Monday, March 31, 2008


bible thoughts


I like my dish job at SCSU. It is good for the pocketbook and good for me. I am hoping to keep working at there in the school time and hope to find a summer gig. I hope to keep working so I can save and give some to the Lord and go to Cali in the winter and see John Macarthur. I want to think about the bible and inspire you to read it and depend on it for all your needs.

You Bible is Infallible Authority. It makes no errors ever and it is perfect. God places all the words in the bible and he kept it for all time. Matter of fact the bible is going to last forever and it will always be the truth and nothing it said lies and nobody is right if they do not see the bible as error and if you think it is ok to not agree your in the wrong every time.

2 Tim 3 16 uAll Scripture is given by inspiration of God, vand is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for 3instruction in righteousness, 17 wthat the man of God may be complete, xthoroughly equipped for every good work.

All means the bible we have today. DO not add to it or take from it. God said what it is for. Doctrine means what the church teaches. If a church said it is ok to do something not taught in the bible leave it. If the person taught you not to read the bible and trust in alone I think your faith is lacking. Reproof, or rebuke for wrong thinking. Do you know it is wrong to say Jesus loves everyone the same? Bible teaches this. It is for us to learn how to serve Jesus. Nothing else is going to teach you what you are and what Jesus wants. The bible is for Jesus to teach us how to work in the right way and wrong way.

2 Peter 1 19 9And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a zlight that shines in a dark place, auntil bthe day dawns and the morning star rises in your chearts; 20 knowing this first, that dno prophecy of Scripture is of any private 1interpretation, 21 for eprophecy never came by the will of man, fbut 2holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit

No part of the bible is going to be used to tell you something that I do not get. One way to look at the bible and there is not 4 ways to look at it. If we do not agree we need to talk it out. People in the bodyt do not like to live this way and agree to disagree. This is not right in the matter of the bible because what the Lord wrote is the same for us all. The bible is always one message but Jesus might use one part of the word to you and me another. He has a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP that means God deals with us in many ways. But really the same thing and that is to love Jesus and serve him alone. The bible did not come from man it came from God and I think that every word in the bible is the very thought of God and the men who wrote it were given what to write from the Spirit and Jesus. So it means the same thing but Jesus might use it different to my life than your life.

One more passage to think about

Hebrews 4 12 For the word of God is hliving and powerful, and isharper than any jtwo-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is ka discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 lAnd there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are mnaked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.

The bible is a powerful thing and we need to see the power in our walk. It is sharp and its going to cut you up in the showing you the bad things you might be doing or showing you the sins you need to work on in the walk. God wrote parts of the book so you can know what he wants and what the Lord wants to change in you. The bible is a Judgment thing to so you know what things the Lord wants you to not do and what he is looking for you to do. We are going to account for all the things we do so we got to live like we want to give that day to the Lord and we did our best and we Loved him in all we did.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Goverment thought

I live in the area of the Minnieapolis where this last year we had a bridge fall down about 80 miles away. So they went ahead and for the safety of the area they closed the major bridge here in my town. So our stupid rap said she is not going to go after the cash to pay for a new one. Ok She is not a good leader and I am not going to vote for her stupid insane butt for this fall. If Patty runs I would rather she got in and thought. Our current one got in as the Christian right winger and she thinks this is going to win her another seat but I sayt she is bad news and I am not going to go for her trash again. She is not for the people and leading in a way that shows she is a Christian and did not get a bill into law for the marrige thing she was sent to do. She never is good and she went to Mac Hammond place and he got a little trouble for her. She is not good for the place she wants and it is my hope she is gone in November.

I think to many folks have made the government God. People the State is not God but is a tool for God. We are way to dependent on the state to pass laws to take money from one and give it to another. It seems in this election instead of going to the maker of life to take care of us we have folks that want to have the government do it. The church is to take care of the poor not the goverment. It is not welfare that is going to do it for people it is the church and the gifts in the church that ought to do it. But now the faith people are shunned to help because of the church state thing which to me is not a good reason. Jesus said to pay in and we all do. More I think about this tithe thing the more I think we ought to make is 15 percent so 5 percent went to feed folks and care for the people out sharing Jesus in lands all over the place. But I am getting of the thing I think we are thinking on tonight. We as the kids of Jesus are to feed the poor and help not the goverment. I think we all need to go to a place that adopts kids and do that. We need to give to places that do the work of the poor as well as share the Gospel.

