Tuesday, January 31, 2006


James do not make the poor a second thought

Here are some things I wanted to hear Bush say tonight. We are going to build 10 new oil factories and I want all of the oil from our land. Also I ask you congress to pass a bill that makes it ok to drill in all 50 states. I call you to pass a bill that will ban all forms of abortion. We need a bill to set a new plan to stop the people going over the Mexican boarder. We need a bill to stop sex outside of marriage because that is a great way to solve the aids

I tried to get on Jims blog tonight and it looks like I am not going to make it. But I am declaring I am making the move to Los Angles. I have prayed and I feel it would a good thing to move there and go to a good church that I agree with. Grace in LA is the best church I know of. I love Macarthur’s teaching and I think it is time I move there and serve them. I also like the fact I would have biking weather all year long and I have a better chance at a good bible education. I did a few classes from Bob Jones and I am not in agreement with them in areas. Churches are not easy to find. They are really dry in St Cloud. I like discovery but I just need more Church. I went to my church and did not hear much about the cross. U know I need to be reminded of the cross. I think my pastor is good in preaching but like I say not enough times to hear the word. Speaking of the word lets consider a part of it

James 2 My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality. 2 For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine apparel, and there should also come in a poor man in filthy clothes, 3 and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him,
What would you do if a homeless man came into your church and sat next to you? How would we react? In the text tonight I think we are told how to react. We need to heed this folks and think about this issue I raise. We might need to look for the folks that might smell because they might need Jesus and if we tri to make their clothes a issue your going to lose them.
“You sit here in a good place,” and say to the poor man, “You stand there,” or, “Sit here at my footstool,” 4 have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?
I am not going to say that I have the excuse here to just go into a rage over myself and the way I used to dress but I could. I want to ask this. Am I ok with the people that do not look the part of a Christian or not. Had a gal at work that dressed weird but came to find out she loves Jesus. I looked at the outside and not the Heart. But I did not follow the bible here. Like how bout men that have long hair. Some think they are not right and I say to them to stop looking at the outside and start getting to know the heart of the man. Long hair is a issue at Granite City and it is not really a good thing to harp on. Friends I think it is not how one wear hair or what you wear, it if the king that is in the heart and the inside of you. Do you love Jesus with ALL YOUR HEART? I kinda hit this last night.
5 Listen, my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor man. Do not the rich oppress you and drag you into the courts? 7 Do they not blaspheme that noble name by which you are called?[1]

What if the Lord made a poor man to get saved and you make him feel bad and he does not get saved. What a bad thing. You might have the next Billy Graham or John Macarthur in a unsaved state and because you failed to obey Jesus he does not get saved. Here is tonight’s though, Be good to the poor because God is with us and he saves no matter how poor you are
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Monday, January 30, 2006


King changes you

Wanted some good music sung by operatic sopranos that love Jesus and want to share him. I am a soprano singer fan and I love it when they sing high. Higher the better and I love it when they soar in the notes and make the music pretty. I am looking for sandy Patti’s that are good at singing in Jesus for my collection. I prefer the national anthem sung by them. I am going to look to buy some of the cds and I really want to find good operatic singers and hymns sung by high sopranos.

I am so glad some are people out there are encouraging my life and try to follow the right things. I am going to and I intend to live my life for Jesus and him alone. I want to live in a way that is cleaner and healthier.

Lets get into the Bible and see how the Lord is going to work tonight.

1 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
If I was going to be fleshly I would love just to skip a few verses and not go into this but I am not going to because I need to listen to the word and obey the Lord. It is important to think and learn this word and live it. It is important to be humble when we read the word and learn that we just need to obey the bible no matter what. I think it is a process that you follow the great law and the rest kind of follows. If the Lord asks you to love and forgive that is the thing we need to do. But if you act and think you get close to Jesus by following the law your not right. You go to Jesus and follow him and fall deep in love with him. Jesus is going to change you on the inside and when that happens you change on the out. If you live for Jesus and live loving him then he is going to give you power to do as he asks. One reason I had to change my intake is not all think like this. Example, John has a habit that he wants to change and stop and he is not taking in the right teaching and he gets over it because he did it himself. He is taught the habit is evil and sin and whatever. He is told to stop it or else. Or John nas a habit and he wants to gain victory on it. He goes and prays asking the lord to change him and give him a way out of the habit. So he keeps praying and God begins to show him Love so John sees that and feels he has a home in Jesus. Slowly he reads and prays and the Lord changes his habit and all of a sudden John’s habit is gone. All he sees is the Love and work of Jesus and he thanks him alone and struggles yet every time he goes and finds Jesus firm and lovingly changes John’s life. John has grown deeper in Love with Jesus as Jesus shows John his face. Jesus gets all the fame and John sits in a place where he is changed from the inside out.

