Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Looking on to jesus
Ok I guess people are going to hit me for the truth fine. I love them in Jesus (ha ha). If your in the king james movement I wonder how not saved in your minds because they use the NIV. Wwe will get beck to that because I am not going to let it go until everyone agrees with my page and adores me. And you think the Waco Baptist are bad. I am worst. Agree or read my truth. Read the John Macarthur bible and follow it. Buy one. Read it alone and then send me comments on where he is wrong. We can fight over that one but I as you know have the power to put only the comments that make me look good. And if you do not have the cash for the John Macarthur bible you get it by working. You need to have one today.
I am taking this train the way I want to go.
Hebrews 12 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.1
We have been in the study of the saints of God in the old times and now Paul is asking us to do or act. We have been encouraged in their walks and now we are called to take the step of action. We have a great cloud of people in heaven cheering for us and watching us. Many people might not agree they are but I am taking the bible at face value and I think the saints of old are watching. If not Jesus our lord is and t5hat ought to drive us to serve him as we should.
Let us lay aside every weight. We can have freedom to go and take all our weights to the cross. We can lay our sins on Jesus and know he forgives us and sends them away. We can take our temptations to Jesus and our battle from hell and tell it to Jesus. We ought to forget the past stuff and run for Jesus. When a runner is going to race you do not see that runner wearing much in clothes because they do not want to be stopped in any way. We need to strip off every possible thing that does not make us live for Jesus. TV Internet, the books we might read, bad movies, music or anything that takes the place of Jesus. For me it was a friendship with people that had to go so I could focus on Jesus and Gods love for me. Inter act and tell me the things that we have to get rip of. Jesus is to be our focus in life. Jesus knew he had a mission and we need to have one to.
Our mission might be to make Jesus the only one we want to please him alone. We need to make him the reason and thing we serve. Jesus is worth running for alone because he came and he ran a race for you and he died for you and loves you deeper that anyone ever will. If your saved tonight the one to please is your lover Jesus and no one else matters. Live for him alone and know he died for you as if you were the only one who sinned. Jesus is the author of your faith and he gave it to you and he keeps you in faith for his glory. He is going to be the sole reason you got to go to heaven. He can be your all in all and in Jesus you can build all your life on.
Jesus Joy in going to the cross is your salvation. Jesus also had the joy of doing Gods will and making God famous and Glorified in all the earth. Jesus went to the cross out of love for the will of the father and love for us. After the cross Jesus sat down and made a path for anyone to come to God and go to heaven and live for him on earth. Jesus gave Glory to God and that is the bottom reason for us on earth to make Jesus famous by working in us to bring others to himself. We need to share Jesus with lost people and we need to pray for them.
Pray for Thailand, the government fell and a Muslim person is there and many people I know are there sharing Jesus. I am aware of a few there. It is sad the news in not reporting the truth that the Muslims are doing this. Marshal law has been declared and it is going to be hard for the missions folks to get out so pray please
1The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
I am taking this train the way I want to go.
Hebrews 12 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.1
We have been in the study of the saints of God in the old times and now Paul is asking us to do or act. We have been encouraged in their walks and now we are called to take the step of action. We have a great cloud of people in heaven cheering for us and watching us. Many people might not agree they are but I am taking the bible at face value and I think the saints of old are watching. If not Jesus our lord is and t5hat ought to drive us to serve him as we should.
Let us lay aside every weight. We can have freedom to go and take all our weights to the cross. We can lay our sins on Jesus and know he forgives us and sends them away. We can take our temptations to Jesus and our battle from hell and tell it to Jesus. We ought to forget the past stuff and run for Jesus. When a runner is going to race you do not see that runner wearing much in clothes because they do not want to be stopped in any way. We need to strip off every possible thing that does not make us live for Jesus. TV Internet, the books we might read, bad movies, music or anything that takes the place of Jesus. For me it was a friendship with people that had to go so I could focus on Jesus and Gods love for me. Inter act and tell me the things that we have to get rip of. Jesus is to be our focus in life. Jesus knew he had a mission and we need to have one to.
Our mission might be to make Jesus the only one we want to please him alone. We need to make him the reason and thing we serve. Jesus is worth running for alone because he came and he ran a race for you and he died for you and loves you deeper that anyone ever will. If your saved tonight the one to please is your lover Jesus and no one else matters. Live for him alone and know he died for you as if you were the only one who sinned. Jesus is the author of your faith and he gave it to you and he keeps you in faith for his glory. He is going to be the sole reason you got to go to heaven. He can be your all in all and in Jesus you can build all your life on.
Jesus Joy in going to the cross is your salvation. Jesus also had the joy of doing Gods will and making God famous and Glorified in all the earth. Jesus went to the cross out of love for the will of the father and love for us. After the cross Jesus sat down and made a path for anyone to come to God and go to heaven and live for him on earth. Jesus gave Glory to God and that is the bottom reason for us on earth to make Jesus famous by working in us to bring others to himself. We need to share Jesus with lost people and we need to pray for them.
Pray for Thailand, the government fell and a Muslim person is there and many people I know are there sharing Jesus. I am aware of a few there. It is sad the news in not reporting the truth that the Muslims are doing this. Marshal law has been declared and it is going to be hard for the missions folks to get out so pray please
1The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.