Saturday, September 30, 2006


Hebrew 12

I am happy that MLB has set the record for the people going into the gate. I like the truth we are going to the ball parks and making pro sports go. So If you never have went to a game on pro sports go out and get seats. It is good for all sities that have teams and will help the money of the cities. I have not worte for a little while so I owe you some news. I went to the Twins game this week and we lost to them royals. I am ok with the loss for now being we made the playoffs.
Last time in my study I got into a grove and I painted the passage a way that shared the gospwel but I want to go back and sort of do more work on it.
Hebrews 12
18 For you have not come to the mountain that may be touched and that burned with fire, and to blackness and darkness and tempest, 19 and the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words, so that those who heard it begged that the word should not be spoken to them anymore. 20 (For they could not endure what was commanded: “And if so much as a beast touches the mountain, it shall be stoned or shot with an arrow.” 21 And so terrifying was the sight that Moses said, “I am exceedingly afraid and trembling.”)
In the bible most of us know the 2 major parts are the old and the new. Old is then this passage is referring. Actually the law is one of 7 times and parts of the history of God. Here is also how the father is to be aproched. God is to be gone to with fear and trembling. God is holy and in that time he wanted to paint that to us. For most of history God has been hidden and not able to live in the common man or for that matter any of man. Our earth being 10000 years old 8000 of those years the Lord God was not as he is today. For 8000 years God dwell in a temple and not with the common man.
In this time our race was shown we were hopeless sinners and we have no hope unless the Lord gave a reason. But in the world only Jews were choosen to know God meaning every other race of people did not have any access to the truth. Many think calvinism is not true but when you ponder the God of our faith did not choose people to follow him or have a chance friend your mind will be changed.
22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, 23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, 24 to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.1
We also need to look more at the terms here: Mount Zion is the place of grace. Heaven is where this is and if you made Jesus your lord you are going to heaven forever and that cannot be taken away from you in any way. The firstborn church of the living God is what you the saved are a part of. If your saved you inherit the total of everything in heaven. If your saved your name is in heaven and cannot be erased out of the book of Life. Born twice is the truth of this. Blood of the sprinkling is the bllod Jesus gave at the cross for all your sins. In the old you had to kill a lamb in the temple for the blood to be applyied to your sins and now Jesus blood is the blood that took all your sins away and made a way for you to go into the throne room of the Blessed Holy God who is feared and I tremble at. This God is now able to be boldly gone to and forgives your sins and dwells in your heart. Jesus cleans you to the point where your sins are gone and you can be with GOD forever.
Here is a thing I am going to hit later but I want to note on now
Replenish The First Dispensation: Innocence. Man was created in innocence, placed in a perfect environment, subjected to a simple test, and warned of the consequences of disobedience. He was not compelled to sin but, tempted by Satan, he chose to disobey God. The woman was deceived; the man transgressed deliberately (1 Tim 2:14). The stewardship of Innocence ended in the judgment of the expulsion from Eden (Gen 3:24). For notes on the other dispensations, see: Conscience or Moral Responsibility (Gen 3:7, note); Human Government (Gen 8:15, note); Promise (Gen 12:1, note); Law (Exo 19:1, note); Church (Acts 2:1, note); Kingdom (Rev 20:4, note); also Gen 11:10, note.
7 dispensation
1 incent
2 Human government
3 Promise
4 Law
5 Church
6 kingdom
Note them and I am going to go into them. In bible study we need to define them because things are not the same in all 7
Again this is a good thing to note
Covenant The Eight Covenants, Summary: (1) The Edenic Covenant (Gen 2:16, note) conditions the life of man in innocence. (2) The Adamic Covenant (Gen 3:15, note) conditions the life of fallen men and gives promise of a Redeemer. (3) The Noahic Covenant (Gen 9:16, note) establishes the principle of human government. (4) The Abrahamic Covenant (Gen 12:2, note) founds the nation of Israel and confirms, with specific additions, the Adamic promise of redemption. (5) The Mosaic Covenant (Exo 19:5, note) condemns all men, “for all have sinned” (Rom 3:23; 5:12). (6) The Palestinian Covenant (Deu 30:3, note) secures the final restoration and conversion of Israel. (7) The Davidic Covenant (2 Sam 7:16, note) establishes the perpetuity of the Davidic family (fulfilled in Christ, Mat 1:1; Luke 1:31-33; Rom 1:3), and of the Davidic kingdom over Israel and over the whole earth, to be fulfilled in and by Christ (2 Sam 7:8-17; Zech 12:8; Luke 1:31-33; Acts 15:14-17; 1 Cor 15:24). And (8) the New Covenant (Heb 8:8, note) rests upon the sacrifice of Christ and secures the eternal blessedness, under the Abrahamic Covenant (Gal 3:13-29), of all who believe. It is absolutely unconditional and, since no responsibility is by it committed to man, it is final and irreversible.
The relation of Christ to the eight covenants is as follows: (1) To the Edenic Covenant, Christ, as the “second man” and the “last Adam” (1 Cor 15:45-47), takes the place over all things which the first Adam lost (Col 2:10; Heb 2:7-9). (2) He is the Seed of the woman of the Adamic Covenant (Gen 3:15; John 12:31; Gal 4:4; 1 John 3:8; Rev 20:10), and fulfilled its conditions of toil (Mark 6:3) and obedience (Phil 2:8; Heb 5:8). (3) As the greatest Son of Shem, in Him was fulfilled supremely the promise to Shem in the Noahic Covenant (Gen 9:16, note; Col 2:9). (4) He is the Seed to whom the promises were made in the Abrahamic Covenant, the Son of Abraham obedient unto death (Gen 22:18; Gal 3:16; Phil 2:8). (5) He lived sinlessly under the Mosaic Covenant and bore for us its curse (Gal 3:10-13). (6) He lived obediently as a Jew in the land under the Palestinian Covenant, and will yet perform its gracious promises (Deu 28:1-30:9). (7) He is the Seed, Heir, and King under the Davidic Covenant (Mat 1:1; Luke 1:31-33). And (8) His sacrifice is the foundation of the New Covenant (Mat 26:28; 1 Cor 11:25).
Eight Covenants: vv. 7, 8. (Gen 2:16; Heb 8:8)
1The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


the gospel is...