22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was.
It is good to read the bible and to study it but it has to make a change in our life’s. If you are not careful I think you need to know that God gave the standard that we are to follow in the word. However it is not pleasing to God if we do nothing and make bad choices. If I go out and not follow the word in forgiveness or on going to church I am not pleasing the Lord. God is going to work it out but you got to be willing to do as he asks and go where he leads. He empowers you to make the changes and guides you but he is not always do them you got to work out and be able to give in to a habit or command God asks of you. Many go to Church but are they active in bible reading and prayer.

25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.
26 If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.[1]

Many try to keep a moral law like No this and that and church 5 times a week and whatever. The money you give does not impress God or the code you keep. I do not think he is ever impressed with you. God is impressed that his son died in your place and your standing in him alone. We are constrained to do the commands when we are in the word and fellowshipping in Jesus and he works in our hearts to prove he is the leader. Your not the leader. Friends I doubt your goodness is good for Jesus. I doubt your church going has anything good if you’re not close to him in his word and obeying his heart for you. If there is sin in your heart you confess and you’re forgiven not if you change. God is going to change you and you need to rest in this.
Pure faith is going to visit the kids that need him. Pure faith is not to be in this world. People think that not going to movies makes them better or holier or the things you listen to makes you a better person. I say you’re already made a perfect person and your seprated to the lord because of Him and how he worked in you. I am not saying going to movies is a great thing but if you go bring Jesus with you. Listen to music that Jesus would. If your watching a late show would Jesus watch it. It does not mean also that all your external is not important but do not fake it and look the part but rather allow the Inside to change and the outside will to. Are you caring you your own that are not save? Are you helping the folk that go to the church that is not yours when they need food or a bit a babysitting? Are we going to the poor and helping them even if they are not able to make our church? Wake up that is our calling
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


James and the heros of the faith to me

Time for the official newspaper of Shadman to go out. Listened to Grace tonight and the sermon were on how people need to find folks in the church that are FAITHFUL as a way to be faithful. To the Lord Jesus. I think of Ruth Allen who went for years to South America and shared Jesus with unknown folks. I think of Paul Minter who is serving the folks in the land of Papua so they can have the word of God in the native tongue. I think of Al Barth who helped run our church for all the years and now the new blood that is going to run the church and reach the word for Jesus. Jesus uses all kinds of people like Arlene and Gary who taught the nursery kids. Hero’s to me going out to reach folks for Jesus and allow him to use their lives. Tammy who is married and is in China telling the folks they need a Love in Jesus. Brad who wants to go and reach this land for Jesus and Jake who gav e his life for the Middle East. All to me hero’s of my faith. Who have shown me a love for Jesus that makes them serve him full time. Laura who is a teacher in the area who did not fail to lead to Jesus. Erin who went to find Jesus in a way that might of cost her fame. All off you that I forget that serve Jesus. Ron and Tamara who serve in raising 3 kids to Love and adore Jesus. Heroes to me and shapers some to me and my faith in Jesus. David who lost his wife suddenly who went into a hard time came out top shining for Jesus our king.

I want to return to this passage I worked on and did not go over tons in my mind tonight for bible time

James 1 16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. 18 Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.[1]

1 All the good things in life are from the Lord. If a good thing is not from the Lord it is not good to have. All I have, am or ever will be is from God and I hope for God. My Job and all I am are from Gods hand. I am a steward of all the Lord gave to me and my job is to serve him in the way I do all that I do.

2God is changeless and he is not ever going to leave your side if you love him. He holds your hand and he gives you all you have. I must say that if your not saved still the more a reason to get saved because you ought to know who gave you all things and know that your not going to be in grace forever. It is not a wonder that I people are going to lose all in a hell it is a wonder that anyone is going to escape hell because of mercy.

3 It is Gods will that your saved. I think that no one is saved without God allowing it and no one goes to hell without Gods will in it. It is a mystery to me that God allows a person to go to hell. I am getting a bit into hard things but somewhere I am going to ask Jesus why is it that he wills a man to get saved but he allows them to not be saved. Like if Johnny an his friend get the same chance why did Johnny get saved and his pal reject? I never will firgure it out. Comment on your thoughts as I am not making the comments subject to my thinking.

So I take this out of James tonight and that is that I am not to ask why all the time but to trust and obey.
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Saturday, January 28, 2006


here os the reagen place and the line we went in to get into the airplane. We spent time with a couple that knew Jesus. It was a good tour of the plane.  Posted by Picasa

XComments are on and make them good.

12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. 13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.
1 God does not cause one to sin. Sin is out of the heart of man and Satan. I do not think the devil makes you sin either. It all falls on you and I. We rebelled and sinned and thus we need to pay for our sins. God does not want you to sin but when you do there is a time for you to repent and get right before the Lord. If you break a law of God and just one at that your damned to hell forever. I am a sinner and I need saving and if you read this so are you. Yes Grace saved you yet you do not need to sin. Friend in this passage is the truth God is going to give reward to all the folks that say no to the devil. Need I remind you of this passage?