Do you know that all leaders in history were part of the plan of God and we are to obey them and do as they say. We are to follow the laws they make for us and if we do not they have the duty to place a fine on you and you need to pay it. Take your car, you got to have a thing to drive it, then you pay the government for the gas you take into it, pull out of the gas pump and your told to keep the car at a speed so it does it right. Then you park it and pay the government for the space and then drive home on a road paid for by the gas you paid for. We are to pay taxes and if you use the church to not pay them not a good thing. SOME LEADERS I am going to ask the Lord why he placed them there. Like the bad ones. God did them all.

We are to honor the king, even if we do not agree with him or her. We are to pay the tax of this world and the Lords world. But we are not to be in the world and part of it. I think we ought to not send kids to schools that do not teach Jesus and his rule. I think the government schools are putting junk in kids minds but if we need to raise our kids into the Bible and the truth and the government by being God in the schools are telling the kids lies and bad ones at that. We are told Evolution is truth and it is a lie from hell and in my mind the reason many of you are not solid out for Jesus because Dawin placed doubt into may minds. If we did not have evolution we do not have a war in Germany and we do not have the Holocaust. It also is a thing people thing God is dead and it leads folks out of the Love of Jesus and into hell.

Obey the leaders and pray for them and vote for the rightous people knowing all leaders are from the hand of Jesus

Saturday, March 29, 2008



Why is it that all the baseball things do have you pick Pitchers and no teams have a all offence things. If I knew people I would make a game where pick 10 players and go on the hits and runs. I would think that would be a fun league. I find on Yahoo the teams all have to have pitching and not just hitting. I do not want to have to trade for them all the time. So if you play the games you got to invite me. Baseball is a lot like the chrisitan life where it is a marathon. WE GOT TO KEEP AT IT WITH THE LORD. We got to be that way in the game of baseball. Players go in and do the same thing day after day and do the basics and we got to follow the Lord the same way. I think many things in life are found in the wonderful game of Baseball. We all win at the game of life and we are all reaching for a better life as is the games of baseball.

I am not a fan of the DH so I am a NL man but my home team is the twins. I also love the Cubs and the Dodgers and Ihate the Yankees ( but I love to watch them). I am thinking about keeping the three in a chart and see who does the best. I love Joe Mauer, Jonny Damon, and the great Justin from the Twins. I like them to win the whole thing but a I94 series is not going to happen. I would love it if it did. I would go nuts and love to cover it. I would like to think on the Twins more on my page but who knows where I am going to go.

I got a team or two so email me for the things.

Go to church this week and then let me know how it is and what the Lord is going to do for you this week.


Friday, March 28, 2008


Bible is the truth

Here is tonights thoughts from the Shadman who is a Christian that is a Bible only one. I am of the thought that the bible alone is the words of God and it is the thing we must follow to be in the faith and if we go outside of the bible I think the person no longer is inside the truth and he is outside of the faith. It is not from any creed of man this faith is but all of the faith is in the bible and this is the truth. Creeds do nothing for me and the pope has nothing to do with the sin of mine it is a issue of Jesus and the bible. The bible is not a idea or just a book it is the living breathing very words of God meant for man. Every word is a direct word from the Lord and is meant for us to read and obey and to fail to is to not be part of God though the blood of Jesus.

I trust the bible as the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God.

Inspired word of God. God wrote the Bible. Every letter is the thoughts of God and nothing in the bible is not from God. He told the writers what to write. In 66 books we have the complete bible. Not one error is found in the bible as God has presevered it perfectly. Nothing is ever to be added to it or taken from it

Infallible Word of God you can totally trust in the bible as being from God and it will never change. No mistakes in it. Man did not mess it up God wrote it and we obey it. It is perfect and ANYTHING that takes this book away is a cult and not of Jesus. Popes NEVER add to it EVER. God will distroy ones that add to his perfect word.