Ok Iam not leaving my church yet but I am going to confront where she needs it. Jason I am not for leavening Iraq until the war is over and the things we need to be done are done and if you want to cry more money ask the Clint ions who cut the money off for wars for it. We need to win there and then we need to go and take out other lands. Friends we need to fight this war to defeat the Muslims in all lands so the preaching of the Jesus can be in freedom and open. This is the key idea I am going to vote on and I am going to vote for the Christians every time I can because they are the right people to lead in my mind. I want to vote for anything that is going to keep Clinton out of the white house because she is the one who can ban the bible and make it ok for gay people to get married and that is not going to happen as long and I can help it. It is not ok and I will go to Jail if needed to protect the word of God and the Gospel of Jesus.
I want to now look at that word I would die for, the Bible that is not able to be read in Muslim lands because the government kills the people that love this book. A book that is banned in many schools in this free land and one book that needs to be given to every person in this great land whether or not they want it or not. It ought to be read and required reading for every diploma in this land. It ought to be given to every kid in every school in this land in read every day. Oh the success for the people that take the bible and read it every day making a point to apply it to their life. Oh the damnation in hell for anyone who does not read and study the bible and even if you heard of the bible and reject it your going to die and go straight to hell for that sin with no hope forever. I am judging you in that to. Every Muslim that does not repent before Jesus and accept him into their life goes to hell.
Hebrews 12 18 For you have not come to the mountain that may be touched and that burned with fire, and to blackness and darkness and tempest, 19 and the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words, so that those who heard it begged that the word should not be spoken to them anymore. 20 (For they could not endure what was commanded: “And if so much as a beast touches the mountain, it shall be stoned or shot with an arrow.” 21 And so terrifying was the sight that Moses said, “I am exceedingly afraid and trembling.”)
In todays passage we have 2 places and I want to give you insights on them. In the end you are going to stand before a God who is either gracious or very wrathful. You have to make the choice. If you read in the time that God gave the laws to the people he was very holy. He was very serious about who he was and who he wants you to know him as. God did not take it lightly that he was going to go before a man and give the law. God gave 10 commands and if you break one of them your in sin and if your in sin you are going to die. God said not to have anything bofore him in life. He said He is to be your first priority in your Love. If you have ever made a excuse for not loving Jesus with all you have for one second you are in danger of breaking the laws God gave and that means your not going to have any hope what so ever on the day you die of being on inch into the place called heaven. God said to you your to never take his name in vain and if you do your in serious trouble on the day you die. On time you say and thing on that makes the word God or Jesus a part of a cus word friend your soul is going to burn forever in hell and you have no hope. God told you that you are to honor one day of the week and cease in all work and rest on it. Friend if you fail to do this the Judgment of the maker of this place and the one who created is going to ban you forever out of his presence forever. God told you your to honor your mom and dad. If you have ever not done what your mom and dad asked you to do or failed to obey them your not ever going to see Heaven. God told you and commanded you to not murder anyone. Jesus said if you have any anger in your heart your in danger of spending eternal life in a hell fire where your burn in unending and torture forever. God said you are to never sleep with another unless you are married. If you even look at anyone or anything with a hint of sexual contact your breaking the very law of the living and most powerful being in all of all and on judgment day you are going to fall short of heaven and be asked to serve a eternal life outside of any one any thing burning in hot fire forever. God told you never take anything that you have not earned or been given. This gets me all the time because a pen from somewhere kills me. If you do that you are demanded to not be in Gods family and God cannot love you and is mad at you everyday. God has told you not to lie. If one ever tells one false thing to anyone about anything he is anti Jesus and God and will never see Jesus in a good way. God demanded you to not want anything your neighbor had. If you ever kind of want that car Peter has or a new block set your not in Gods trust and your not safe from the fire of the wrath Of God. I openly admit if the story ended here I would go to hell this instant and burn forever. So would every man woman and kid.
This is the fate of every person living or dead who broke anything above. HELL BUT YOU HAVE ONE HOPE AND ONE HOPE ONLY.
22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, 23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, 24 to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.1
Here is the case when you are standing before the Holy God of the planets and stars. You have broken every single law he has given and he has no choice because of his perfection to send you to hell for ever if your not perfect. This fine of hell cannot be waved if you have done good things because frankly the law is broken and God is fair and he is just and hell has to be paid.
Jesus came to earth as the Holy son of God, He never broke one of the laws of God. He never took Gods name in vain and Jesus kept every sabbath day. Jesus never thought a sexual thought in his life and did not harm a fly. Jesus never hated and took things that were not his. Jesus was perfect and because he never broke a law in Gods eyes he did not have to die but could of lived forever. Also his heaven was his. Now I think this is going to make a ton of sence
Jesus who had the power and the perfect record of life chose to give his perfection up risking death and indeed he was taken into court and given a death. In that he gave up his perfect record making it ok for him to then go and pay for sinners and people who were are standing with no hope of any heaven and pay the debt of eternal hell. In his death Jesus with perfection Jesus paid for the breaking of the laws of God. This makes it just for God to now give pardons away so to speak and allow you to take his perfect life and grant your hell to be paid for. A get out of hell free type of card is kind of the deal. You life and sin is exchanged for the life that Jesus lived and you walk. You hell is paid for when you exchange your hell for the life of Jesus. You in that exchange turn from the sin and wrath of God. You agree with God you indeed broke his laws and you ask for the life of Jesus to be applied to your account. It is called a new birth in that you die to the old self and you become a brand new person in the eyes of God. You give your life to Jesus and he gives you his life. It also means your fine of hell is paid for. Because your fine is paid for and all your sins Jesus paid for (past, present and future) your hell is gone and you become in the eyes of Jesus perfection.
Here is how you make this true in your life. First you admit to all your sins. Then you ask God to exchange your life for the life of Jesus. Confess and repent. Ask Jesus so come into your life and live out his life for you. Believe he died for your sins and did it for you N then live for him
1The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Run for Jesus with all you got

I do not want to sound anti Jesus but after a weekend at the church I go to I am not sure I really belong there. We had a dinner on Friday night and I got to talking about the race in the congress here and I said I might vote for the Demo anti life person and I was told I am going to answer to Jesus if I vote anti life. I might vote for the person who is going to bring a light rail to connect the Minneapolis area with mine. The rail is a vote to help me and the Rep is not for it and that makes here not able to get my vote. Then a person tells me that the Catholics are going to heaven and I do not think so and I have addressed this on my page before. They are not into the bible and Jesus and heaven as being a free gift and until they are they are not saved. So here is the thing you might comment on Should I leave over this or should I stay?
Let me go into the bible tonight and glean the words of Paul
12 Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, 13 and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed.
A good bud of mine likes to bug me sometimes because sports and the bible do not in his mind mix. This is talking about the sport of running a race and some of the things about enduring to the end and focusing on the prize of Jesus. We are called to get a gaze on Jesus and not to look at anything else. Fix your eyes on the Lord Jesus. Do not focus on your sins or your past but focus on heaven and run as hard as you can to get to the end. Share the faith, pray for the ones who need it and give extra cash to missions and do not stop because this race your in is for Jesus and heaven. Do not run this race as if your just going to heaven but rather live for Jesus and make it the only race you run and run to demolish the race. Jesus gave it all for you maybe in your life and mine we need to give not just more to Jesus but all to Jesus because we are loving him and the time is short.
14 Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: 15 looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled; 16 lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright.
No this is not about working to go to heaven it is working out here for Jesus. Your heaven is when you got saved and it is always when you got saved and it is forever. And the holiness is given to you at the time of salvation. Get right with people. No Grace Baptist your not right in making this to say do not forgive the person who is not saved. I heard that and I still think it was wring for Pastor to say it. You be kind to ALL and not just your church but with all man. If your not kind they will not ask you for Jesus! If your mean you lose them and the chance to share the Lord with them.
Make every effort to share Jesus with all you know if your his. Press the issue until they know they reject Jesus and the spend forever in hell. This is hard but if we give any hope of a person going to Heaven without Jesus as the Lord of their life we fail to share Jesus. It might mean your rejected but Jesus is that way. A great place to share is Way of the Master. Look it up and learn from them how to share Jesus. Make sure friend to share Jesus.
Treat the people in church with Love and do not be mean to them if they are in sin. Love them and gracefully try to get them to repent and when they fail to repent wait and keep loving them until they do and if you need to remove them for a time do it in love. I do think there is a time when you remove Christians out of a church for sins to get them to repent
17 For you know that afterward, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought it diligently with tears.1
Esau gave his rights to his brother over a bowl of food. Rights meaning his rights to be blessed of his father, I beg you to not give up any rights for anything. Get tight and close to Jesus and remain there for His blessing and you will be blessed
1The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


My goals

I want to set a goal tonight for the next week. I am not going to argue with anyone this next week. I seem to always want to fight things and with people oover all kinds of things and this is not my life's purpose. I am here to serve Jesus and share Jesus so others are going to accept him and love him. I need to tell the truth but if I am not sharing Jesus out of love I am not getting any points with Jesus and that is not good. I also will not turn on people to Jesus if my love is not there and I nee4d to have the Love of Jesus and the fruit of the spirit in me more when I am sharing the truths of Gods love. I was not won by a mean Huls when she lived for Jesus and displayed love for people and made me feel special, She was a loving teacher who did not preach to me in words but I knew she was different and when it was telling me Jesus is her friend it made me so hungry for Jesus that I went to find him and I got Jesus into my heart and I think my little walk I had took off. Not really easy when I went to a dead church By the way that Jesus is my fried comment was 19 years ago and I am forever going to thank Jesus for his working in her life that hit my life and made him my king. Mrs Huls has emailed me and told me it is good I have made Jesus the focus of my life. Mrs Huls I cannot wait to share him with as many as I am able. I guess the Lord made many come across my path and just make Jesus famous to me. I had so many that loved me and loved Jesus and made him so real to me and I think all of them knowing that I need to live like them to share the faith so given to me. I am so loved by Jesus that I want to make my life matter for him and live in one heart with him.
My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine
For Thee all the follies of sin I resign
My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus tis

I loved Thee because Thou hast first loved me
And purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree
I loved Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus tis

(key change)
I'll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death
And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath
And say when the death cruel lies, cold on my brow
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus tis

(key change)
In mansions of glory and endless delight
I'll ever adore Thee, in Heaven so bright
I'll sing with a glittering crown on my brow
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus tis

If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus tis now!