I Cor 10 Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. 13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.[1]
Every time you are tempted you choose to sin, you always have a way out and when you take it you get a crown to throw at the feet of Jesus. I wonder do I always take the road out or do I seek the sin and do it. It is a good way to build my heavenly bank up so that there I am rich and able to see more of God. I see Gods goodness that he not going to make you sin but give you a way to escape it and gain a victory. If your tempted by a piece of candy then get it out of your life and out of your home.
14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.
If I see a gal that is good looking is it a sin to look and lust? It is but friend you need to learn to see the gals who are pretty on the inside. I know many things you might think you want. Kill your desires and you win. You replace the desire with a God thing or the Lord. I am a food man. I need to stop eating so much so I need not go to a buffet and be able to eat a good meal without the seconds.

16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. 18 Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of His creatures.[2]

I got to make this comment. Is salvation a Gift. If so then you have to see a gift is a gift from above and you cannot earn it. Jesus is going to give it to whoever believes IN him.
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
[2]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Friday, January 27, 2006


me at check point charlie  Posted by Picasa


my pal and I at the reagan thing Nice plane Ronny Posted by Picasa


phots you wan t?  Posted by Picasa








It’s a good day to be alive in the state of hockey. It is good to know I am going to be ok. I over drafted at the bank because I do not understand them and math, we got a new tuck in thing at work that spooked me out and I am still ok. I have a anchor to my life that is never going to fold and hurt me. Jesus loves you so much after a day like this and I am drawn to your rest. I just need to run to the Lord and ask him to be there and I know he is. I need him to keep me afloat and affirm his ways are the best and in times of sinking Jesus is testing me to see if I am his. I want to pass the test and prove his name. I want to do my study and know I am not a pastor so consult him for a deep meaning here cause I might get it wrong.

\Here is a take on the wolves trade

• This could be called “The Trade that Means Nothing.”Will either Boston or Minnesota be any better after they swapped seven players on Thursday? Probably not. Will they be any worse? Probably not. The T-Wolves sent high-paid Wally Szczerbiak, draft-pick bust Michael Olowokandi, center Dwayne Jones, and a first-round pick of the future to the Celtics. Minnesota gets high-scoring guard Ricky Davis (19.7 ppg), center Mark Blount, guard Marcus Banks, and forward Justin Reed. Szczerbiak (20 ppg) and Davis sort of cancel each other out on the scoreboard, and the T-Wolves make some gains at center. But overall, neither team jumps into contention in their division with this move
What do you mean that they are not going to compete for a division title? Half way the wolves are a pretty good club. Ok they are not really into the race. Still they are going to have room and a pick later. I am not sure why they got rid of Wally but It is to early to say we are out due to a trade. We got good players and less room in the salary cap.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Give Jesus more

Hi all you friends far and wide. I am talking to you from MN and I am home from the truth and life thing in CA. I will be putting photos here soon. I want to keep going in James. The views here are mine and I would ask you to read this and consult a pastor for more on James.

9 Let the lowly brother glory in his exaltation, 10 but the rich in his humiliation, because as a flower of the field he will pass away. 11 For no sooner has the sun risen with a burning heat than it withers the grass; its flower falls, and its beautiful appearance perishes. So the rich man also will fade away in his pursuits.[1]

James is not happy with some of the people that favor people in the church. We are not to glory in our good because I think we really do not have well in us. If we were going to give God our good compared to his we would have 20 bucks of good and God would have 5 billion. Jesus is the good and the one that we ought to glory in. He is the one that can give us the good we need. We need to be humble and rich in that fact alone. In the span of eternal life anything we have is like dirt because it is all going to fade. Money is nothing because Jesus is the one that gives it to all. I have a new Job thing I might take. It would be a blessing to have but if I get it it would be good to make cash but to serve others.

I look in another passage and find that a person is to prepare for heaven and friends there and not for friends here. Look at the people here and how he makes a way to trick the boss.

Luke 16 He also said to His disciples: “There was a certain rich man who had a steward, and an accusation was brought to him that this man was wasting his goods. 2 So he called him and said to him, ‘What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your stewardship, for you can no longer be steward.’
3 “Then the steward said within himself, ‘What shall I do? For my master is taking the stewardship away from me. I cannot dig; I am ashamed to beg. 4 I have resolved what to do, that when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses.’
5 “So he called every one of his master’s debtors to him, and said to the first, ‘How much do you owe my master?’ 6 And he said, ‘A hundred measures of oil.’ So he said to him, ‘Take your bill, and sit down quickly and write fifty.’ 7 Then he said to another, ‘And how much do you owe?’ So he said, ‘A hundred measures of wheat.’ And he said to him, ‘Take your bill, and write eighty.’ 8 So the master commended the unjust steward because he had dealt shrewdly. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light.
9 “And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home. 10 He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. 11 Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? 12 And if you have not been faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you what is your own?
See hoe he made the investments on earth. How much more shall we make investments in Jesus and heaven? Money is a tool for working for Jesus and nothing more. If we invest do it in time in the bible and missions, I want to make a dent in the places they have not heard the Love of Jesus. I want to see more people go to the places that need Jesus and Gods love. It would be good if people gave to missions more and helped the Lord be famous.