Here is a paper of this topic to read and this is right

The Word of God was written by ordinary men, but they were men of God who were under the influence of God’s Holy Spirit.
2 Peter l:20,21  says, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation.  For the prophecy came not in old times by the will of man: but Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."
2 Timothy 3:16,17 says, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."
THE BIBLE IS SUPERIOR TO OTHER BOOKS in its origin, formation, doctrines, principles, claims, moral tone, histories, prophecies, revelations, literature, present redemption and eternal benefits, and its general contents.
IT’S INFLUENCE IN THE WORLD:  It has blessed millions in every generation, made the highest civilizations, and given man the highest hope and destiny.
THE CHARACTER OF THOSE WHO ACCEPT IT:  The wisest, most godly, and honest of men acknowledge it as God’s Word.
ONLY INFIDELS, and the ungodly reject it.
MAN COULD NOT HAVE WRITTEN the Bible if he would, and would not have written it if he could.  No critic of scripture has ever been able to improve or disprove it.
GOOD MEN MUST HAVE WRITTEN IT.  It condemns all sin and records the sins and faults of its writers as well as others.
ALL MAN’S PRESENT AND ETERNAL NEEDS ARE MET BY THE BIBLE.  Redemption and promised benefits have been given to all generations and this will always be so.
SECULAR HISTORY:  Many pagans as well as Jewish and Christian writers confirm the facts of the Bible, quoting it as being genuine, authentic and inspired of God.
FAITH IN GOD’S WORD will transform your life:  His Word will give you the keys to success and happiness.  God’s Word is life changing and will penetrate the hardest of hearts, making a man a totally new person (2 Corinthians 5:l7).
OUR NATION IS GREAT because of the profound faith of our forefathers in Almighty God.
GEORGE WASHINGTON:  "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible."
ABRAHAM LINCOLN:  "I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man.  All the good from the Savior of the world is communicated to us through this book."
DOUGLAS MCARTHUR:  "Believe me sir, never a night goes by, be I ever so tired, but I read the Word of God before I go to bed."
WARNING:  The book is habit forming, regular use causes loss off anxiety, decreased appetite for lying, cheating, stealing, hating.
SYMPTOMS:  Increased sensations of love, joy, peace and compassion.
I CHALLENGE YOU to read:  John 3:16, Romans 3:23, 6:23; 10:9,10; 1 John 1:9; 2 Corinthians 5:17 then ask Jesus Christ to come into your life to be YOUR Lord and Savior. Your life will be completely changed.
* Some quotes above were from Dakes Annotated Bible.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Last time I taked on how we need to kick people who sin out of the church if they do not repent and get right before Jesus. In returning to the text I need to back up in 1 Cor and go over the last chapter and that is chapter four and what is in it.

This chapter is about workers in the work of the Lord or full timers in the faith. I like to think that is the people that run the church and have the job of leading us in our walks. I see folks that think Pastors do not have authory over the church and I think to the most part the Pastor is the leader of the folk and the leader is to serve the Lord and shepred the people the Lord places in the church. Paul was the leader of many but his leadership is going to be judged by the Lord and how we follow the leaders is going to be judged by the Lord. I think the most important thing in the life of the saved is did they remain Faithful to the Lord in what the Lord called them to do or did they give up and quit. Will Jesus find you in him when he comes or away from him? Will you stay true to what the bible tells you to do or will you go on to the ways of men or popes and be anti bible. Many are in this race will not be in it at the end and this is going to displease Jesus and he is going to deal with you.

We are not to try to please anyone but Jesus because he is the only one that is going to matter in the end. I get into the trap of living my life to make others proud of me and I am not the one who ought to be prideful it is Jesus who is going to have my life and he is the onlyt one I need to live my life for. Last night I talked on how the church is to kick out the sinner and I was kicked out of a church that I spoke out and thought they were not right. Now in the end I am not right in the way I might of handled it and I think the church does not run the best and does not agree with some of the stands I might take but I am going to be the Lords to deal with it in the end. I need to look to Jesus and please him and not man