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Heb 12

I guess anyone that denies that the John Mac bible is the true one need to contact me and prove it. You need to go out and buy 10 of them and give them to all your friends and your pastors. It is a must for people to have and study the bible and the John Macarthur bible is the one for me. It is not a bad idea to get the bible in leather and on cd rom. If you want one message me and I will get you a deal.
I want to get into the word
Heb 12 3 For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. 4 You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin. 5 And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons:
“My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord,
Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;
6 For whom the Lord loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives.”
Jesus had the world hating his guts and he never sinned and never was mean. Jesus was the truth and did all he did in love. People who are we to complain about the life being hard when in this land we have freedom for now. We might not enjoy the freedoms we have for long. We have a Islamic man running for the government. We are not Islamic and will never be as a land and to elect someone that is is purely asking Jesus to turn his back on the land. Jesus was killed and beaten and hurt be being separated from God yet he endued it and loved us even after we treated him so harshly. We need to know that the world is going to treat us no to well and they are going to try to get us to love ourself and think we are the reason we do well. Jesus is the only reason I am here, Jesus gave me everything I have and every thing is a gift from above. Nothing is because I am somehow good it is all given to Jesus and he has all the glory. I want none of the glory for my life. I have not been beat up for my faith and I am not going to die for Jesus.
7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? 8 But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness. 11 Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.1
God has made me his child by salvation. If I am a child of God I am going to grow up and I am going to be disciplined for things. When I was kid believe me I spent many days in my room because I did not follow the rules. If I sin God is going to give me things to reform me so I am not going to do that sin again. If I bug someone God takes them out of my life. If you sin God is going to do something to reform you and get you to not do the sin. I know God forgives but he does give punishment to sinner in the family of God. But I need to say this God does not ever kick you out of his family. God is into shapeing you to be like Jesus and sometimes he does hard things to make you conform to his ways.
Sometimes God is going to prevent us from sinning. God might make a weakness in you so your not going to sin and to draw you into a deeper fellowship. I have CP and it makes it so I can not get around easy like and I cannot do things and that makes me depend of Jesus for more things. Maybe you have a sickness to draw you close to Jesus and more love between Jesus and you. Sometimes we ask why and that makes his work like ineffective because Jesus is doing all for Good for us. All we go though is a plan for our good so asking why is not a good thing we ought to bow and go where the Lord is taking you and obey. God is making you Holy and fit for his work, stop arguing and get close to Jesus and put a smile on your face. Do not be depressed but Joyful because your a Child of God and your going to heaven. If God loves you he is going to work on you and when you obey not he is not just going to let you get by he is going to bring it up and work to prevent the sin.
Discipline itself is not meant to be pleasant. If it were pleasant, it would have little corrective power. By its very nature, discipline is unpleasant to administer and to endure. Medicine, surgery, physical therapy, and other such treatments that we willingly endure are very often painful, uncomfortable, and inconvenient. We endure them for the sake of the end result—better health.
1The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Looking on to jesus

Ok I guess people are going to hit me for the truth fine. I love them in Jesus (ha ha). If your in the king james movement I wonder how not saved in your minds because they use the NIV. Wwe will get beck to that because I am not going to let it go until everyone agrees with my page and adores me. And you think the Waco Baptist are bad. I am worst. Agree or read my truth. Read the John Macarthur bible and follow it. Buy one. Read it alone and then send me comments on where he is wrong. We can fight over that one but I as you know have the power to put only the comments that make me look good. And if you do not have the cash for the John Macarthur bible you get it by working. You need to have one today.
I am taking this train the way I want to go.
Hebrews 12 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.1
We have been in the study of the saints of God in the old times and now Paul is asking us to do or act. We have been encouraged in their walks and now we are called to take the step of action. We have a great cloud of people in heaven cheering for us and watching us. Many people might not agree they are but I am taking the bible at face value and I think the saints of old are watching. If not Jesus our lord is and t5hat ought to drive us to serve him as we should.
Let us lay aside every weight. We can have freedom to go and take all our weights to the cross. We can lay our sins on Jesus and know he forgives us and sends them away. We can take our temptations to Jesus and our battle from hell and tell it to Jesus. We ought to forget the past stuff and run for Jesus. When a runner is going to race you do not see that runner wearing much in clothes because they do not want to be stopped in any way. We need to strip off every possible thing that does not make us live for Jesus. TV Internet, the books we might read, bad movies, music or anything that takes the place of Jesus. For me it was a friendship with people that had to go so I could focus on Jesus and Gods love for me. Inter act and tell me the things that we have to get rip of. Jesus is to be our focus in life. Jesus knew he had a mission and we need to have one to.
Our mission might be to make Jesus the only one we want to please him alone. We need to make him the reason and thing we serve. Jesus is worth running for alone because he came and he ran a race for you and he died for you and loves you deeper that anyone ever will. If your saved tonight the one to please is your lover Jesus and no one else matters. Live for him alone and know he died for you as if you were the only one who sinned. Jesus is the author of your faith and he gave it to you and he keeps you in faith for his glory. He is going to be the sole reason you got to go to heaven. He can be your all in all and in Jesus you can build all your life on.
Jesus Joy in going to the cross is your salvation. Jesus also had the joy of doing Gods will and making God famous and Glorified in all the earth. Jesus went to the cross out of love for the will of the father and love for us. After the cross Jesus sat down and made a path for anyone to come to God and go to heaven and live for him on earth. Jesus gave Glory to God and that is the bottom reason for us on earth to make Jesus famous by working in us to bring others to himself. We need to share Jesus with lost people and we need to pray for them.
Pray for Thailand, the government fell and a Muslim person is there and many people I know are there sharing Jesus. I am aware of a few there. It is sad the news in not reporting the truth that the Muslims are doing this. Marshal law has been declared and it is going to be hard for the missions folks to get out so pray please
1The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


more on the kjv is not the truth

Here is more king james and why it is not the right one for me or us.
Gen 2 18 18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. 1
What is s “help meet.? Not a typo folks that is what the book said. Look it up.
Gen 22 8 8And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.2 king james
8 And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.” So the two of them went together.3
Genesis 22:8: One of the greatest verses in the Bible proclaiming that Jesus Christ was God in the flesh: "God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering:" The NKJV adds that little word "for": "God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering" And destroys the wonderful promise! Where'd they get their little "for"? From the NASV!
It does not change the meaning. It is a little more clear in the new king james to me.
Gen 24 47 47 Then I asked her, and said, ‘Whose daughter are you?’ And she said, ‘The daughter of Bethuel, Nahor’s son, whom Milcah bore to him.’ So I put the nose ring on her nose and the bracelets on her wrists.4
king James 47 And I asked her, and said, Whose daughter art thou? And she said, The daughter of Bethuel, Nahor’s son, whom Milcah bare unto him: and I put the earring upon her face, and the bracelets upon her hands.
The Holy Bible : King James Version. 1995 . Logos Research Systems, Inc.: Oak Harbor, WA
greek means 5141 נֶזֶם [nexem /neh·zem/] n m. From an unused root of uncertain meaning; TWOT 1338a; GK 5690; 17 occurrences; AV translates as “earring” 14 times, and “jewel” three times. 1 ring, nose ring, earring. 1a nose ring (woman’s ornament). 1b earring (ornament of men or women).
I looked this Nose Jewels in the Bible Almanac I have and on page 484 they talk about the nose jewels. They were worn in the near east. The ring was made out of ivory and perilous metals. It was worn by dancing girls.
Also on my bible software this is said
Earrings were worn by men, women, and children in the ancient world (Ex. 32:2–3; Num. 31:50; Judg. 8:25–26). They were loops worn alone or with pendants attached. Earrings were made from various metals and stones and were sometimes inlaid with gems. Nose rings were worn mostly by women (Gen. 24:47) and were sometimes decorated with jewels (Is. 3:21).5
1The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769.
2The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769.
3The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
4The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
5Youngblood, Ronald F., General Editor; F.F. Bruce and R.K. Harrison, Consulting Editors, Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson) 1997, c1995.