13 “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”0[2]

Jesus is where we serve and love and adore. I pray he will make a. value of me so I am able to serve him more and love him alone. Jesus not only wants to help he is my help
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
[2]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

http://shadrolfe.blogspot.com/I want to thank you for reading this blog. I want to think tonight about the book of James for a few weeks. It was a book written by the half brother of Jesus, Actually there is a lot of debate that wonders who wrote James. I am going to jump into to the passage tonight and give you my thoughts. I am not a pastor but I am writing what it means to me.

James 1 2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.
I have known this passage for many years. He is talking to people that are having hard times in life. When we have hard times how many times do I rejoice and see them as good things. James said we are to find joy in hard times. Why have Joy? They are going to make some fruit for us. It is something we all need is the patience of the Holy Spirit. Going in hard times is not fun. Matter of fact hard times make my fun go elsewhere. But God gives hard times so he can work out a plan that we know nothing of. I did not know when I lost my Job God wanted to use it to grow me. But he did. He used things to show my of some things I have to give in my life. I need to give up me. I have to give up and give in to the work of the Lord in my life.

4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

Trails give me wisdom. They help me in seeing life in a new way. Patience always pays off. I was at the bank today and I had to wait a long time. I was cashing my check and I was in a hurry but I was held up. I could of got mad but I stood and made a light comment and had a laugh. I handled it a different way and I think it was ok. My ride waited but he understood. Sometimes we wait to solve things because time is needed. God gives wisdom to. We need to ask the Lord for things we lack in that. Wisdom is found in his word. Proverbs is a good place to read for wisdom. But also reading the bible is going to help and the Spirit really is going to guide.

6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.[1]

I was going to Hollywood via the trains and bus in LA. I had asked the people how to do it and I got there and did not seek the right things and did not trust. I should of because they were right and the second time I did the right thing and learned a good thing. In my life with Jesus sometimes I need to blindly follow. I do things not trusting I am a double-minded man. I want to trust Jesus and know that his way is sometimes not a way I think is right but it is.

[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.



I was born in Durban, a city on the east coast of South Africa, where I lived almost all my pre-college life. My parents were “Christian” and from young I believed in God, my sinfulness and my need for Christ to save me. My fascination with nature made it easy for me to connect creation with a Creator; I knew God was great and was in awe of Him because His creation was amazing. He granted me child-like faith; simple, but trusting. My view of God was far too small though, and my understanding of the Christian life was horribly incomplete. I never read the Bible and the only teaching I heard was shallow. Though I was obedient to what I knew the Lord required of me through my time in high school– no drunkenness, drugs, sex, or fighting; I was ignorant of so much. My life was far from what it needed to be.

My parents separated when I was very young. My Dad moved to Simi Valley, started attending Grace Church, realized he wasn’t really a Christian, and got saved. He decided that he would only pay for my college education if I would go to The Master’s College for one year. I kicked and screamed at this “bribery,” got over it, and came. One year was the plan – one year and one year only. But the Lord had planned differently.

He brought me across the world to break me. He absolutely smashed me. Much tears and prayer in those first few days - much. I came face to face with His Word and the lives of Christians truly devoted to Him. I saw so much more of who He was and of what the Christian life was supposed to be. My attitude had to be that of Christ as He faced the cross – “Not my will, but Yours be done. Father, glorify Your Name!” (Luke 22:42, John 12:27-28) I had to give my everything for His glory, all the time, no matter what the cost. Those early days were a whirlwind! So much changed, so quickly! I learned and applied, learned and applied, learned and applied. Within a couple of weeks I knew I was going to stay for all 4 years. I had no clue what I was going to study, but I had to be at this place! I had to learn how to live as He wanted me to.

That was almost 4 years ago, and the Lord continued to use T.M.C in massive ways in my life. Equally He used Grace Community Church, Crossroads and the C.O.C. Bible Study in shaping me. It was through these avenues that God showed me His glory; painting His portrait right before my eyes through preaching and teaching that put Him on display, and through lives that showed me His infinite worth in how much they treasured Him. The grander I saw Him and His ways to be, the more I was changed.

Over time the Lord led me to become a Bible major, which progressed to “okay, I’m terrified, but full-time ministry it is,” to missions, and finally, to missions to where the gospel has never been before. I have a key-ring that is a little African mask. Scratched on the back of it is “Rev 5:9,” along with a drawing of a cross. This is why: The scene is the climax of all history, and the saints are gathered around the Throne to praise their Savior, Jesus Christ. They are singing “a new song,” “You are worthy… for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood, out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation.” One day Christ will be praised all the more not just for dying to save people, but for dying to save people from every people group, from the full spectrum of humanity. Why? Because of the awesome extent of His grace! Because of the grandness of His plan of salvation! Not only does His salvation extend to a part of the Earth, but to every part of it! His grace extends to those the world has long forgotten, to the primitive, poor and unlovely in the furthest corner of the globe. And it was His plan from the beginning! When He died He died to save people out of those remote tribes, and before the foundation of the world He planned to take the gospel to them through us, His body. Not just Jews will be united in their praise of Christ, not just Jews and Greeks; but EVERY tribe and tongue and people and nation! They will all be one in Christ and will praise Him together for eternity! An awesome plan, isn’t it?!

