Saturday, June 14, 2008

Some of you are going to read this and think I hate you but I am doing the loving thing. I am in south cali right now at the resolved weekend and the topic is on hell and heaven. Jesus wants you to go to heaven. Many if not most of my readers will not go to heaven because they think wrong things. Heaven is as real as the car you drive and so is hell. Hell is what many of you want because you think there is no God. There is a God and friend you are going to face him no matter what you think or believe and some of you that think this is a fairy tale will suffer a hell forever you do not want to try out. Hell is a awful thing people, Jesus will allow you to go there where Jesus is not there. The most painful tourture is going to be there with no release from it forever. Hell is a burning place that all who reject Jesus go to with a memory and pain that is real. Allk faiths outside Jesus are subject to God and hell is where you go if Jesus is not your king or you fail to make him Lord and trust his word completely. It is not whatever you thin k is right is right it is Jesus the way and if you do not love him your doomed no matter what.

Heaven is going to be so much better and God is going to dwell with his people. It is going to be a place of delight and forgiveness and perfection. Jesus is going to make it and he knows what it needs the things you want there. It is not easy to go to heaven. It is impossible. On your own you need to have Jesus work it inside of you. Jesus gives you a chance and every time you reject Jesus is a serious thing and might be the last time and Jesus might make it impossible to get out of hell. This is so serious that I am going to lay out what you must do

1 You must know God loves you and made you \
2 You have sinned and God must punish you and will not let you off the hook. I have sinned and one lie or stealing a mere pen makes you guily. It is one sin that is needed to make you not perfect and God is going to punish one sin.
3 If you grasp the sin is so serious then you will see and get the reason Jesus died. Your in a courtroom and your sin is costing you forever in hell. If you say to the judge you were good it is not a matter of the good you do it is the sin and you must be sent to hell. Jesus offered to pay your sin by coming to earth and paying your sin debt and then he takes all your sins and he died on the cross in your place and if sent to hell and you get to go and walk into heaven

If you take Jesus sin is forgiven and heaven is real for you
if you reject this your in no hope for good and this is a time you read the truth and your heart will b ecome hard or has and Jesus is not going to save you

please do not go to hell. Every man in hell bags you to turn to Jesus today

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