothing to the work of Jesus. I also got to see Katie at church. She is a good sister and Loves me tons. I am so happy. I am going to here more mac tonight and hope to have more for you tonight.


Saturday, January 15, 2005


day 2 things are ok to solid here

It is night here on the trip. I went to the Masters mustang game and it went ok. A little less delling on the past but in the report I havfe found that people before the ones here left my name in high sweet reguards. I got to see them all. Amy Liz Jessica who I did not think I had a good repore with Tiff who knew the past but treated me with high reguard. Erin did not leave me the bad talk I deserve and I thank her for that. It is going to make time here better. It opens up the Lords hand to me more and it makes me feel good that I am loved. I am not the monster I am a child and I feel good about that. People there are not lying to me and knolw I was there and think good things. I owe it to them to treat them well and love them better. It frees my mind in the Lord to focus on him because I am doing something right. Or better put he is alive and blessing me. His hand is on this tripo I just know it is. Anyhow the mustangs won and played hard and loved on me.

I went to see Coach Carter today to. Good movie. It was about a man that made kids get a education and learn things and put that above ball games. I also met a stunt man that was in the movies. It was fun. I liked the movie. They costy 7.50 a piece. Lot to see good acting. Well here is a thing you can do. See the comment thing at the bottom of the screen, make some noise and post. It isd not like I know who you are. Be free to comment and I will read them. Heard some good stuff on not loseing salvation tonight, I got to do some blogging on that.


Friday, January 14, 2005


trip notes

cali is good pray for me making good calls and being less loud and less bashful. Woman iut is hard here to think somethimes and not to focus right. It is lot of people and that I find is a spooky thintg to deal with. Pray hard for me and allow the Lord to help me not to fear and saw alot today of things I am needing to work on and detrminded to. I saw mac today to at grace to you!! I went to a tour there. ow it is a lot of workers that do not get paid there.


Got a walk though of the school today. I am okj with it. I saw the lady Mustangs. Jess and amy were there. I was glad to see them. Liz is still in the area but won't be ther.

I got to tour the Grace to you thing and Mac was recording. I talked and greeted him and He knew who I was. I got some free books from him. It is rare that I get to see him there.


trip news night one

Hi all. Iam in the warm wreather of cali. It is going to hit the low 60's today. Last night I went to see the santa monica pier in the nighttime. If you know of the big farris wheel you will know where I was. It was a nice flight out here. I talked to Nicman who just happened to call Donavan about a half hour after I got here. Don is all a class man and it is good to be here with him. Also Pirate Boy who is one of the only readers here is going to be here tonight. Mike is one I met on the first trip out here. He is a San Fran fan but I will not hold his salvation for that. Well I got here and there is this big doggie. He was barking at me for a good 10 minutes till we got him to be freindly. I know the spelling might not be the greatest for the trip but I am wanting to get hi lights to you all the time I am here. I am going to the reagae libray today and to grace to you. Tonight I am going to see Mac. I feel like I am going to see the pope I love this man and his work so much as he has taught me tons about the bible. I am blessed to see him. He is speaking to kids at his church tonight.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Trips plans and Go vikings

I am not going to find a gal there so why try? I got to focus on then men and friends I know that I am going to want to make some friends. Stay away from things that are going to hurt me an focus on my walk with the Lord. No Erin on this trip. I give the story about how I came to Jesus I just say Jesus saved me at a event. No need for rehashing the past. I want to look to the next 5 years and not go over the past. Dress nice, wear a belt and wipe all the time. Keep focused on improving my walk in the Lord. Look for correction and heed to it. A mistake is to frown on things I am going to need to improve on. Have a good time and relax. Guard my heart. Think of the card deck and do not spend a lot of cards on people that I am not going to profit from. Look to keep in budget. 300 is not ok I want to take 4 and spend 150 and have self-control. I also know I am going to be on my best behavior

I went to see Friday night-lights. It is a good football movie. I am not going to give it a high mark due to the cussing in it. The main guy in the movie is the third string RB. The all star gets hurt in the movie and it teaches us there is more to life than football. Speak of that I am glad the vikies won the game vs. the packer. I am not to sure how we are going to do on philie but all that to say we got a shot and I am thinking dark horse. Ok I also am not going to get my hopes up because we suck still.