Friday, September 15, 2006


King James anti only
Ok I told you I am going to work on some of the king james only thing and I am a man of my word. I do this to defend the truth of the bible. I have a page on the top to look at. I am placing some of the funnier things on here because they are to good not to laugh at.
They believe only the 1611 King James translation is a valid expression of the Word of God. (they are off by the truth that every single good bible school disagrees. Ok if you think Bob Jones is a good school your nots.)
Anybody using a different translation is probably in apostasy and error, probably not even saved. If you happen to also like Christian rock, you are really a bad person. (Hey - Christian rock fans - its THEM saying it, not me!) ( Christian rock is good and if a church tells you it is bad then leave the church. Serious I took a 20 hour class and they had NOTHING from the bible that proved this. Frank Garlock is a nut and can not prove anything and he is not a good teacher. I got the notes and they are all nuttie)
Those of us who do not prefer the 1611 King James translation are supposedly in some sort of satanic conspiracy to ruin the church, and deprive those who prefer the 1611 KJV of their Bible (yes - I know that is bizarre, but I have heard it from several of them!) I think they are giving satan way too much credit and power - what a LAME way to attack the church, to get us all reading the Bible! ( Ok I guess you caught me I am trying to take out the christian church and I am preaching from a bible and we are out to get the bibler out of the hands of good people. No I am wrong I am solidly in Love with the true word of God and I know the king james is not the only one.)
By inference, there was no infallible word of God prior to 1611. God waited for King James to reveal his inerrant word (I hope you KJV only people will correct me if I am mis-representing your beliefs on this point).
By inference, only well educated English speaking persons are allowed to read the inerrant word of God. All persons reading the Bible in another language are not reading an inerrant Bible and therefore are in apostasy. (Again, KJV only people, correct me on that point if I am wrong.)
They believe that Mt 10:14 "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet." is the proper way to express love to those with whom they disagree ]
Jesus himself told his disciples on many occasions that the greatest law is love. I have read some pretty unloving things coming out of others in the KJV only crowd. Not just about the KJV Bible, but also about other topics, such as different denominations, worship styles, and musical styles (hence the reason why these Christian Rock Apologetics essays have to exist). They claim to be guardians of spiritual integrity, defenders of the faith, the only ones who use the true and inspired word of God. I have different names for them: prideful, puffed up in their own knowledge, arrogant, and bigoted. (yes I know the people of this movement are not into the Love thing. I got emails and comments on my blogs to prove it. They are down right full of Hate and not grace)
Here is the thing read the bible and love the Lord, I am going to take care of the king James only freaks and if they got any point that are vaild then I am going to tell the truth but I am not allow folks to judge you for the bible. I read the New King James and I like it.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Faith and KJO defence

I have emailed some of the King James only people and they do not know what to do with me. I do not think they have anything to prove what they think with out some hard study. I think the sermons of some of the baptist church are not really all that good when they preach things not in the bible. They teach a verse out of context and do not give context. I also know they tend to focus on the Music thing and I am going to hit that sometime hard to. If you read the king james I am fine with you but if you think it is the only bible is your not right and Iam going to do some reports on why but tonight I want to talk on a passage of the bible
Heb 11 Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. 36 Still others had trial of mockings and scourgings, yes, and of chains and imprisonment. 37 They were stoned, they were sawn in two, were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented— 38 of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth.
39 And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, 40 God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us.1
We are talking about faith and we have been sharing the things faith is and how to show we have faith. Here are some of the things faith has made man do. Faith has people being tortured. People from the old times to today have been hurt for the reason of they have faith. People in parts of the world today die for loving Jesus and they do it because they know they have something that no one can take away from you and that is heaven. People have been beaten up and killed because they followed Jesus. Look at Danial which is ny middle name and one man of God who had faith and did not bow but because of the faith he had. Note that in the end many came to know God. It shows that you keep your faith in hard times you might lead someone to Jesus.
It is true that the world sometimes is given a follower of Jesus that shines brightly and has the position of sharing Jesus with many. I think no one is worthy of seeing Jesus and if your one that is saved you need to know your one of few in this land and world. Do you know that in the plan of God few are saved and going to heaven. It is a truth that not a lot of people are thinking they are ok and do not know the Lord. Ask 5 people and I know they are not going to know how to go to heaven. Another thing to think about is the wrath the people who harm the Lords own are going to endure. If your out trashing the people of Jesus you best stop. It is not ok to make fun the people of faith because it is going to be at your judgment and you do not want to have it there.
God has provided something better and that is the freedom to obey God in the Lord Jesus. In the old times they did not have Jesus and God did not come and live in the heart he lived in the temple. We are in the new times and Jesus lives in us and that is a big thing to think about.
Here is tonights Anti KJO Only thing
Taking the Bible out of the Common Person's Hands
If we refuse to allow translating the Bible into currently used languages, we effectively hinder people's ability to know the Word of God. Languages change over the centuries. Anyone who doubts this ought to try to read an actual 1611 version of the King James. It would be very difficult. If church authorities allow use of only certain translations, as pre-Reformation Roman Catholicism did with the Latin Vulgate, they can effectively limit access to the Bible. The older and more obscure a language is, the more it is the realm of only trained scholars to read and understand it.
I used the King James until 1978. The reason I switched to the New American Standard was that I found myself constantly having to translate the King James into current English after reading the text during a sermon. I had taken Greek in Bible college and often consulted the Greek when there was a question about a passage in the King James. Most of the problems were due to the fact that certain words in King James English mean something entirely different now. A famous example is "peculiar" in 1Peter 2:9 which is supposed to mean a people that are especially God's unique possession, but now peculiar means "odd" in a negative sense. Consider Psalm 88:13 in the KJV, "But unto thee have I cried, O LORD; and in the morning shall my prayer prevent thee." How does prayer "prevent" God? This verse seems rather odd until one realizes that "prevent" in older English means "go before." Here is the passage in the New American Standard Version: "But I, O Lord, have cried out to Thee for help, And in the morning my prayer comes before Thee." The New American Standard update of 1995 changes "thee" in language addressed to God, "But I, O Lord, have cried out to You for help, And in the morning my prayer comes before You."
There are countless examples of similar confusion, as well as words no longer used at all. Only those who are well versed in languages are able to quickly adapt to the changes. I learned the meanings of many obscure King James words when I used to look them up in the Greek Bible before preaching on a text. But what about the people who cannot do that? What about people who are intimidated by King James only preachers or books like Riplinger's that forbid even the use any of the twentieth century study aids? If this logic is followed, when a person does not understand a word or passage in the KJV, he or she has no recourse but to rely on the preacher to give an accurate interpretation. Other translations are not to be consulted and concordances or lexicons are considered tools of Satan, to be avoided at all costs. How then are the people of God going to be "Bereans" and search the scriptures to see if what they are being told is true?
I am not criticizing people who love the King James, or preach from the King James. They can do like I did and explain the meaning of difficult words to the people. I am challenging those who falsely accuse all other translations of being sinister New Age plots and who refuse any use of lexicons or Greek dictionaries to find out the meaning of words. Their arguments are invalid and their practice dangerous. They threaten the spiritual well-being of the Lord's flock. Those who have labored hard to provide accurate, understandable Biblical translations do not.
1The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006



I went to the twins game on Sunday and they won. It was a fun game to go to and I am going to go in 2 weeks. I am a twins fan but I am a bigger vikings fan. I like the way we played last night but we are still getting to many penalty's. I mean we need to clean them up better. We won and I am happy and the team I am playing for my contest is one and zero.
I want to go in many ways tonight in my bible time. I want to prove the king james bible is not the only bible. I think this is false teaching and I am not going to nail on it. I am going to work out something I did on the issue and I am going to rerun it. I am going to run it again when I am getting more heat.
30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they were encircled for seven days. 31 By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe, when she had received the spies with peace.
32 And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets: 33 who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. 35 Women received their dead raised to life again.1
I am going to do this thing in Hebrews before I go into the version thing and I might run that some other way. Here in the passage tonight we are looking at faith and here is a good thing to look at with regard to the bible
“Faith is trusting completely in God’s Word. It is unconditional confidence in what He says, strictly on the basis that He has said it. The fact is that we either trust what God says or we are left to trust our own intellect, instincts, and attitudes. These are our only two options. Our own way is the way of unbelief; God’s way is the way of faith”
I am to trust in all of the bible because it is the bible. In some things on my blog people who want me to think their way on things I follow the bible no matter what the cost. If God said it I trust and and that settles it. We cannot have a made up deity we have one and we need to get our life in his line and not our own.
In Jericho the people did as the Lord said and the wall fell. It was not the peoples way it was Gods way and that grants all the praise to God and not mans way. They walked around the city and God asked them to shout and they did. God gave you his instruction and now you need to read it and follow it even when the bible might not agree with your life. It might be a risk to share the truth with a co worker but your asked to do it. You are asked to love your neighbor and that means the people you might not get along with. It might not make any valid sense but if you have faith your going to do things not like the others. Rehab is proof that faith can come to anyone God wants. First she sells her body for sex. She was not the one I people think ought to be mentioned in the hall of fame of the OT. God can save anyone and he saved Rehab out of a sinful place and she helped the spies. She did as the Lord said and she found salvation, Are you thinking your not worth the Lord saving you, Your among good company.
Gideon took a army that God shook down to 300 and won a battle. Only the Lord could win that battle and get the glory. Many in the old gave us many examples of faith.
1The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Sunday, September 10, 2006



