Monday, March 24, 2008

Reasons we need to fight to win the war in Iraq

1 We have to keep the voting rights for thre people we freed and then we need to make sure the oil is in the hands of people that are going to evenly get the oil to the people

2 We will show the muslims who want to kill us and are a bunch of folks that want a holy war that we will give into the demands and they will go and take over and make them fight us in war.

3 Iran is not going to respect us and will try to nail Iraq and take over and enboldern the Iraian needs and wants for bombs they will use to kill Israel (which is the Land of Jesus and the bible and God will mess this nation up for not protecting Gods Land.)

4 We must keep the land free of the Muslims and the muslims stylle of government which will make woman not free and will demand all worship Allah who is a false god and sends people to hell.

5 We need to not allow a civil war and need to stay there to protect the three groups until they work out the different things and embrace a free election. WE STAY TILL WE FINSH THE JOB IF IT TAKES 10 YEARS

Comments welcome but I am going to smash it until you agree.

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