I want to end tonight thinking about the fox book of martyrs and tell you I read some of it today. I think of the people who died for Jesus and I think of the people who died in the light of not agreeing with the Pope, I know some people of that faith and I do not like any part of the office of the Pope because out of his office has come blood of the true saved chruch and I think Rome and the Popes killed millions who did not go their way and for years denied the bible to the common man. I think it is wrong to be one in the faith with the Pope and rome and it is wrong to unite in Jesus with the Hertics in the Roman Church. Futher if one does unite and embraces a false faith in this time he is going to be judged in the sins of the faith. Catholics are not part of the true body of Jesus and for us to embrace this false cult is to embrace I think the cult that leads billions to hell. They do not embrace Jesus as the one who died for all of mans sins and add works to the work of Jesus on the cross. I feel this is the slap Jesus in the face and the mass is a bad thing that murders Jesus every day they do it every time. People who embrace this practice are embracing the very Judgment and wrath of the one who killed his son for the sin. Mary is not anyone to honor and the pope is a bad person who is nothing but the office of Antichrist. Repent all of you and get right before a Holy God.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Is your faith strong enough to do as the bible taught in the church? I do not think this is for folks that take light the truth that a man in Jesus is excpected to cut the saved off if they are causeing a church to stubble. Okay we do not like to hear this but I am going to preach this because it is in the bible and if you do not obey you need to think why?

Matt 18 15 “Moreover oif your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, pyou have gained your brother. 16 But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that q‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.’ 17 And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a rheathen and a tax collector.

If a brother which is a christian sins and it is serious you go to him and talk it over. IF he repents then your done and nothing has to be done. For this talk lets say Jack is sleeping with gals that are not his wife. If this happens and he is a member of the body you go to him and tell him this is wrong and to knock it off. Jack repents and does not do this again the issue is over and he is back in fellowship. Or if Jack thinks it is ok and does not repent of this sin you are to take 3 and confront him and pray with him and hopes he repents and if he does it stops there but if Jack still does this he needs to be hit hard. It goes to the church and the whole church is going to know this sin and if this wakes Jack up fine but if not Jesus said to kick him out and give him over to the devil. Jesus did not say accept him in his sin but to kick him out of the church until he is repenting and gets it right.

In the book of 1 cor Paul said to give this man to the devil so that his spirit might be saved. If the flesh is gone fine the Spirit is going to be saved. Jesus who built the Church is the king of it and if he said we do this it must be done or the church is not true to the bible. Now I think this is something many of my6 readers are going to get on me about I am to negitive or I ought to love instead of kick someone out. I say Jesus set this up and Jesus is the one that made this rule and if we serve him we do as he said and if we do not do this then your church is a false place and I say your in need of a church that is going to do as the bible said to do.

So I want to say why I think this is to be done for people. We need to plan to restore the people into the Family and to teach them that sins have to be dealt with. We need to share Jesus with people and we need to learn Jesus has died for sins and the freedom makes us not want to sin. Another issue in the church is the issue of female pastors. I think this is another thing we let go when Jesus said no to them and if he said no then that is the rule. It is not a culture thing it is do we love Jesus then we obey him no matter what. Bible said the woman is not to be pastor. Jesus wrote the book and the book does not allow the female to lead the male. It is the way of God and not the world. We do not obey the world views in the Church we are not of this system we are in Gods kingdom. If the females are pastors I do not think it is ever the plan of God. I do think the females have roles in the church and they need to teach other females, sing in the church choir, teach the kids and if the woman does teach in the pulpit I think she needs to wear a hat to show she is submitting to the male Pastor. She can speak in church if the Pastor of the Church is there and okays it. She can teach the bible to kids (but I do not like a lady under 40 to teach any kids under 30 due to sex issues and hormones) I have problems with lust and mixing the roles of males. I think it is best if growing is between the same sex always. Like your woman grow with the woman and the man and man. I think the ladies witness to the females and man the males but the gospel is ok to share with the other sex, heck woman in my life have shown me the truth and all my major decisions in Jesus were influenced with females on fire for Jesus. So for me I think this and I think the bible teaches the Male is the leader. Now females can sing solos and worship in the group. My church has a female worship leader so I got no problem if they have that role. But not the mail leadership ands not the pastor.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Reasons we need to fight to win the war in Iraq

1 We have to keep the voting rights for thre people we freed and then we need to make sure the oil is in the hands of people that are going to evenly get the oil to the people

2 We will show the muslims who want to kill us and are a bunch of folks that want a holy war that we will give into the demands and they will go and take over and make them fight us in war.

3 Iran is not going to respect us and will try to nail Iraq and take over and enboldern the Iraian needs and wants for bombs they will use to kill Israel (which is the Land of Jesus and the bible and God will mess this nation up for not protecting Gods Land.)

4 We must keep the land free of the Muslims and the muslims stylle of government which will make woman not free and will demand all worship Allah who is a false god and sends people to hell.