The world changed forever that September morning, I was just getting out of bed when I heard a plane had hit the world trade center. At this point I really did not know anything. I did nothing and slept until some plane hit the second building. I then went on cnn and saw the planes had hit and I knew we are at war with somebody. I went to school and I asked my teachers and he said some man Osams did it. I went to work and really wanted to go home and see this on tv. I had a e mail sent out to my list and I think I said this is going to be ok God is in charge and he knows. I got home and went to my church that night and prayed with Doug Randal. I had began a life that july in Jesus and this was a major part of my life. I called the Masters College that day asking why and Sue said Jesus is in control and He is in this. I also that Friday went to a thing with my new pal Rick and I met his mom. We know had gotten into a war. So that is what my day was on that morning. I was not in the best state around that time.
I do not think we are going to get hit again. I do think we needed to get to war and kill the people who did this. Is it Iraq, I know this that we needed to rid the world of evil and part of it was the folks in Iraq and they posed enough of a threat that we needed to fight them. We are at war there and we need to stay there until the generals say we can leave. We needed to call a draft and get more people to fight. We need to really back this war and fight to free as many people from the Muslim faith. It was the Muslims that did this to the nation and it is time to take the Muslims and get them out of the society so they learn they are dangerous and they teach hate and to kill all to kill people who will not convert. We need to get extremist Muslims out and replace it with Jesus and his truth. Some say Jesus would allow Christians to kill and that is a lie. It ticks me off that now people that never have read the bible now take things out of context and hit me with them. They think it is ok to make me not go into my deep faith in Jesus and the bible and go to websites and try to attack my faith, I am not going to allow them to post on this site and I am not going to answer anything they say. People do have rights to say whatever they want but not on my page. If I get tons of comments demanding freedom I might redo this but not for a long, long time. People died for all people to have freedom I know that and I respect that. I also respect the people who are Muslims that do not kill others for not converting but the time one thinks in anyway that killing one over not converting and taking planes to kill many people I will not ever respect anyone of any faith that ever takes a life in the name of a God and every single so called man or woman of Jesus who has killed over my faith will spend all external in the flames of Hell. And that goes to any faith that teaches any harm by mankind to anyone. I think that if you take a life in anyway premeditated is due one week in jail and then ought to be killed in public for all people of the area. If you kill in anyform because a false god told you to are bad hell bound people. If you are not killing a person over faith I think your ok and I am going to ask you to come to the true faith in Jesus. There is no other form of faith that leads to heaven. Jesus came and gives you life if you ask him and if you seek him in a heart with truth you find Jesus is the truth and not go and use the bible to mock God.
Study of the bible takes some things. One you must have Jesus as your king to be able to know any of it, Jesus has made it so if your not his your blind and are unable in anyway to have the bible. No man without a saving relationship can know the truth of Jesus. So when one said something is in the bible and is not a beliver do not even give time to him. I think if your a solid man of God you ought to see the claim they make and give them the truth of the matter and some background. Second you need to have a solid bible to study. I recommend the New King James and the NASB and the Macarthur bible and some solid software. DO not go to a website that is bent toward anti Jesus thought and study. None of them are right. Matter of truth go to a website and read the statement of doctrine and make sure it is solid. Things like King James only or not thinking salvation is a forever thing is reason not to read the site. When you have the tools read the bible over or at least the book and get to know the book your going to study. Listen to it on cd or tape a few times and read it over. Then if your new at bible study read a good overview of the book and find out the background of the book. When was it written and to whom and why. Is it in the new or old testament and mostly get the author and know some about him or her. If your new to the bible stick to John and the gospels. Good bible study takes HARD WORK.
Here is a rule or two
Rules for Profitable Bible Studies
If possible have a regular, private place for your Bible studies.
Before each study ask God to give you a spirit of humility while reading His word and guide your heart to comprehending, accepting and practicing His precious truth.
Start with Bible verses that are easy to understand when studying on a particular topic. Then, use these scriptures to understand harder, vaguer passages of God's word.
Let the Bible interpret and prove the Bible. Don't look for what you want to prove; look for what the Bible actually proves.
Seek to understand the general context of a particular Bible verse by reading the verses and chapters just before and after it. Does your understanding of a Bible passage harmonize with the rest of Scripture? Remember, the Bible does not contradict itself!
Study the original language (Hebrew or Greek) words and their meaning(s) behind a Bible verse. Remember, however, that although study aids like Strong's Exhaustive Concordance can be helpful, they should not be exclusively used to discover and prove what the Bible teaches.
Ask, what does the scripture you are studying clearly say?
Ask, what does the scripture you are studying not say?
Ask, to whom was the Bible book containing the scripture you are studying written to? Who wrote the book? Who is speaking the scripture(s) in question?
Seek to understand the general time frame in history when the Bible verses you are studying was written.
Remember that the Bible at times uses parables, allegories, symbols, poetry, metaphors and other figures of speech and literary techniques to reveal God's truth.
Don't bring your own personal assumptions and preconceived notions into your understanding or conclusions.
Base your study on scriptural knowledge that you already understand. What do you know up to this point in time?
Do not form conclusions based on partial facts or insufficient information, or the opinions and speculations of others.
Remember that your or anyone else's convictions, regardless of how strong they may be, don't necessarily count. God's word is your ultimate standard and guide.
That is a loaded night

Saturday, September 09, 2006

I have secured this site because of the actions of a person trying to justify sin I am asking you to sign your name and not be a nobody. I am also moterating the comments here because I am not here to debate you I am to proclaim the bible. I am placeing some info on slavery in the bible and I know that you might not see eye to eye on the gay is wrong thing. I will respond to you only if the bible changes. It is not ok for non saved to tell me what I think and I am not going to debate if it is ok. I am not going to talk about the gay issue for the balance of 2006 on mty page. I want you to know Jesus loves you if you are gay and only he can change your heart. I cannot and I will not. Please do not think I am perfect because I am a sinnful man that is saved by Jesus death alone. I have to confess all m y sins all the time and even the junk I am not sure on I need to agree with the Lord and not depend on my work to see Jesus.