It is going to be cold in MN. I am off to the Masters and will b e filing when I can. If you want just add comments on the blog so I get them and I am going to be all right. I hope you all stay warm and onward to the Golden State


Monday, January 10, 2005


God is Holy

Welcome back to the life of Shadman and the pregame for the trip. Tonight I am working on the clothes and the things I need like cash and packing. In the morning I go and prep for work and a appointment. I work all night and I got to be rested and Wednesday I pack all up and get all the ticks in place for a leave time of 8 30 on Thursday morning. I climb into a van on the morning and arrive at the airport. I check in and might go to the moa for a bit before I go in at 2 pm for the 3 pm flight. I got to get the post show ready In the morning. It is going to go on till the 23rd and you can read it all on my blog. NO EMAILS WILL BE OUT TILL AFTER THE TRIP. YOU WANT TO GET INFO ON THIS GO TO THE BLOG. I am going to try to keep you up to date on the trip.

God is Holy. Holy means 2 things as I have looked at it the last days. First it means that he is above all matter and separates from all there is and all that will ever be. The entire world is outside of God. God is not a part of this world he is outside of it. God made the world and has put it in a realm that he is not in. I mean this God is holy and separate from even time and space. For God in the here and now there is no time and no space. He is bigger than the entire world and holds space in the palm of his hand.

God is also perfect morally. God has never sinned and never will. Jesus is God so he on earth as also not sinned ever and what he did on earth was perfect. God is so perfect that he can never think any sinful thought or treat anyone with fairness. I start this study on the chacter of God because I think so many things are tied into the perfection of Holy God. When God made the world it was without sin and humans were created with no sin. For a time all was holy and perfect. In the first interactions humans made the call that they are not going to be holy thus the interaction with Holy God was no longer possible. God is so perfect he will not ever make sin ok. God has never made a mistake and that makes you not a mistake. If you read this you were made perfect till you sin. One sin makes you not ok in the Lords eyes. God must in holiness punsh you and ban you forever from him. Forgiveness is not just given to you Gods perfection had to be meant. If He is Holy it means he is not allowed to see you as a sinner. He cannot interact with people that are not holy and perfect. Look at this and one might think he is not able to ever see God and that is partly right.

Do you know that humans will never fully see God in heaven. If you saw him in your flesh you would burn up and die. Some have seen God and they did not really come away all happy but they are broken and nothing after they see the holiness of God. Moses in the first time he sees God he is afraid because God is holy
Exodus 3
And he said, “Here I am.”
5 Then He said, “Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.” 6 Moreover He said, “I am the God of your father—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God.

Not Moses hid his face from God. If he looked at God he was a toast.
Here is when God show Moses his goodness.

Ex 33 17 So the LORD said to Moses, “I will also do this thing that you have spoken; for you have found grace in My sight, and I know you by name.”
18 And he said, “Please, show me Your glory.”
19 Then He said, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” 20 But He said, “You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live.” 21 And the LORD said, “Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock. 22 So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass by. 23 Then I will take away My hand, and you shall see My back; but My face shall not be seen.”

God does not show his holy face to Moses because he is Holy. Gods goodness comes by but not his face.

In IS read this
6 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. 2 Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. 3 And one cried to another and said:
“Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts;
The whole earth is full of His glory!”
4 And the posts of the door were shaken by the voice of him who cried out, and the house was filled with smoke.
5 So I said:
“Woe is me, for I am undone!
Because I am a man of unclean lips,
And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips;
For my eyes have seen the King,
The LORD of hosts.”
6 Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. 7 And he touched my mouth with it, and said:
“Behold, this has touched your lips;
Your iniquity is taken away,
And your sin purged
Isaiah also saw the Lord and his holiness. One thing I see is the Lords angel singing holy holy holy to him all the time. They do not even look at his face. I also see the person here thinking in his sin he is ruined. He had to be cleaned in the place before God. God cleans him up because he is a sinner and God will never talk to a sinner. Or will he? Jesus was God and he talked to many sinners and they did not die.

I am sure of this God is holy and we worship him alone and fear him because of that


Sunday, January 09, 2005


sundays news and notes

I did not write the last couple days so I am going to try to get better and write 2 times today. I also am working on some mp3s for my collection. I want to get them all into my computer so I am able to back up my collection.

Here is a tentive outline of the trip I am going to take to Cal. I leave on Thursday when it is going to be very cold here in MN. I get to LA at 8 our time and I suppose I am going to hang with Donavan. On Friday I am going to tour Grace To You. I am going to hear Mac talk on Friday night to the youth group. It will be one of many talks. I then on sat go to a bal game at masters college where they are going to win big time. On Sunday I am going to church 2 times and to crossroads. Monday I am not sure what I am going to do but it is going to be fun. Wednesday is the bible week kick off and then it is mostly bible stuff till the weekend. I get to hear good preaching and see some more balls.