5 We need to not allow a civil war and need to stay there to protect the three groups until they work out the different things and embrace a free election. WE STAY TILL WE FINSH THE JOB IF IT TAKES 10 YEARS

Comments welcome but I am going to smash it until you agree.

One of my pals told me the story of a man that had a ternmal illness and was going to die in a few weeks. The doc showed him tons of signs that it was clear this man is going to die.

I love the methods of way of the master. I think to not like them is not a good sign. They are fun to listen to and got good thoughts on shareing the faith that I have and they do something that is so important and that is to clearly explain the problem of the non saved. It is the truth they are sinners and they need to repent. If that does not happen then there is not going to be true salvation. Salvation is not easy to get and like the people of this day they think that all one needs if Jesus and they are in. And if you do not explain to folks the sins they are doing what does one need to get Jesus for. I am not sure one is able to ask Jesus into a life until there is a broken heart over sin. Until you know your a sinner you do not need Jesus. Jesus is the cure of the need for the sinner. If we do not present the problem the cure makes no possible sence and if that happen folks are going to come to Jesus and miss it all.

Jesus said that many are going to call him Lord and not know him. It is not to far out of the way to think they never got the true news and thus the sins are still there. If you get into Jesus your going to learn that you sin far too often and you really need to draw close and learn that Jesus is your life line. And the bible said one must have Jesus Lord over life to get saved and if he is not the Lord he really does not have you. If you come to Jesus you become his slave and he can ask you to do whatever he wants to. I was asked today to change jobs in my company and guess what I am the slave of Jesus and I do what the boss tells me and I get to keep my job. If your going to get saved you do as the bible said and follow the Lord and do as he tells you to do and you walk close to him out of a grateful heart for he did it all so you can get saved and live in him. We all ought to read The Gospel according to Jesus by Macarthur because it is just right on and it might see we need to share Jesus with the Lost and then we can feel good and know that we need to see the truth that sins are offending God and had to be taken care of before we move in to Jesus and get closer to him. Sin has a price every time you do it if your saved or not it still is serious and you did not get saved to go ahead and sin. Far from it your saved to sin less.

Oh My pals doctor said that there is a drug he could take and it will fix the problem. DO you need to fix the proble of sin>

Friday, March 21, 2008

If your church is into tithing it is time to leave it and go to a place that is a free will giving church. My church is into tithing. I think we are to give freely all we can to the work of the Lord and to the poor people. If your pastor is telling you the tithe is the truth I would ask him about the tax of the people and point to that as the tithe. I want you if you think 10 percent is the way to go ahead and be a person who goes by a standerd of law. I posted a site of a group that would love to have you. Baptists are into the law and limit your freedom in Jesus and that is just not okay. Many of them read this and one told me I am bad because I do not use the bible they think is the right one and I point out the reason they shamed me which is disgusting and so not of the bible. If you are young in the faith steer far from the king james only people I mean far because they just are not good to listen to. I know Brother Tim is going to go and have a fit but you know what I need to just shame him in that Jack Hyles (who did no good with the sectary and got a divorce and still was pastor at his church which is a sin and reason I am never going to trust them). I expose.

I think they mess up in the thing called Grace. Grace is so awesome and it is the plan we live under after the cross of Jesus. Grace is freedom to go to God on your own and not fear the sins you have. Jesus in mercy withheld the hell you had coming but grace gives you the things to live this life and the freedom yo have all of Jesus in you. Grace is the free gift of Jesus you have after you are saved. It is the rich God giving you all he is because you are not just saved in the cross but given the right to be the very son of God. Sonship means you are the child of God and the one who made you becomes your dad. It is not closer than that the Lord is your daddy and takes your needs and fills them by his riches. And this is free just because God is good and takes care of his own. God does not look at you in your sins and the next preacher who gets this wrong is going to get me on them because in Jesus your not what you are before you get in to the faith. God takes all your sins and forgets them, If you got sins and you are in Jesus confess them and forget them they are forgotten and your free of them forever. It is under the blood and gone live as if you do not have to do them. If your forgiven how dare you go do them again people because Jesus died and you just can get free grace. Not going to happen if you know the Lord you want to not sin and learn to be more holy. If your living in sins your not growing in faith and the bible wonders if you know the truth of Jesus. If you keep sinning anddo not feel bad its asign you might not have Jesus. Here is what the bible said
Romans 6 What shall we say then? aShall we continue in sin that grace may abound? 2 Certainly not! How shall we who bdied to sin live any longer in it? 3 Or do you not know that cas many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus dwere baptized into His death? 4 Therefore we were eburied with Him through baptism into death, that fjust as Christ was raised from the dead by gthe glory of the Father, heven so we also should walk in newness of life.