“Rev. 5:9” is on my key ring as a reminder. I want to give my life for this - to be the means God uses to bring one of these tribes before His throne, to see Christ receive praise from EVERY nation. He has died for these people; He has bought them with His blood. He is worthy this and nothing less!

Missionaries of old would yell back to shore as they left; “May the Lamb receive the reward of His suffering!” Indeed. May He receive His reward!


He is a good friend of mine and who I stayed with.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I am sorry for offending people I have ioffended and I beg your forgiveness.

Monday, January 23, 2006

It was a great trip. Seeing Mac was neat. Going to a game in the stples center was awesome. Going to the ocean was grand. A night club where tey did a lay about killing chickens made this funny. Going to see the airforce one really enjoyable. Even rides and seeing Macarthur good. I like Macarthur and like how he comes at things. I love the Cali trip and will go back in a heartbeat.
I will take home many pals I met here


kobe and church

I went to the Laker game where Kobe scored 81 points. It was a game for the record books. He is one of the most selfish players but to make everything he shot is a grand thing. I went to grace and it was a good sermon on money and how to give more to the Lord. I will make notes later. I am sad but I am happy to go and be home/ lots of mail and make money to come in a year if not sooner. Saturday we went to the beach and relaxed and then went out for steak. We migtr come and live here. I want to because I like the area and the people


Thursday, January 19, 2006

Ok I am relaxing here and it is cool. I am sleeping and told I snore oh my. So I am learning tons about the roles of Man Na Woman. We arte created totaly equal yet God made different roles for the 2 sexs. Mac went into sex today and it is in the book of SOng of soloman. God forbids you to do sex ouitside of marige but in the marrige you are to make it. God made sex to enjoy. It was made as a gift for mates to do it. I know sex is taboo in the christian world when it ought to be in marrige the best gift the Lord gave to enjoy.

I went to a hottub last night and after that a pool that was like ice. Caser you made me do it. Blame him for my foul.


Monday, January 16, 2006


trip is here

Monday, January 16, 2006
I am at a net center in hollywood and know I want to type up the first half of today. I went to the warner brothers tour and saw a lot of gilmore girls stuff . It was a real good tour to get behind tghe scenes. All you fans of Er I got a tour of that set as well. They use a ton of plywood and lots of paintr. wb did the freinds and we got to see that set to. I am hanging out in hollywood on the walk of fame. I got a photo of my and elmo. I am takeing a ton of photos on my digital thing so I am going to make a site for them. Kind of a thing is I am learning to take the LA transportation as you know I do not have a car. I am thinking fast here. No stars like I am praying for. I thing maybe on my mind is taking the bus here I am never sure so I have to bug the drivers and maybe in life I am not askiing the lord to guide me. There is the teaching

Well got to get back to the tour thing and hop out and see a bit more. I am packing lots in my plans each day and go to bed bout 9 out here.

welcome blogspot.
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
Hi I amsitrting with the host of vthis trip. It has been a fun morning of church but due to the no preaching clause I have you will not hear... Ok I am breaking the rule for me vto remeber. Mac talked on investing money for the cause of Jesus. I want to save also I want to give. It is a good time. I have moved to a new host Mike Roe. He is a man of God like Don. I am not being told the plans for the week but we get them later. It is a day of relaxing and Jesus. I am happy to report I am hav ing fun. Hot tub maybe tonigt. Mike would like to talk to you:
To all you fans of shadman, he is now in the house in Cali. Thanks to all the Minnesota brothers who have sent shad to us and to all you brothers in Cali, he's here for a short time so make sure to spend some time with Shadman. Peace Out, The Pirate.
So lunch and rest thznk you Mike for them comments and keep it real


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Saturday, January 14, 2006
I am going to say I am sorry for not updateing blog 1 as I am copying this on I think a tues and writing on saturday. THe net is not going to veasy to get for a few nights as bloogspot is not here tonight. Even so I am doing the best with what I am given here in the great trip. I hope to talk each night but you might read this a few days as I get this on the air. I went to the Reagan thing today and it was really a fun thing to see theplane. I got some movies of the trip and will work on getting them for you. We were on Kreamer Drive last night b ut unable to get a good photo. I thought that was a fun thing. At the reagan thing we took photos. I am going to bed soon as I go seed MAc in the morning.

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Hello from a raining warm day in LA. I am here safly and it was a good trip out. I am feeling good after a long day of travel and a night of hanging out with my pal Donvan, I flew over the grand canyon and listened to the stat spangled banned and to me that was a tear eyed thing. I sat at the place and smelled the 65 degree fresh air and it smelled nice. I said we went to a basketball game where the Masters won. I got to chat with Jess one of the players and we spoke how she wants to go to a bible school and go to work out side the USA teaching the bible. Today we aregoing to see the Reagen libary. It is where the vAir Force airplane is. I will shoot soine photos. I want to thank Ron fokr removing the blog thing. I think this issue is over and we move on. I need to say I am sorry for the mess.