It has been raining in the LA area but it is going to be nice when I get there and cold when I leave. I look at the weather in Saint Cloud and it’s going to be colder than la. I Am so happy to be going to la.

Why am I going to the Masters College? I am going to hang out with tons of Christians and to hear some of the things in the word that will help me to know the Lord better. I am going to hear Mac my favorite pastor teacher in the Land. I am also going to a place I have been and prove I am growing in Jesus lots and seeing if I am able to handle it better than last time. I want to behave so I am able to go back more and hear another bible week. Theme this year is how to glorify God. It is going to cover living a life that Glories in God, repenting to glorify God, holiness that glories in God, witnessing to glorify God, preserving to glorify God and forgiveness that glorifies God. In the seminars I am going to see Wayne Mack and the one about sports.

Last time there I was a mess. I was calling the Buescher and I was hopelessly in love with Erin. It is different this time because I am working to be better and not pestering the Buescher and I am not openly in sin with Erin by calling and contacting her. I am stronger in my walk and I am in the word. So it is going to be a fun time in the land of LA. I will try to blog on the trip and keep the 5 people that might read me.

It is going to be a interesting opening Sunday on the trip, crossroads and the Vikings are at the same time. I think I am going to do church over the Vikings yet somehow I know we will see it. I will see it. I know I ought to write a sermon on how Jesus is greater than football and church. I am not going to preach that because I will be lieing. I am a big time fan and I even skipped service tonight for a game. I remember in high school I had to miss the 1987 game when the Twins one the whole thing. Huls said throw in a tape but I am not that strong I guess. Kids obey your folks on this and not my example because Jesus is far better than sports. Be bless and go to church and confirmation then you to can write in a blog that nobody reads what you did when your team went to the big game and you went to Church and honored Jesus.

Friday, January 07, 2005


Sharing Jesus and being a jerk

In this Dave hunt does what I call attack theology. It is when a man attacks another for having a view of the bible that is not his. Rick Warrens book is one I have read and I am going to again I hope this year and type on it. Hunt is one bad theology man because he sits and trashed Mac and Rick Warren. His books are bad studies and rather bad writing. I have read some of the Calvinism book and it is really stupid thinking. I am not a Calvinist fan but hold to some of his work. Hunt is so anti Calvinist that he wrote a book or 2. Dave get it right and say I am sorry for offending preachers. Macarthur is far better than you ever will be and your mocking is offending people and you trash Gods truth like you know it all. Stop it pal.

I am going to do a series on the truth of who is God. I also want to do one on the purpose driven life because of the meat and thing I gain. It is a good book and a few things I think are rather good to review and study harder in the bible. I want to think on the last of the Beatitudes in the bible. I have been blessed studying out some of the chacters of what I am to be in the Lord and how the Lord has all the things I want to be. I am not sure how far I am going to get on the last one but lets take a start on it…

Mathew 5 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Happy are the ones that are not treated right because of their faith in Jesus. I want to be careful here because I am not going to give us credit for being Jerks for Jesus. So many in the world today live in lands where it is a crime to be a Christian. In Islamic lands you convert to faith in Jesus they will kill you. I have a book of story and accounts for anyone that thinks I am lying. I have 2 friends in lands where they are not there for what they think they are. The people that take a stand in closed lands for Jesus are going to heaven. Also if your family or coworkers are taunting you because you Love Jesus and have stood for him Be thankful because one your truly in the faith and they are not. Why would they attack us if our faith is fake. If one comes to Jesus and their family is mad then the bible said they must be right. Matt 10. If we are living in a devil filled world and people just do not want to hear they cannot do it on their own. Case and point I told you I am called intolerant because I believe the Bible on the Gays and I also think all religions outside of Jesus are false. I am not popular in some eyes because I take hard stands. I am not going to let the world or anyone tell me the Bible is false and that is that. However I NEED TO LOVE PEOPLE AND HATE SIN. I am sure the world thinks I am nuts. But I love and trust the truth of the Bible alone. To me if you do not like the bible then do not claim any off heaven cause ya ain’t coming to it.

Jesus is asking us to stand up for him in actions and not just words. I point this at me cause I am a messed up man. I want so much to tell other that I forget I need to love them and get to understand them without judgment. I am a little confronted and I need not be. I need also to make my stand known but still love people. Jesus is the one that saves and he is wanting to use me. Lord I am wanting to be used and if I take flack because of my sin then help me to take it because I am loving you so much it shines out to all the people I know.