Here is the things I read to show you God does not think slavery is ok
The idea that God or Christianity encourages or approves of slavery is shown to be false. In fact, anybody who was caught selling another person into slavery was to be executed. However, since voluntary slavery was widely practiced during biblical times, the Bible proscribes laws to protect the lives and health of slaves. Paul, the author of many of the New Testament writings, virtually ordered the Christian Philemon to release his Christian slave from his service to "do what is proper". In addition, numerous verses from the New Testament show that God values slaves as much as any free person and is not partial to anyone's standing before other people.
Guest Editorial January/February, 2003 Volume 38, Number 1
When coming to an understanding about the biblical view of slavery, it is first of all necessary to remember that it is not part of God's plan to bring perfect conditions to this present earth. God intends to destroy the earth (2 Peter 3:10). His one and only purpose for the world as we now know it, is to call out a people for Himself. Toward that end, He has been able to use even evil that humans have devised, for His glory and our good. The most notable example, of course, is the death of our Lord Jesus. Betrayal, denial, false accusation, injustice and ultimately murder were among the instruments used by the heavenly Father to bring about our salvation.
It is important that we do not confuse God's use of an institution (or of evil) with His approval of it. One can reach the conclusion that the Bible approves of slavery only by ignoring the heart of the Gospel message which unequivocally proclaims liberty to the captive. The first of the holy festivals given to the Israelites is the Feast of the Passover, which is to commemorate their deliverance from bondage in Egypt. God heard the cries of people and brought His wrath against the nation that had enslaved them. In the celebration of a lasting memorial, the Lord painted for us a picture of our ultimate deliverance from the bondage of sin. Every spring to this very day, the Jewish people remember tkat they were released from slavery by the hand of God. Year after year, Passover reminds the world that God does not approve of slavery.
During the sojourn in the Sinai Wilderness the Lord called on the Hebrews to remember their own bondage in Egypt so that they would deal fairly with their own brothers who were slaves, placing a limit of six years on their servitude (Deuteronomy 15:12-15). Again, the memory of bondage was to be an incentive not to pervert justice and to provide generous charity for the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow (Deuteronomy 24:17-22). The implication is that slavery was an injustice not to be repeated.
Later in Israel's history the people had forgotten the lessons of bondage, and were reminded through the prophet Isaiah of God's heart. Isaiah (in chapter 58:1-7) described a chosen fast and encouraged the practice of the fast as a means of pleasing the Lord, the One who looses the chains of injustice and unties the cords of the yoke to set the oppressed free. The Lord Jesus Christ began His public ministry by reading from the same prophet: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord" (Luke 4:18-19).
It is true that one will not find in the Scriptures a call to actively abolish slavery. But it is also clear from Paul's appeal to Philemon that he had every expectation that the change in Philemon brought about at conversion to Christ, would lead him to release Onesimus from bondage. "For perhaps he departed for a while for this purpose, that you might receive him forever, no longer as a slave but more than a slave, as a beloved brother, especially to me but how much more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord" (Philemon 15-16). It is always God's priority to release those living in spiritual bondage, knowing that men and women liberated by His grace will quickly see that those unjustly held in physical bondage should also be set free.
Much of the confusion over the Bible's position on slavery comes from the hypocrisy of America's early history. Because Christians had slaves, it is often assumed that they used biblical support to do so. Actually, the arguments were generally political and economic in nature. Some slaveholders were racist. Some tried to justify slavery based on terror; that is, they reasoned, "if they believe they have a right to be free, they will revolt like the colonists did against England." By carefully examinin the differences between slavery in both the Old and New Testament eras, and slavery as it was practiced in colonial America, it will soon become clear that no African could have been torn from his homeland and sold into bondage--if the teaching of the Bible had been faithfully practiced. Read the article on slavery which follows.
--Melanie Fyock
Melanie Fyock is a member of the Purchase Line Church of the Brethren in the Western Pennsylvania District. She has been a student at the Brethren Bible Institute during most of its annual sessions.
The Bible Teaching on Slavery
By Harold S. Martin
Most thinking people agree that any institution that exploits and abuses people who are made in God's image, is not His perfect will. Slaves typically have three defining characteristics:
1) Their person is the property of another human being.
2) Their will is completely subject to the owner's authority.
3) Their labor is obtained against their will by coercion.
Slavery defined in these ways cannot be justified under any circumstances in any society. To enslave another human being is a sinful act.
Yet the Bible, in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, seems to endorse slavery. If the Bible does in fact approve of slavery, and we are agreed that to hold another person as a slave is sinful, then we have an example of a situation where living in obedience to the teaching of Scripture would lead us into sin! And if this is the case with slavery, then perhaps obedience to the teaching of Scripture could lead us into sin in other areas also. For example-to hold the Bible's teaching on the subordination of women, and on the evil of homosexual conduct-might mean that we are being misled into error by believing the Bible. Critics say, "You oppose homosexual activity and use the Bible to support your view, but the Bible you believe in, also supports slavery."
I have received several letters that either say (or imply) that because the Bible seems to support slavery, we must move beyond what the Bible says, and overcome slavery. And just so, they say, while the Bible seems to condemn homosexual activity, we must move beyond what the Bible says, and overcome prejudice toward homosexual activity. Furthermore, we must move beyond what the Bible says about the place of women in the home and the church and accept the views of feminist theologians. Critics of BRF say that we use the Bible to repudiate homosexual conduct, but after all, the Bible could also be used as a rationale to bring back slavery and support the subjugation of women!
The writer in the Spring, 1993 issue of Brethren Life and Thought says that instead of using a trustworthy Bible as the basis for our decision making, "perhaps it would be better ... if we viewed Scripture as human records about God's work in our lives."
The New Testament uses the word "slave" frequently. In the KJV the Greek word "doulos" is translated "servant," and one who serves as a .servant" is usually translated "minister."
There is a difference between a servant and a slave. A "servant" is one who is privately employed to perform household services--one who serves another. A "slave" is one who is bound in servitude to another person or group of persons as an instrument of labor-usually one who is coerced to serve.
The Bible says, "Let as many servants as are under the yoke, count their own masters worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and his doctrine may not be blasphemed. And those who have believing masters, let them not despise them because they are brethren, but rather serve them because those who are benefited are believers and beloved" (1 Timothy' 6:1 2, NKJV). The words "servants under the yoke" indicate clearly that the reference is to slaves and not to privately employed household servants. Thus, many translations use the better English word "slaves" (for those bound in servitude to another), instead of the word "servants."
Early American slavery was often abusive. People (usually from Africa) were brought into forced labor. When we read accounts of the nineteenth century American slave trade, we rightly feel angered. Early American slavery tore families apart and robbed people of their freedom and dignity. Slavery degraded blacks and subjected them to terrible cruelties.
The 1997 film called Amistad (the name of a slave ship that reached the coast of Long Island) is the true story of a bloody 1839 rebellion aboard a Spanish ship. Scenes in the film depict slaves being beaten, whipped, shot to death, and thrown overboard. These things shake us and cause us to weep.
Slavery is still practiced around the world. In Sudan, Christians are sold into slavery at $500 a head. In China, Christians are being forced to perform slave labor in concentration camps. Parents are jailed for merely teaching their children about the Gospel. The Geneva based International Labor Organization released a report in March, 1993 that says, "Tens of millions of people around the globe, including children as young as six, are working in bondagein dangerous and degrading conditions that often involve 18 hour workdays, beatings, and sexual abuse." The ILO reports that slavery like these practices exist in Sudan, Haiti, Pakistan, Mauritania, India, Thailand, Peru, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic. See Time magazine, March 22, 1993.
The ugly side of our own nation's early history cannot be wiped away by piously hiding behind the Bible to justify what took place. Slavery, as practiced in early America and in some parts of the world today, was and is a gruesome and inhuman institution. In America, the grace of God, working outward from within--became a penetrating principle to transform the evil social practice. That needs to happen elsewhere. The fact is that the slavery which some theologians in the Old South were supporting--was a very different kind of slavery from that which is spoken about in the Bible.
The Scriptures seem to be ambiguous on the subject of slaves and slavery. Neither the Old Testament nor the New Testament condemns slavery, or calls for its abolition. The New Testament, in fact, instructs slaves to obey their masters.
In the Old Testament era, no Hebrew could permanently become the slave of another. Slaves had to be freed when they paid the debt for which they were sold. Also, in the seventh year of their service, whether or not the debt was paid, they had to be released. And when the Year of Jubilee arrived, all slaves were set free.
Slavery in the Roman world did not generally involve inhuman treatment. Slaves often managed money, guarded children, cooked food, and sometimes were even family doctors. We generally associate the word "slave" with the ideas of forced subjection, involuntary service, and harsh treatment. Those terms are not accurate descriptions of slavery in the Roman Empire.
We need to know what slavery was like in New Testament times so that we can know how to apply the New Testament instructions to situations in our own day. Kent Hughes, in his commentary on Ephesians (Crossway Books, Wheaton, IL), page 206, documents much helpful information on Roman slavery. It is estimated that there were 60,000,000 slaves in the Roman Empire, but the average slave was not abused and exploited. Some slaves did suffer at the hands of their owners, but slaves under Roman law could usually count on being set free. While slaves remained their owner's property, they themselves could own property---including other slaves.
We note too that being a slave did not indicate one's social class. Slaves were accorded the social status of their owners. And outwardly, one could scarcely ever distinguish a slave from a free person. A slave could be a custodian, a merchant, a salesman, a teacher, or a government official. Slaves were often highly educated. There were a few slaves who were elders in the church, and thus had authority over the masters whom they served all week. Selling oneself as a slave was commonly used as a means of gaining Roman citizenship.
Roman slavery in the first century was far more humane and civilized than the African-American slavery practiced in the he United States during the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. This does not suggest that ancient slavery was not evil. Slaves were still considered property and could be bought and sold and severely punished-but understanding the nature of slavery in New Testament times helps us to understand why the apostolic writers were not as quick to attack slavery.
The Apostle Paul respected the civil law and the social patterns of his day, and did not militate against the law of slavery. William Barclay, in his commentary, The Letters to Timothy and Titus, Westminster, 1960, says:
"In those early days, the Church did not emerge as the opponent and the would-be destroyer of slavery by violent and sudden means. And the Church was wise. There were something like 60,000,000 slaves in the Roman Empire ... For the Church to have encouraged slaves to revolt and rebel and rise against their masters would have been fatal. It would simply have caused civil war, mass murder, and the complete discredit of the Church. (Instead), what happened was that as the centuries went on, Christianity so permeated civilization that in the end the slaves were freed voluntarily and not by force. Here is a tremendous lesson. It is the proof that neither men nor the world nor society can be reformed by force and by legislation. The reform must come through the slow penetration of the Spirit of Christ into the human situation. Things have to happen in God's time, not in ours. In the end, the slow way is the sure way, and the way of violence always defeats itself."
The Bible teaching in 1 Timothy 6:1-2 is that believers who were slaves were to honor, respect, and obey their masters. The name of Christ whom they profess to worship would be defamed if they fail to follow that instruction. If the believer was the slave of a heathen master, he might be tempted to regard his master as bound for hell, while the slave is saved for heaven. That kind of intolerant superiority was not like the mind of Christ. If the believer was the slave of a master who was Christian, the slave would be tempted to use the relationship as an excuse to do inefficient work, and expect not to be punished. The New Testament teaching is that the slave does not have the right to be disrespectful, no matter who his master is.
The Apostolic Church looked upon slaves as brothers and as equals. The post-Apostolic Church admitted slaves to all the rights of the church, some of whom became priests and even bishops. Church collections (money offerings) were often used to purchase freedom for slaves. The freeing of slaves was considered a praiseworthy action.
American slave holding was practiced in all the early colonies. By the mid 1700s Brethren had settled in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. Abolition societies began in several northern states, working together to promote the abolition of slavery. The early Brethren rejected both slavery and the abolition societies. The Church of the Brethren (German Baptist Brethren) Annual Meeting repeatedly insisted that Brethren may not own slaves.
If people who owned slaves desired membership among the Brethren, they had to free their slaves first and compensate them for the work they had done. Ministers who defended slavery were treated firmly and could be excommunicated from the church. Slavery was simply not tolerated by the nineteenth century Brethren.
In Roger Sappington's The Brethren in the New Nation, we read the following summary on page 256: "From the beginning of the church in Germany, Brethren expressed their opposition to human slavery, In Europe this belief had not been a problem of any kind, since human slavery was virtually unknown in northern Europe by 1700. In America, however, Brethren encountered a different situation, for human slavery was widespread, even among their Quaker neighbors in Pennsylvania. Like most Germans, however, Brethren usually found work in occupations where human slaves could not be profitably employed. Even after the Brethren began to move into the colonies south of the Mason-Dixon line, where slavery was more widespread, they generally settled on relatively small family sized farms in the mountain valleys which could be farmed without slaves rather than on the large plantations owned by the English which required slave labor."
We must remember that the Bible acknowledges the existence of institutions which it does not necessarily approve, including polygamy and slavery. God has never approved of the injustices and cruelties that have often been associated with slavery. The New Testament does not directly condemn slavery, but neither does it accept slavery as an ongoing social fact. The New Testament deals with master/slave relationships so as to render slavery unjustifiable. Slaves and masters are brothers. In Christ, all are one; there is no bond or free (Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 6:9). The New Testament writers try to correct the injustices of slavery by encouraging improved attitudes on the part of both masters and slaves.
The New Testament does not advocate the overthrow of slavery by forcible revolution. Rather, it condemns and removes the abuses of slavery by striking at its roots, by lifting up the power of the Gospel to change hearts, and by setting forth principles for dealing with fellow human beings:
1) All human beings are made in the image and likeness of God and are worthy of respect (Genesis 1:28).
2) All human beings are loved by God who cares for us (John 3:16).
3) All Christians are to love their neighbors as themselves (Matthew 22:39).
The abuses of slavery have disappeared wherever the Word of God has been widely and faithfully taught. Christianity never had as its immediate goal an attempt to change society, but to change people. And to the degree that people change, to that extent, society and its structures change. And so wherever the true Christian message has made deep inroads, slavery has been eliminated.
There is another kind of slavery that Christians need to think about. The Bible speaks of slavery to sin and slavery to righteousness. Jesus said, "Most assuredly, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin" (John 8:34). In a spiritual sense, people apart from Christ are slaves to sin. To keep on committing sin is to demonstrate that sin has control of one's life.
The Apostle Paul said, "To whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness" (Romans 6:16). Then Paul thanked God that many who were once slaves of sin had now by the grace of God become slaves of righteousness. Christ can set us free from slavery to sin and will enable us to do righteousness.
The writers of the New Testament epistles refer to themselves as Christ's slaves. See Galatians 1:10, 2 Peter 1:1, and Jude 1. The dedicated Christian is a servant (a bond slave) of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not free to do as we choose. We are committed to obediently serve God and to deal justly with our fellow human beings.
Concerning slavery as a social institution, neither Jesus nor Paul advocated social revolution which would lead to the immediate emancipation of every slave. Such a sudden upheaval would have resulted in indescribable misery for many slaves who depended on their masters for a living. What the Bible teaches is that love coming from both sides (master and slaves) will melt cruelty into kindness, and in so doing, despots will be changed into kind employers and slaves will become willing servants. All will become brothers and sisters in Christ.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Moses in one night