The sun is now peaking out here. It is great weather and we migtht go and see Santa Barbra today but who knows. I am proud to be here and excited to hear Mac preach. Oh I was bumped off a flight so I got a 200 dollar ticket for another trip. I am gitty bout that. If I am able I come back in a year to the Truth and Life. Got to get back to my vaction and over

shadman Li ve from LA
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Sunday, January 08, 2006


Jesus is my song

Ok Iam not for evolution in the schools. It is a lie and if you teach it friend your lying. Also if you all keep delete ting me on your blogs I am not going to be happy. I am trying to make comments to make friends and your just deleting me. Am I not of your sect in the Lord? Is that a reason to not talk to me. Oh I get it I am not fitting into your mold of Christian so I am a outcast. I might think rock is good tunes and dome churches are preaching trash. Fine oh fine I am not going to say what you want to hear because that makes me a liar and I want to be real. I do not think the King James Bible is worth much and I have reasons. I am not going to attack you if that is your bible because that is not what I do. I do not care what kind of music you play or anything like that friend I care about telling you that Jesus is the only way to heaven and hell is for real and you need to make a plan to get a afterlife. It is not a joy to preach some of the things I do but I need to do it. We are in a battle for this land and the battle is one of culture. I am not going to sit and take this lightly I need to confront at times and share hard things.

It is master’s pre week and Iam excited for that. All you masters college kids say hey to me at truth and life. I am excited t o meet you and talk Jesus and get to know if anyone reads this thing. Maybe you got a idea for a study of a comment or two. I want to meet you because I read your papers and know your love for Jesus. I just happen to be doing a series in my time here on who is Jesus. I want to get back into a book study and I will go into a study of Paul’s book to the church at Philippi. It is a good book on the church and how to be a good church and it has many good things like how to think. We arte to think on good praise worthy things and I am looking forward in that study. I love the bible and want to always be learning all I am able and share it.

Here is the text for tonight and there are many to hit this point

Ps 40 3 He has put a new song in my mouth—
Praise to our God;
Many will see it and fear,
And will trust in the Lord.[1]

Jesus is our song. Songs are about things that are on our hearts and minds. Last time I talked about a song that dealt with worldly things. I said maybe the singer wrote about things he was happy about. I guess if songs are what is in our heart I want to sing all I am able about the one in my heart and that is Jesus. I think the same person said that like it love it has a good point about style of music. What style ought we listen to? I like many but I struggle with the hard rock that is Christian. But I do not think they know anything else and maybe that is a expression on Jesus for them. In tonight’s text Jesus has put a new song in the writers heart. It is a fresh song to Jesus for a new thing Jesus did in the person’s life. In the second part of this the writer gives a reason for the song and that is so others see it and they put their trust into Jesus. Music can cause one to put faith into Jesus.

Is 12 Behold, God is my salvation,
I will trust and not be afraid;
‘For Yah, the Lord, is my strength and song;
He also has become my salvation.’ ”[2]

In this text the writer is saying the Lord is his song. I think when I here the term YAH God is the one that is keeping his word. God is the salvation and he is the one that one does not have to fear but just trust in. Jesus is and can be your safety and your song. We are to sing to him because we love him and he has our hearts.

I hope you make Jesus a song today and email me or comment about the song you sing
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
[2]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.


Jesus is my song

It is master’s pre week and Iam excited for that. All you masters college kids say hey to me at truth and life. I am excited t o meet you and talk Jesus and get to know if anyone reads this thing. Maybe you got a idea for a study of a comment or two. I want to meet you because I read your papers and know your love for Jesus. I just happen to be doing a series in my time here on who is Jesus. I want to get back into a book study and I will go into a study of Paul’s book to the church at Philippi. It is a good book on the church and how to be a good church and it has many good things like how to think. We arte to think on good praise worthy things and I am looking forward in that study. I love the bible and want to always be learning all I am able and share it.

Here is the text for tonight and there are many to hit this point

Ps 40 3 He has put a new song in my mouth—
Praise to our God;
Many will see it and fear,
And will trust in the Lord.[1]

Jesus is our song. Songs are about things that are on our hearts and minds. Last time I talked about a song that dealt with worldly things. I said maybe the singer wrote about things he was happy about. I guess if songs are what is in our heart I want to sing all I am able about the one in my heart and that is Jesus. I think the same person said that like it love it has a good point about style of music. What style ought we listen to? I like many but I struggle with the hard rock that is Christian. But I do not think they know anything else and maybe that is a expression on Jesus for them. In tonight’s text Jesus has put a new song in the writers heart. It is a fresh song to Jesus for a new thing Jesus did in the person’s life. In the second part of this the writer gives a reason for the song and that is so others see it and they put their trust into Jesus. Music can cause one to put faith into Jesus.