Thursday, January 06, 2005


News thoughts and peacemaking

Today I was called intolerant. I was the most intolerant man someone knows. I want to respond. First this land has redefined this word. If I am anti anything and take a stand for the Bible I am going to be looked at in this way. If I take the Bible and call it truth and the only truth there is then I am looked at as one now that does not like others. If I tell a gay person the truth is they are in sin I am to some hating when all I am doing is referring to a lifestyle the bible called sin. If I tell a man the Lord is the only way I am telling him truth but then the man can sue me for telling him about Jesus.

Here is my take the Bible is the words of the Lord God. Jesus came to earth and died on a cross for the sin of man. Man does not have the right to define right and wrong God does and he is the king. If he said it in the bible I take it as truth and no other book person or reason is right. God made earth in 6 days and that is truth. Anything that point to another god is living in sin and will deal with God. Another thing If one does not believe in God and Jesus and they say they are going to heaven that makes me wonder. If you do not want God now why will you want him then? Really if you do not believe in God then Heaven is not for you, God is not that mean you know. And if you think as a Christian Jesus made it ok to be whatever that is not right either because he did not ever say gays are ok. Jesus is God and whatever he said goes.

On to another thing in the news tonight… THE democrats seem to not accept the truth that bush has one. They think the people were wrong and they really want to make John Kerry the president. Even by not passing the nominations of the judges is making the point. Pass all the nominations because if they do not the demos are going to look awful when the GOP has the same thing happen to them. It is not ok with me that we fight and do not pass things like a aid package for Asia.

It is time for some bible stuff. Tonight I am working in the 5th chapter in Matthew.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
For they shall be called sons of God

Who are the peacemakers? Is it the people who do not kill in war? I thin k it is that but I also want you to think about what is the war here and who is the peacemaker. In the eyes of the Lord we all are at war with him. If we are outside the Lords care we are at war with him. God is mad at the sinners every day. Here is a verse in the Psalms

11 God is a just judge,
And God is angry with the wicked every day.

If you are not into God he is not pleased with you. So that brings me to this. A peacemaker is one that makes peace with God. You cannot be a Christian and not want to share the think that matters the most to you. Jesus is the one that can make us right with God. It is wise to tell others and to be a soul winner. A soul winner is one that shares Jesus with others. If you’re a Christian this is a command. And the bible called you wise if you win souls

30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
And he who wins souls is wise.

So a peacemaker is one that wins the lost to Jesus. It is also one that loves all. I need to define Love in this time we live in. Love is defined as accepting the person but not the sin. Jesus Loves that way. Jesus Love is perfect and loves you. Here is the bibles defining of love. I am not going to unpack it I am just going to put it here for you to see in our study

1 cor 13 4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

I am off to bed. I am going to be in the lobby all day Friday so I want to be well rested.


Tuesday, January 04, 2005


Blessed are the pure in heart

it If you use IE to read my blog it is going to have all kind of trash in it. I am not able to fix but I am going to work some in this and some in the browser but it is not read by tons of people. Too bad for them. Well I got my photo maker going and I am going to work on the site and I will be posting photos on the site AND the blog. I look forward to that.
I want to make a statement on the trip that is going to happen to Cal. I am pumped for it and I hope it is going to live up to the hype. I am going to spend time with Donavan and I am going to hang at the great Masters College. Masters is a great bible school. They stand in the Bible and they produced a many people that have made Jesus everything. This trip has been planed with the security I am going to need in mind. Erin if there will not be the focus Jesus is going to be. I have done the best I am able to make sure your not there Erin but if you are I know your there to see your friends and hang with the Lord. I respect you and will leave you be. However I am praying for you as my sis and Love you as such. I am looking forward to being warm, learning tons about Jesus and meeting new people. I am also looking forward to making a side trip or two into Hollywood and LA. I love it there. I am also looking forward to seeing Macarthur and hearing him live. He knows Jesus and how to serve him. I want to talk to you all from LA a few times and all that. Shadman in LA all week.

I am doing a series this week on the Sermon of the mount.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see God.

Jesus said to be pure in our heart. I think this is to be clean and free from sin. The heart is a part of us that is on the inside. If you got Jesus on your inside you are pure and if you live for him alone your heart makes you special. We are to be like pure water or clean water. It is that water that is good to drink in. I also think pure is to be a virgin in our hearts. Pure is to not be filled with the junk of the world but to be separated unto Jesus. Looking in the Bible here are some types of Purity.

God is pure and perfect. He has never sinned and he will always be the Perfected on. Same with Jesus He is perfect and always will be

The angels are pure and they always have been. God threw out the sinning angels and that group is damned forever. Gods call in his heaven you must be pure and perfect.

