Monday, June 30, 2008

I GET TO PLAY DADDY IN GOLF IN THE AFTERNOON SO I AM SO GLAD. I am not driving the ball real well but Iam going to just keep going and trust in time I will get better. I know I can do better.

Phil 3 8 Yet indeed I also count all things loss nfor the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in Him, not having omy own righteousness, which is from the law, but pthat which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; 10 that I may know Him and the qpower of His resurrection, and rthe fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, 11 if, by any means, I may sattain 2to the resurrection from the dead.

Paul is in Jail here when he wrote the above. He was locked up for telling folks about Jesus and his love. I think this is awesome man who Loved Jesus and knew Jesus. He knew Jesus better than most and he had Jesus love in him. He said everything in this life is worth nothing compared to gaining Jesus. Jesus love is so awesome that to Paul it is worth all in the world to have it. Knowing Jesus and having his grace and rightness is better than billions in cash and all the friends in the world, yet what I would give to have all my friends and family to know Jesus.

Here is a verse on the Hell
41 “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, i‘Depart from Me, you cursed, jinto the everlasting fire prepared for kthe devil and his angels: 42 for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink; 43 I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’


REV 20 10 The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone swhere 2the beast and the false prophet are. And they twill be tormented day and night forever and ever.

REV 13 11 And athe smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”

Friday, June 27, 2008

NBA I think the MN team will be ok this time and the trade was ok with me. We got a shooter and a center and we freed up some cash in the cap so we can get a player. I do not think this is going to be the key but can help us build to a better team...

Lets start a little thing and lets look in the bible at the Lord Jesus for a time each time. Lets keep our focus on Jesus and his love for us and for the unsaved.

Here is the next few weeks on the blog and the things I hope to cover. We are going to look into the old test to see the bibles talk on Jesus and how his life is all told before he ever lived on the earth. I do this to look at the truth and not let the unsaved have excuse to think the bible is a lie.
Psalms 2 7     “I will declare the 7decree:
     The Lord has said to Me,
     f‘You are My Son,
     Today I have begotten You.

Jesus here is told to be the son of God before he even was thought of. In the new times Jesus was just that.
Luke 1 29 But 6when she saw him, dshe was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was. 30 Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found efavor with God. 31 fAnd behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and gshall call His name Jesus. 32 He will be great, hand will be called the Son of the Highest; and ithe Lord God will give Him the jthrone of His kfather David. 33 lAnd He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.”