Is 12 Behold, God is my salvation,
I will trust and not be afraid;
‘For Yah, the Lord, is my strength and song;
He also has become my salvation.’ ”[2]

In this text the writer is saying the Lord is his song. I think when I here the term YAH God is the one that is keeping his word. God is the salvation and he is the one that one does not have to fear but just trust in. Jesus is and can be your safety and your song. We are to sing to him because we love him and he has our hearts.

I hope you make Jesus a song today and email me or comment about the song you sing
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
[2]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Friday, January 06, 2006


hi there

Hi there it is a week till I go to the west on a plane. I am tempted to play some John Denver but I will not. I will play Great adventure by Chapman. I am not going to play John he was one strange man. He was not in to Jesus and he was a non-meat eater. Chapman is the real deal in the world of Christian music. Here is a man that lived the faith that he claims and does not make songs to sing and make cash. He lived the life. He went to the Far East that got 2 kids and brought them home. Chapman is one great songwriter. He also lives for Jesus and know his bible. I met him after a show at the target center. Steve is a good man that is telling to lost people they need Jesus so they Can go to heaven. If Christians would go out and tell 5 people the news that they can go to heaven every day we will see more people in the kingdom. I want to bring a short bible passage now.

Is 53 There is no beauty that we should desire Him.
3 He is despised and rejected by men,
A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him;
He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.[1]

I want to think tonight about Jesus who is called the man of sorrows. Jesus loves all the people in the world and unlike Calvin I think he died for all mankind. If Jesus provides a way to a sinner that does not repent that must just make Jesus sad. I think Jesus at times in his life was sad. He had to be sad when he sent the rich young ruler away. It must of hurt when Peter denied him in the way to Jesus cross. It has to hurt Jesus when one is lost and denies Jesus and Jesus who loves the person so much that is separated forever. Jesus is sad when he went to the cross to die for sin. I wonder for a little how happy can the lord be when people are in hell. Jesus being the one that was sent to save had to morn over Judas. Here is a man that committed suicide and Jesus loved him but he is in hell tonight. I think it must of hurt the Lord to see Judas go.

But then I look at my life and see the things I failed to do for Jesus and where have I made Jesus sad. Have a failed to give him the things in my life to care about. Have I told him he cannot have a part of me that I hold onto dearly? Jesus loves me a lot and I fail him so much. I ask you to pray and confess the times you make Jesus sad and ask him for help. shadman
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Jesus is the salvation and tunes

A friend last night said that the song like it love it and want more of it not a good son g because the son g id referring to sex. I think my friend is not right. It is a song that is talking about having a girl in his life and wanting to get more out of life. I think the Baptist are looking for reasons to make music bad. If you read the song you find there is not a sexual thing in it. Actually it talks about how he is going to change some habits to win the girl. People do not fall into this rock is evil trash because it is not evil. If the words are fine then I am on your side but I am not going to fall into the mindset that a guitar is evil or a dum is bad and is not right for church. I want to hear what you want to say on the music thing because it is a good thing to work out. I personally like all styles but when I am getting up for work I want to kick tunes that make me want to move. Dancing that is a big thing in places but not for me. I am not going to tell you to dance if your faith said you ought not. Masters College is a place where you sign a sheet and if you dance shame on you. I do dance to songs and I am not going to condemn it is also something I am not going to cut you out of my life over. Yet like I said if your church said do not dance you need to look at why. If your church said music is a issue I am wanting to know why. I have prayed about it and Jesus has not told me not to listen to music that I like and I do also read that dancing before the lord is ok. I need to say that you have the honor of your calls on this topic and if you disagree I want to know why.

I have made this decision that when I am in traveling I am not going to preach about Jesus or talk politics. I want to make this page open for people that will not come here and I am opening up to my family that will not read my site. I am doing that for them. If you want my bible thoughts I am going to run them on another site so you can read them. I am going to keep that up on another page because you need them to.

Hebrews 2 10 For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. 11 For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren,[1]

I want to think about Jesus being the captain of our salvation. He founded it and began our salvation. He made it happen is the reason that we are saved and why salvation is what it is. If Jesus did not die salvation would not be possible and God would not saved us. I do not even think heaven would be possible because Jesus is the only way to heaven. I mean that. If our Lord did not die God would send every human to hell. No he did not love us enough to not seek us without the sins. He would not overlook his wrath on sin if Jesus would not die. Jesus is the originator of salvation. I am not going to say that God had another plan. Salvation is Jesus dieing for your sins and your trust in that alone.
Captain is a term I thin k about in a army sense. We are part of the army of Jesus is the highest one that drafts you into his family. Captain is a term that is used to speak of a sports team and the one that talks to the ref about things. Jesus talks to God on my behalf and because I am his Jesus demands my sins forgiven due to his payment on the cross and not due to any good in my life. Jesus is the one that finds me and saved me and in the end he owns my life and the other one does not have a chance to have me.
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.