Man who has Jesus is pure and perfect in the eyes of the Lord. Your in if you place your trust in Jesus and if you have not you e mail me and lets get you to a place where you are perfect in the eye of God. Also If your saved Jesus is going to help you and make you walk like him. We need to submit to him and learn to walk like him and desire to be righteous. If you do not desire to be pure you might check to see if Jesus lives in you. I always need to make sure I am committed to Jesus. Do I long to be like Jesus and have his love in my life.
We also need to know one day we will be like Jesus in heaven. We are going to see Jesus and the father in all purity. Long to live for that. If we walk then we are going to be somewhere. It is heaven for our walk with Jesus.

Purely the best.

Monday, January 03, 2005


Lets be mercy filled

I got a camera so I am able to add things to the blog but It might take time to make it go. I am able to get things off the thing but I got to figure out how to make it work better. I am going to get photos in this thing and it is going to be funner and you will get to see things on me that you cannot now. I want to make this a site you come to more often and for you set a bookmark and read me all the time.

It is my blog and I am going to talk about what I want Bible time

Blessed are the merciful,
For they shall obtain mercy.
Happy are those who are forgiving and mercy filled. Am I filled with mercy or am I filled with getting even. What is mercy? It is loving someone that does not love me back. It is loving someone that is not lovable. God in his mercy did not give what my sins deserve he gave me favor and hope. Mercy is the withholding of sure punishment. It is like this I go and steal a car and the law said shadman you go to Jail. Mercy is the law not followed and I get off with nothing. Mercy however is not a reward. In the light of God his mercy does not send me to hell and his grace allows me into heaven. Here is a Verse to point us to this

But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ

God made us alive due to the mercy that he gave to us. He did allowed us to live to find Jesus and Grace was the door to Jesus. If God did not allow me to live to find Jesus grace would never of happened.

In the Bible a good man that did this was Joseph. He was sold into slavery by his brothers and yet when they came to him at the end he forgave and blessed them. He returned evil for good. He could of killed them in the hunger of the day but Joseph was good and mercy filled. In our lives many people wrong us. For me I think of Laura at work. I need to treat her better and show her mercy and if I do God is going to show mercy to me.

Here is Jesus words and lets make them the bottom line tonight

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.


Sunday, January 02, 2005


Seeking the Lord

Happy New year to the people all over the world. I went to see my Pal Dave Jones and his clan. It was a good time. Dave's wife Cheryl died last year and that was not fun to have to deal with. I am glad she is in heaven yet I miss her love and her debates and faith in the Lord. It is hard to go and face it when a loved one dies. It is not something that I want to deal with but I need to. I have lost many friends and loved ones. In this sin filled word death is a part. I am happy Jesus has dealt with death for me. I will get to that in my bible lesson.

My Vikes did not play worth anything. They make the playoff but they do not deserve it! I hope they get beat and the packers win the whole thing because I love Brett Farve. He is far worthy of a ring. I do not understand the Greatness of a man that does not win. We call Dante good but he does not win. I am not happy he is the Pro Bowl man. I think we can do better.

Bible time I am going though the book of Matthew. I am in the sermon of the mount a model sermon Jesus preached and one of the first in the life of Jesus.

6 Blessed are those who ;hunger and thirst for righteousness,
For they shall be filled.
Happy are those who hunger for rightouness. Happy are those who seek the Lord with all they have. It is a important thing to want righteousness but we need to seek it with all our heart souls and mind. Where can we find it. Righteousness is obeying the Laws of God. If you can keep all the commands then your righteous and fit for heaven. If you cannot do it then read on. How can you be righteous? It is all in the Lord Jesus and the bible. All of what God wants us to trust in the work of Jesus and the blood to give you righteousness.

2 Cor 5:21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
Note that we become by the blood of Jesus. WE ARE NOT RIGHTEOUS UNLESS JESUS LIVES IN US.

Yet to hunger for righteousness after your saved is to seek the Lord and obey him when he askes us to. Jesus is going to fill us as we seek to obey him and be close to him. We ought to be happy in our Lord and let him fill us with himself. Rightousness is the Lord so we need to have him ruling in our lives in seeking him. It is obeying the Lord in seeking him and allowing him to work on our hearts. Our seeking the Lord is showing him He is what we rely on to keep us and to make him our total desire.

Here is the bottom line tonight Do I seek Jesus to fill me with joy or do I look elsewhere? Do I hunger for the Lord to work on my heart so I can live out my faith? Am I filled in my walk?


The New King James Version. 1996, c1982 (Mt 5:5). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

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