As the Son of God. Ps 2:7.
Fulfilled. Lk 1:32, 35.
As the seed of the woman. Ge 3:15.
Fulfilled. Gal 4:4.
As the seed of Abraham. Ge 17:7; 22:18.
Fulfilled. Gal 3:16.
As the seed of Isaac. Ge 21:12.
Fulfilled. Heb 11:17–19.
As the seed of David. Ps 132:11; Jer 23:5.
Fulfilled. Ac 13:23; Ro 1:3.
His coming at a set time. Ge 49:10; Da 9:24, 25.
Fulfilled. Lk 2:1.
His being born of a virgin. Is 7:14.
Fulfilled. Mt 1:22, 23; Lk 2:7.
His being called Immanuel. Is 7:14.
Fulfilled. Mt 1:22, 23.
His being born in Bethlehem Ephrathah of Judah. Mic 5:2.
Fulfilled. Mt 2:1; Lk 2:4–6.
Great persons coming to adore Him. Ps 72:10.
Fulfilled. Mt 2:1–11.
The killing of the children of Bethlehem. Jer 31:15.
Fulfilled. Mt 2:16–18.
His being called out of Egypt. Hos 11:1.
Fulfilled. Mt 2:15.
His being preceded by John the Baptist. Is 40:3; Mal 3:1.
Fulfilled. Mt 3:1, 3; Lk 1:17.
His being anointed with the Spirit. Ps 45:7; Is 11:2; 61:1.
Fulfilled. Mt 3:16; Jn 3:34; Ac 10:38.
His being a prophet like Moses. Dt 18:15–18.
Fulfilled. Ac 3:20–22.
His being a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Ps 110:4.
Fulfilled. Heb 5:5, 6.
His entering on His public ministry. Is 61:1, 2.
Fulfilled. Lk 4:16–21, 43.
His ministry commencing in Galilee. Is 9:1, 2.
Fulfilled. Mt 4:12–16, 23.
His entering publicly into Jerusalem. Zec 9:9.
Fulfilled. Mt 21:1–5.
His coming into the temple. Hag 2:7, 9; Mal 3:1.
Fulfilled. Mt 21:12; Lk 2:27–32; Jn 2:13–16.
His poverty. Is 53:2.
Fulfilled. Mk 6:3; Lk 9:58.
His meekness. Is 42:2.
Fulfilled. Mt 12:15, 16, 19.
His tenderness and compassion. Is 40:11; 42:3.
Fulfilled. Mt 12:15, 20; Heb 4:15.
His being without deceit. Is 53:9.
Fulfilled. 1Pe 2:22.
His zeal. Ps 69:9.
Fulfilled. Jn 2:17.
His preaching by parables. Ps 78:2.
Fulfilled. Mt 13:34, 35.
His working miracles. Is 35:5, 6.
Fulfilled. Mt 11:4–6; Jn 11:47.
His bearing reproach. Ps 22:6; 69:7, 9, 20.
Fulfilled. Ro 15:3.
His being rejected by His brethren. Ps 69:8; Is 63:3.
Fulfilled. Jn 1:11; 7:3.
His being a stone of stumbling to the Jews. Is 8:14.
Fulfilled. Ro 9:32; 1Pe 2:8.
His being hated by the Jews. Ps 69:4; Is 49:7.
Fulfilled. Jn 15:24, 25.
His being rejected by the Jewish rulers. Ps 118:22.
Fulfilled. Mt 21:42; Jn 7:48.
That the Jews and Gentiles should combine against Him. Ps 2:1, 2.
Fulfilled. Lk 23:12; Ac 4:27.
His being betrayed by a friend. Ps 41:9; 55:12–14.
Fulfilled. Jn 13:18, 21.
His disciples forsaking Him. Zec 13:7.
Fulfilled. Mt 26:31, 56.
His being sold for thirty pieces of silver. Zec 11:12.
Fulfilled. Mt 26:15.
His price being given for the potter’s field. Zec 11:13.
Fulfilled. Mt 27:7.
The intensity of His sufferings. Ps 22:14, 15.
Fulfilled. Lk 22:42, 44.
His sufferings being for others. Is 53:4–6, 12; Da 9:26.
Fulfilled. Mt 20:28.
His patience and silence under suffering. Is 53:7.
Fulfilled. Mt 26:63; 27:12–14.
His being struck on the cheek. Mic 5:1.
Fulfilled. Mt 27:30.
His visage being marred. Is 52:14; 53:3.
Fulfilled. Jn 19:5.
His being spit on and scourged. Is 50:6.
Fulfilled. Mk 14:65; Jn 19:1.
His hands and feet being nailed to the cross. Ps 22:16.
Fulfilled. Jn 19:18; 20:25.
His being forsaken by God. Ps 22:1.
Fulfilled. Mt 27:46.
His being mocked. Ps 22:7, 8.
Fulfilled. Mt 27:39–44.
Gall and vinegar being given him to drink. Ps 69:21.
Fulfilled. Mt 27:34.
His garments being parted, and lots cast for His clothing. Ps 22:18.
Fulfilled. Mt 27:35.
His being numbered with the transgressors. Is 53:12.
Fulfilled. Mk 15:28.
His intercession for His murderers. Is 53:12.
Fulfilled. Lk 23:34.
His death. Is 53:12.
Fulfilled. Mt 27:50.
That not a bone of His should be broken. Ex 12:46; Ps 34:20.
Fulfilled. Jn 19:33, 36.
His being pierced. Zec 12:10.
Fulfilled. Jn 19:34, 37.
His being buried with the rich. Is 53:9.
Fulfilled. Mt 27:57–60.
His flesh not seeing corruption. Ps 16:10.
Fulfilled. Ac 2:31.
His resurrection. Ps 16:10; Is 26:19.
Fulfilled. Lk 24:6, 31, 34.
His ascension. Ps 68:18.
Fulfilled. Lk 24:51; Ac 1:9.
His sitting on the right hand of God. Ps 110:1.
Fulfilled. Heb 1:3.
His exercising the priestly office in heaven. Zec 6:13.
Fulfilled. Ro 8:34.
His being the chief cornerstone of the church. Is 28:16.
Fulfilled. 1Pe 2:6, 7.
His being king in Zion. Ps 2:6.
Fulfilled. Lk 1:32; Jn 18:33–37.
The conversion of the Gentiles to Him. Is 11:10; 42:1.
Fulfilled. Mt 1:17, 21; Jn 10:16; Ac 10:45, 47.
His righteous government. Ps 45:6, 7.
Fulfilled. Jn 5:30; Rev 19:11.
His universal dominion. Ps 72:8; Da 7:14.
Fulfilled. Php 2:9, 11.
The perpetuity of His kingdom. Is 9:7; Da 7:14.
Fulfilled. Lk 1:32, 33.
Resurrection of Christ
Foretold by the prophets. Ps 16:10; Ac 13:34, 35; Is 26:19.
Foretold by Himself. Mt 20:19; Mk 9:9; 14:28; Jn 2:19–22.
Was necessary for
The fulfillment of Scripture. Lk 24:45, 46.
Forgiveness of sins. 1Co 15:17.