We do not sin to get more grace, we are dead to the sin we need to walk clean before the Lord and work not to sin. We are to walk in the newness of life and if we fail we need to see if we have new life

Thursday, March 20, 2008


y Jesus died

I want to think a little on the last supper and why we have it and the truth of it. On the last night Jesus took the passover bread and blessed it and said this is the body we take it and eat for the remerber him by it. When I take the bread I think of the life of Jesus and the truth that Jesus lives and what did in his life to bring hope to people and heal all the people he did. I think of the walks Jesus took and when he went to the nations that people did not walk and I wonder what would I like do when he would of come to my town. In the cup I think of blood Jesus shed for my sins and how he died. I think of the ones that mocked Jesus and how the people could of took him away from the mission but Jesus did go to the cross and die. I think of the evil of the death of God but how it took the sins of the people who trusted this to go to heaven and nothing else in the universe is able to get one to the heaven we all need. If one trusts in Jesus they are saved forever and the thing they are living for is the hope of heaven and rewards there. I think of Justifiyed in Jesus and how the blood alone and nothing else is going to save me from my sins

It is the MERCY or the withholding of hell we think of this night. God could of demanded that we go and pay sin off and the price is hell forever. One sin is sin forever and many of you might not have the mercy of God to cover your sins and if not you can message me and I will share that with you. If your not saved it is the day you ought to Jesus and get out of the path of hell. If you are saved will you share with someone today the hope you have in the death of Jesus today? It is a good thing to share this with people and invite them to know Jesus and be saved.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I want to think for a few days on the truth of the salvation and death of Jesus because it is that time of year and I think it is the reason we have what we all have. If this deaht of Jesus did not happen we all would be nothing. I want to talk about salvation and one thing in the death of Jesus we need to know is why did Jesus die. I think many do not get this in the church today because the church has a so much junk in it. Jesus was in heaven and did not have to die for us. Jesus who is God came down as a baby in the feed place for cows and was God at his birth. Then Jesus lived a sinless life in where he did not ever sin in any way and was God in the flesh. He that lived forever in heaven who had the right to never die was arrested and then went to a mans court, the ones he made and was put to the worst death painful whipping and hard time on a cross for the forgiveness of the people that killed him. Actully God took your sins and gave Jesus the full punishment for them. Jesus paid a blnk check to your account for every sin you would commit and all you need to do is accept Jesus as your LORD and savior. Now Jesus did not die for you to be rich in this world, He did not die so you have a free pass for heaven and can live anyway you want and he did not die so you can pay for your sins in a way and pray to the false Mary who never forgave any sins. Jesus did not die so you can tons of cash.

Jesus death makes it possible for you to have every blessing in heaven and assurance of forever in him. But you need to make some steps. Jesus asks you to give up everything and to follow him. He did not ask you to pray a prayer and get eternal life he asks you to be willing to give up you and live for his glory alone. He asks you to be his slave forever and serve him and forever by doing his plan. It is one thing to just get fire insureance and it is better to take the gift of faith and walk it out in every thing in life. Jesus said it is obeying his word and falling in love with Gods plan and walking that the walk is awesome. Not that it is going to be easy, if it is easy than it might be your not getting into the right plan with your walk. It is a hard thing to die to you and live for Jesus, It is impossible to if your not tight with Jesus. Please do not just get into Jesus and rest in him go after Jesus with a passion and do not swtop and when you shine tell the news. Do not live your life to just get in to heaven live with love and share Jesus and do all he asks you to. Die to you and live for him and read the word over and over and get in into your heart and live with passion for Jesus.

Make Jesus your lord and live alone for his Glory and pleasure, do not live for people and the approval of them because they are going to let you down BIG TIME. Jesus does not let you down when you live alone for him. Trusting him alone is the best thing you will ever do in life. Make him Lord and watch him grow you into a person of Him and one that shares Gods Love with this world. Jesus died for you you need to live for him and him alone.

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