I need to add a couple of verses on the race thing.
1. The racist has not properly grasped the concept that people are made in the image of God - all people! Gen. 1:26,27.2. Racism is foolish, since God "made from one" every nation. Acts 17:26.3. Racial bigotry is also ungodly, unlike God. 1 Sam. 16:7.
The "Golden Rule" forbids racial discrimination. Lk. 6:31; Matt. 7:12.5. Christians are commanded: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," (Matt. 22:39).6. Those of us who are striving to recreate first century Christianity have extra impetus to eschew racism. Rom. 10:12.
Ok covered that and I talked last time on the issue and I will address it as I need to. Lets go into Moses and see why he is in the chapter that I am covering.
Hebrews 11 23 By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden three months by his parents, because they saw he was a beautiful child; and they were not afraid of the king’s command.
24 By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, 25 choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, 26 esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; for he looked to the reward.
Could it be that from the womb God had plans for Moses? It is a thought to think about. God had preserved Moses and perhaps it was Gods plan for Moses to be the leader of the people. Was it known to God that moses just happened to be placed into the family that he was so he could gain access to the place to ask for the people to leave. It was not Moses choice how God was going to do what he wanted to and I think it is not your choice if your saved because God planed it all before Time began. Just my reformed mind going into deep stuff. It is a fact that many in the faith think they got saved because of then and I am here to tell you that God did it all and takes all the credit and Glory. No glory or fame is yours Pastors of the baptists church that do not think this way.
Back to Moses, he did not want to be part of the people that did not Love the Lord and serve him. When you get saved it might mean you have to cut off some of the old pals It might mean your friends are going to drag you down so faith makes a choice in action. It chooses Jesus over the world. It means you live Jesus more than things in this world and you love him if it means it hits your pocketbook, day timer and plans. It is not longer your life if you know Jesus it is his life and he has the rights to everything you are and have. It means you give up the world, separate from the trash in this place and bond to the bible. If the bible said sin is something you do you change your view because God is not one to change. If you ask Jesus into your life and you drank booze and the bible does not allow it you do as the bible said not as you want. If you think it is ok to fornicate the bible said your not to the bible is always right. Obey God before any people. If Jesus said to love one another Love one another with joy. Jesus also said to love the Lord with all of you and fail to do that you have broken the royal laws and you ought to fear.
27 By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible. 28 By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, lest he who destroyed the firstborn should touch them.
Moses did not care about the king and his rule over him, he cared and feared God. He did not fear his boss he feared God. I had a boss that said not to share Jesus at work and I am no longer there. We seem to fear the government and some people live in lands that say you cannot be a Christian and share this faith we have. But people take on the government and go to jail and get beat up because they Love Jesus and do not fear their government. What can they do really? Laws that make it bad for us to share Jesus are not to make us stop. If you go to school and your teacher said that evolution is right, stand up and tell him or her they are not right in teaching you that garbage. Kids evolution is a total lie so we got to fight it because this government wants you to not love Jesus. Clinton judges have made it ok to lie to you and the science teacher that tells you it is right ought to be fired and never teach and anything they teach from there on out can not be taken seriously. Faith is not just for Sunday school it can be taken with you to schools and you can pray and read your bible in school and if they tell you to stop tell me and I will get you help. Is the Muslims can pray to a fake thing we ought to pray in school and share Jesus and stand up to this land that tries and fails to get us to not love God and Jesus.
Faith is taking Gods plan to save you. In the tenth plague God said to kill a sheep and put blood on the door of your home and if you did not your first born will not die. God did kill every firstborn in that land that had no blood. Jesus came and died on the cross for you and if you do not take this gift you are not going to be in heaven. It is not your plan to be forgiven if you did not work. God takes the blood of Jesus and only the blood of Jesus for your sins. God gave the rules for heaven and it is his place you do not set his places terms. No you cannot to a Catholic purgatory and then go to heaven. God never made this place and he never is going to, It is take Jesus or nothing. It is do not kill and not kill people if they do not convert to Muslims
Ok I am done If you want to get saved email me. I pray for you the reader. If your saved tell 10 people about Jesus and lets convert the perishing