Justification. Ro 4:25; 8:34.
Hope. 1Co 15:19.
The efficacy of preaching. 1Co 15:14.
The efficacy of faith. 1Co 15:14, 17.
The truth of the gospel. 1Co 15:14, 15.
A proof of His being the Son of God. Ps 2:7; Ac 13:33; Ro 1:4.
Effected by
The power of God. Ac 2:24; 3:15; Ro 8:11; Eph 1:20; Col 2:12.
His own power. Jn 2:19; 10:18.
The power of the Holy Spirit. 1Pe 3:18.
On the first day of the week. Mk 16:9.
On the third day after His death. Lk 24:46; Ac 10:40; 1Co 15:4.
The apostles
At first did not understand the predictions respecting. Mk 9:10; Jn 20:9.
Very slow to believe. Mk 16:13; Lk 24:9, 11, 37, 38.
Rebuked for their unbelief of. Mk 16:14.
He appeared after, to
Mary Magdalene. Mk 16:9; Jn 20:18.
The women. Mt 28:9.
Simon. Lk 24:34.
Two disciples. Lk 24:13–31.
The apostles, except Thomas. Jn 20:19, 24.
The apostles, including Thomas. Jn 20:26.
The apostles (disciples) at the Sea of Tiberias. Jn 21:1.
The apostles in Galilee. Mt 28:16, 17.
About five hundred brethren. 1Co 15:6.
James. 1Co 15:7.
All the apostles. Lk 24:51; Ac 1:9; 1Co 15:7.
Paul. 1Co 15:8.
Fraud impossible in. Mt 27:63–66.
He gave many infallible proofs of. Lk 24:35, 39, 43; Jn 20:20, 27; Ac 1:3.
Was attested by
Angels. Mt 28:5–7; Lk 24:4–7, 23.
Apostles. Ac 1:22; 2:32; 3:15; 4:33.
His enemies. Mt 28:11–15.
Asserted and preached by the apostles. Ac 25:19; 26:23.
Begotten to a living hope by. 1Pe 1:3, 21.
Desire to know the power of. Php 3:10.
Should keep, in remembrance. 2Ti 2:8.
Shall rise in the likeness of. Ro 6:5; 1Co 15:49; Php 3:21.
Is an emblem of the new birth. Ro 6:4; Col 2:12.
The first fruits of our resurrection. Ac 26:23; 1Co 15:20, 23.
Followed by His exaltation. Ac 4:10, 11; Ro 8:34; Eph 1:20; Php 2:9, 10; Rev 1:18.
An assurance of the judgment. Ac 17:31.
Typified by
Isaac. Ge 22:13; Heb 11:19.
Jonah. Jon 2:10; Mt 12:40.
MacArthur, John: The MacArthur Study Bible : New American Standard Bible. Nashville : Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Some of you are going to read this and think I hate you but I am doing the loving thing. I am in south cali right now at the resolved weekend and the topic is on hell and heaven. Jesus wants you to go to heaven. Many if not most of my readers will not go to heaven because they think wrong things. Heaven is as real as the car you drive and so is hell. Hell is what many of you want because you think there is no God. There is a God and friend you are going to face him no matter what you think or believe and some of you that think this is a fairy tale will suffer a hell forever you do not want to try out. Hell is a awful thing people, Jesus will allow you to go there where Jesus is not there. The most painful tourture is going to be there with no release from it forever. Hell is a burning place that all who reject Jesus go to with a memory and pain that is real. Allk faiths outside Jesus are subject to God and hell is where you go if Jesus is not your king or you fail to make him Lord and trust his word completely. It is not whatever you thin k is right is right it is Jesus the way and if you do not love him your doomed no matter what.

Heaven is going to be so much better and God is going to dwell with his people. It is going to be a place of delight and forgiveness and perfection. Jesus is going to make it and he knows what it needs the things you want there. It is not easy to go to heaven. It is impossible. On your own you need to have Jesus work it inside of you. Jesus gives you a chance and every time you reject Jesus is a serious thing and might be the last time and Jesus might make it impossible to get out of hell. This is so serious that I am going to lay out what you must do

1 You must know God loves you and made you \
2 You have sinned and God must punish you and will not let you off the hook. I have sinned and one lie or stealing a mere pen makes you guily. It is one sin that is needed to make you not perfect and God is going to punish one sin.
3 If you grasp the sin is so serious then you will see and get the reason Jesus died. Your in a courtroom and your sin is costing you forever in hell. If you say to the judge you were good it is not a matter of the good you do it is the sin and you must be sent to hell. Jesus offered to pay your sin by coming to earth and paying your sin debt and then he takes all your sins and he died on the cross in your place and if sent to hell and you get to go and walk into heaven

If you take Jesus sin is forgiven and heaven is real for you
if you reject this your in no hope for good and this is a time you read the truth and your heart will b ecome hard or has and Jesus is not going to save you

please do not go to hell. Every man in hell bags you to turn to Jesus today

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