Sunday, January 08, 2006


Jesus is my song

Ok Iam not for evolution in the schools. It is a lie and if you teach it friend your lying. Also if you all keep delete ting me on your blogs I am not going to be happy. I am trying to make comments to make friends and your just deleting me. Am I not of your sect in the Lord? Is that a reason to not talk to me. Oh I get it I am not fitting into your mold of Christian so I am a outcast. I might think rock is good tunes and dome churches are preaching trash. Fine oh fine I am not going to say what you want to hear because that makes me a liar and I want to be real. I do not think the King James Bible is worth much and I have reasons. I am not going to attack you if that is your bible because that is not what I do. I do not care what kind of music you play or anything like that friend I care about telling you that Jesus is the only way to heaven and hell is for real and you need to make a plan to get a afterlife. It is not a joy to preach some of the things I do but I need to do it. We are in a battle for this land and the battle is one of culture. I am not going to sit and take this lightly I need to confront at times and share hard things.

It is master’s pre week and Iam excited for that. All you masters college kids say hey to me at truth and life. I am excited t o meet you and talk Jesus and get to know if anyone reads this thing. Maybe you got a idea for a study of a comment or two. I want to meet you because I read your papers and know your love for Jesus. I just happen to be doing a series in my time here on who is Jesus. I want to get back into a book study and I will go into a study of Paul’s book to the church at Philippi. It is a good book on the church and how to be a good church and it has many good things like how to think. We arte to think on good praise worthy things and I am looking forward in that study. I love the bible and want to always be learning all I am able and share it.

Here is the text for tonight and there are many to hit this point

Ps 40 3 He has put a new song in my mouth—
Praise to our God;
Many will see it and fear,
And will trust in the Lord.[1]

Jesus is our song. Songs are about things that are on our hearts and minds. Last time I talked about a song that dealt with worldly things. I said maybe the singer wrote about things he was happy about. I guess if songs are what is in our heart I want to sing all I am able about the one in my heart and that is Jesus. I think the same person said that like it love it has a good point about style of music. What style ought we listen to? I like many but I struggle with the hard rock that is Christian. But I do not think they know anything else and maybe that is a expression on Jesus for them. In tonight’s text Jesus has put a new song in the writers heart. It is a fresh song to Jesus for a new thing Jesus did in the person’s life. In the second part of this the writer gives a reason for the song and that is so others see it and they put their trust into Jesus. Music can cause one to put faith into Jesus.

Is 12 Behold, God is my salvation,
I will trust and not be afraid;
‘For Yah, the Lord, is my strength and song;
He also has become my salvation.’ ”[2]

In this text the writer is saying the Lord is his song. I think when I here the term YAH God is the one that is keeping his word. God is the salvation and he is the one that one does not have to fear but just trust in. Jesus is and can be your safety and your song. We are to sing to him because we love him and he has our hearts.

I hope you make Jesus a song today and email me or comment about the song you sing
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
[2]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

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