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Racist are bad news

I want to publicly say I made a comment at work that was taken the wrong way. It does not matter what was said but it was not right. I want to state a couple of things for everyone to know about me. First I am not racist. I have never been and shall never be. I think God made mankind and all of them good in all ways. God I do not think made the first 2 people white and I think Jesus is not white. I do think our land owes the blacks a lot. Any church that makes anything about the color of skin needs to be gone. I think there are some places namly Bob Jones College where it is not ok to date one race to another. That is sinful and wrong. I have a cousin that married one of another race and I have many friends of many races. I think many races are the norm and they are equal in Gods eyes.
I do not think the homos and the sinners of the world are equal in the eyes of God. If something is called sin it is wrong. I also think the bible is the only word of God and that means some things. I do not think that Catholics are the same as the Christian faith. It is not that they are wrong I think they are not the same and the claims they make are not the same as the ones found in the bible. I do not back away from this claim because the bible overrides everyones so called rights. I also am not for the religion of Islam. It has been only the Islam faith that has vowed to kill this land. If your out to kill us or anyone for not converting your one I am not going to like you. I do not like anyone that accepts any from of murder of incent life. That means I can never vote Pro Choice. I can never give to people like Ms Clinton because they are not for life. I think pro life is enough for my vote and if your not pro life then your not getting a vote. If you accept any form of special rights for Gays your not getting my vote. No racist also is going to ever get my vote, No person that is not a Christian is going to get my vote. Nonbasic if your behavior is such as it is not moral and right I pray for you. Gays can not be that way. But the color of your skin is how God made you. If you on welfare you can help it.
If your of another faith I am not going to make you convert to mine I am not able to convert for that is the job of Jesus. I am going to say that your choice is to have any faith you want. However if your not a Christian God said your not going to heaven in the bible and I am to proclaim that to you and share that. If your sick Love is going to tell that to you and if your not a saved person your going to not inherit heaven. Jesus said to share his truth and not to compromise and not to water it down. Ok I hit some hard things openly and maybe I have offended. If I have then message me and I will personal get back to you

Monday, September 04, 2006


Heb Give all your life to Jesus

If your new here on my page I want to let you know what my goal is. My goal is to study the bible and allow you to see my thinking. I allow comments from anyone. Yes anyone. I do this study for me and I hope you read it, but I go into the whole truth and nothing but the truth. My goal is not to make you feel good and happy the goal is to say what the bible said and the truth is. It is not my job also to conform to what you might want to hear, my goal is to share me with you and yes sometimes I am not going to be what you want me to be or think how you want. It is a free land and all my content is going to be what I want. I give you comments to say what you want but if you mis use them I am going to be talking to you. I prefer that you leave a name with all comments or a email because not doing so shows your chicken and weak.
Hebrews 11 17 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, 18 of whom it was said, “In Isaac your seed shall be called,” 19 concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also received him in a figurative sense.
20 By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.
21 By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and worshiped, leaning on the top of his staff.
22 By faith Joseph, when he was dying, made mention of the departure of the children of Israel, and gave instructions concerning his bones.1
I am not sure how this one is going to turn out. I am not great at the Old testament but I am better in the new. It is a good Sunday school lesson but if I leave it nothing is going to come of it. Abe had a strong faith and that faith had a test. God made Issac his son and now God wanted to see where the faith of Abe sat. It was a hard one. God asked Abe to give everything given to him back to God. As the elect of God friend are we not asked to give all our life to the Lord. We some are asked to give a tithe or offering to the Lord. God is seeing if Abe had faith and this was the test. Was he willing to give God all God gave him? Am I willing to give up my computer if asked for Jesus? I had to give up friends for Jesus and things I loved for him. I want to give my all to make Jesus famous and let others know him. What is your price? Abe knew the Lord had a way to get this worked out. Sometimes God asks me to give up something and it makes no sense in any world but I am asking the Lord to be my KING and that means if its him or a movie the movie is gone and Jesus is able to fill the need. Its a theme it seems with me that I want to give all for Jesus and not keep anything from him.
Look at the faith of the others in tonights passage. I note that they had faith in God until the end of life. Jesus is not for me just for a few years he is mine forever. Jesus is a life style that I want to live for a long long time. Jesus is forever and all our lives we are going to live in him and for him. If you are in your teens your lucky and will be held to a standard by Jesus that is going to higher that one that gets saved in their 60's. Salvation for us in our 30's is awesome but we better get our life right and live and collect good works for Jesus and not lose our hope. If your a saved person in your early child hood first email me and second your going to be shaping your faith in Jesus forever. Jesus has us forever so today plegdge that your never going to walk alone because Jesus is always going by your side and He is power for you. I saw some of the MDA telethon and tonight I am asking you to give the rest of your life to Jesus. Message me and pledge all you have to Jesus for the rest of your life.
1The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Heaven 3 share Jesus

I am still in the topic of heaven and I am not sure how long I am going to go on it. I could go forever on the topic but I am not going to. I think this might be our last trip there for now because I want to keep going in Hebrews and get to John but I might go into another path to. I want to take a trip to Heavwen tonightin the last book of the bible. Look with me into a preveiw of what we are going to have.
Rev 21 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. 2 Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. 4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
Here is a passage that places us in the actual place we are looking at. The world is gone and we are living with Jesus here. We are where there is no sea and no separation with each other. Perhaps we are in one big home with God together. We are the bride of God here the loved and adored of God. Heaven is such a place that God is making for us to enjoy and love him forver. We are going to be with GOD and that is just a place that is going to be rich. I have to confess I am getting to watch a show about the stars homes on MTV ans to think of the money they have on this place. I think heaven is going to be so much more. God is going to dwell with man and as I have said before God is our all in all and is our greaest lover and friend.
God is going to take all our sorrow and tears away. All our saved friends are going to be there. Note our saved friends. We go into the others later. We all our going to love Jesus and we all are going to be saved and never going to sin again. Nothing sad is going to ever be there and nothing pain is going to be there.
5 Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”
6 And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. 7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. 8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
Here might be the saddest thing in the bible. Some people in sin are not going to heaven. It is sad but fair. What is fair that each person ever born goes to hell right now with no time here. What is fair is that you that do not know the Lord or reject anything in the bible go to hell. All of us are sinners and we all ought to go to hell. If you tell one white lie hell. I deserve hell. I ought to go there. Now Jesus paid the sins of the saved on the cross. He did not pay for the sins of people that reject him and live in pleasure. Jesus said that the cowards, unbelieving, killers and sexual sinner are not going to be in heaven. People now days think they go to heaven and not hell if they live for self and this is not the truth.
SO Christian this ought not make you sad. It is a motivation to do something now and that is to share Jesus. Are you sharing Jesus and trying to convert people of other faiths. Friend it is why we live here on earth. Are we giving to missions? Are we doing all we can to reach the lost or are we just not thinking the thing of hell is not really there. Are we looking to the worlds sicko thinking when they say all are going to heaven. None are going to heaven in the Muslim, budda, Hindu, or and other cult in the world. None will go in this land that call themselves humanist or Catholic because the faith it takes is a born again faith. We need to tell them the truth and not just say anyway is ok. Go share jesus and never be resting until everyone find the Lord.

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