why evolution is bad

Call me whatever you want I will never give into any other faith than Jesus and I will never give science the right to overrules the Bible of Jesus. Jesus is truth at the cost of anybody or anything. I am not going to be swayed by anything. Here is a part of why we must fight this war

adman: I cannot think that nothing came to be everything it makes no logical since and when you say intellect design is not a option your whole whatever to me ioasa pure stupidly that makes it so you do not have to accept there is a Higher being thus allowing you to define and live any way you want. I think your evolution is a theory and a dangers one because you can thus liv e anyway you want
shadman: in this you have taken the truth of God out of the knowledge of schools and doing that makes all kids have to not live to a higher power. Making this a solid so called science and then forcing the schools to teach this makes it easier to make decisions that are wrong and live as their is not a God And that like it or not is killing the church and that is purely wrong. No God means you define the truth and to me that is horrid and will cost our land the freedoms to share Jesus and the gospel/
shadman: If your way is gone out it will mean no freedom to worship God because their is no god and then the government made by man can dictate the moral and allow people to go by rules like you cannot speak out and that brings many bad evil things like making gays ok or abortion s common. It is going to lead to dangerous things like assisted suicide and hell systematic killing of the old. All because their is not a common moral because their is not a higher power that leads the world. Dangerous and sick
Bottom line you give the rights to the people over 75 percent do not want their kids in classes that teach God did not make the world. If the people spoke and say they want something the majority makes the rules. If Gays wanted marriage we as the people of the states get the power to define and say no to them. It is not a free land to practice anything you want. We have laws that define a family and they are set their to rules. If you break them and try to change the definition of a family then you got to allow it to be defined by millions.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


goals and Jesus is the Lamb

I want to work hard in this next year to elect good solid people to the house and senate. I want to elect people that are going to fight hard for the3 common people and allow them to get jobs and earn cash for the goals that they have. I want to save 1500 dollars and 1000 for a trip next year. I want to keep a clean home. I want to read and do 2 bible books and talk on my blog 300 times. I want to give money for the 10/40 windows and I want to upgrade my tv set. I want to work out and make one person know and trust the Lord. I want to find a way to give 100 hours of my time to a good place that is going to help the homeless and share the gospel. I want to hand 52 tracts out this year. I want to email 100 personal emails out. I want to make 5 trips to Rochester and keep telling my family the truth about the Lord Jesus. I want to work 100 hours. I need to avg. 19 hours a week. At 6.50 a hour I will make 6500. If I do that and just give 500 and maybe a little over 10 percent I will make a 1000 into the kingdom. I want to read the bible 300 days this year.

17 And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. 18 I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death. 19 Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this. 20 The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches.[1]

I am not going to make this whole text part of my preaching but I am going to make this. Jesus is the first and the last. Jesus began the world and he ends it. All of history is that of Jesus. Jesus created this earth and has the power to destroy it. Also Jesus is the only God. If you want another God your making him, it, or her up and that is breaking the first command of God. God will not become Allah or Buddha on the last day. I hear it all the time they are all the same. No they are not and the true God is going to be Jesus has been Jesus and will always be Jesus. Also Jesus is the one that rose from the dead. No one in history has done that. Jesus has the keys to life forever and has the power to save all that believe in him.

John 1 29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world![2]

Jesus was the Lamb of God who alone took on the sin of the world. In the OT they knew this well. Each year the Jew had to kill a lamb until Jesus came and filled for all time this. Jesus was born to die for sins. It was the main thing Jesus did and that is die so that man could do before God. Jesus did not come to make your life easy he came to die for your sins.

Jesus is the first and last. He came to die for you and you ought to know him
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
[2]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Happy New Year

I am talking tonight from St Psul MN. I went to the New Year eve show at the Club 3 in Minneapolis. I got to see Rebecca st James in concert. It was a good show. All you I am trying to get some clips. I like the song if I had thing to say. She would say how loved we were by Jesus and I needed to hear that. I am going to get the songs inspired by Narnia as soon as I am able to. I saw the show and it was a good one. If you seen it I liked the part at the end where the lion rose from the dead and saved the day. It has the Gospel in the movie and I hope you will go out and do this movie and take 10 people to it.

I went to the Minneapolis CCC event and got to know they are reaching so many people with the News of the Lord Jesus. They are at 1800 kids from the 5 states and that is a ton of people that the Lord can use to tell others of the Lord Jesus. Please make it a habit in this year to share Jesus with a friend this year. I am going to remind you as much as I am able to share Jesus because the need is so huge to reach out. I want to make my life one of reaching out and making friends and telling the lost to come to Jesus.

At the show last night I stuffed my name in the drawing 5 times and I won 2 times. I could of won tickets the Third Day show but I gave them back. I did win a block of cds and a shirt. I liked the show and I might go see her in Duluth in March. I am going to e mail her and tell her I was not happy with the shirt see wore and explain to here she needs to were a shirt that does not show her shoulders. It is not right to wear that kind of thing.


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