Sunday, September 10, 2006
The world changed forever that September morning, I was just getting out of bed when I heard a plane had hit the world trade center. At this point I really did not know anything. I did nothing and slept until some plane hit the second building. I then went on cnn and saw the planes had hit and I knew we are at war with somebody. I went to school and I asked my teachers and he said some man Osams did it. I went to work and really wanted to go home and see this on tv. I had a e mail sent out to my list and I think I said this is going to be ok God is in charge and he knows. I got home and went to my church that night and prayed with Doug Randal. I had began a life that july in Jesus and this was a major part of my life. I called the Masters College that day asking why and Sue said Jesus is in control and He is in this. I also that Friday went to a thing with my new pal Rick and I met his mom. We know had gotten into a war. So that is what my day was on that morning. I was not in the best state around that time.
I do not think we are going to get hit again. I do think we needed to get to war and kill the people who did this. Is it Iraq, I know this that we needed to rid the world of evil and part of it was the folks in Iraq and they posed enough of a threat that we needed to fight them. We are at war there and we need to stay there until the generals say we can leave. We needed to call a draft and get more people to fight. We need to really back this war and fight to free as many people from the Muslim faith. It was the Muslims that did this to the nation and it is time to take the Muslims and get them out of the society so they learn they are dangerous and they teach hate and to kill all to kill people who will not convert. We need to get extremist Muslims out and replace it with Jesus and his truth. Some say Jesus would allow Christians to kill and that is a lie. It ticks me off that now people that never have read the bible now take things out of context and hit me with them. They think it is ok to make me not go into my deep faith in Jesus and the bible and go to websites and try to attack my faith, I am not going to allow them to post on this site and I am not going to answer anything they say. People do have rights to say whatever they want but not on my page. If I get tons of comments demanding freedom I might redo this but not for a long, long time. People died for all people to have freedom I know that and I respect that. I also respect the people who are Muslims that do not kill others for not converting but the time one thinks in anyway that killing one over not converting and taking planes to kill many people I will not ever respect anyone of any faith that ever takes a life in the name of a God and every single so called man or woman of Jesus who has killed over my faith will spend all external in the flames of Hell. And that goes to any faith that teaches any harm by mankind to anyone. I think that if you take a life in anyway premeditated is due one week in jail and then ought to be killed in public for all people of the area. If you kill in anyform because a false god told you to are bad hell bound people. If you are not killing a person over faith I think your ok and I am going to ask you to come to the true faith in Jesus. There is no other form of faith that leads to heaven. Jesus came and gives you life if you ask him and if you seek him in a heart with truth you find Jesus is the truth and not go and use the bible to mock God.
Study of the bible takes some things. One you must have Jesus as your king to be able to know any of it, Jesus has made it so if your not his your blind and are unable in anyway to have the bible. No man without a saving relationship can know the truth of Jesus. So when one said something is in the bible and is not a beliver do not even give time to him. I think if your a solid man of God you ought to see the claim they make and give them the truth of the matter and some background. Second you need to have a solid bible to study. I recommend the New King James and the NASB and the Macarthur bible and some solid software. DO not go to a website that is bent toward anti Jesus thought and study. None of them are right. Matter of truth go to a website and read the statement of doctrine and make sure it is solid. Things like King James only or not thinking salvation is a forever thing is reason not to read the site. When you have the tools read the bible over or at least the book and get to know the book your going to study. Listen to it on cd or tape a few times and read it over. Then if your new at bible study read a good overview of the book and find out the background of the book. When was it written and to whom and why. Is it in the new or old testament and mostly get the author and know some about him or her. If your new to the bible stick to John and the gospels. Good bible study takes HARD WORK.
Here is a rule or two
Rules for Profitable Bible Studies
If possible have a regular, private place for your Bible studies.
Before each study ask God to give you a spirit of humility while reading His word and guide your heart to comprehending, accepting and practicing His precious truth.
Start with Bible verses that are easy to understand when studying on a particular topic. Then, use these scriptures to understand harder, vaguer passages of God's word.
Let the Bible interpret and prove the Bible. Don't look for what you want to prove; look for what the Bible actually proves.
Seek to understand the general context of a particular Bible verse by reading the verses and chapters just before and after it. Does your understanding of a Bible passage harmonize with the rest of Scripture? Remember, the Bible does not contradict itself!
Study the original language (Hebrew or Greek) words and their meaning(s) behind a Bible verse. Remember, however, that although study aids like Strong's Exhaustive Concordance can be helpful, they should not be exclusively used to discover and prove what the Bible teaches.
Ask, what does the scripture you are studying clearly say?
Ask, what does the scripture you are studying not say?
Ask, to whom was the Bible book containing the scripture you are studying written to? Who wrote the book? Who is speaking the scripture(s) in question?
Seek to understand the general time frame in history when the Bible verses you are studying was written.
Remember that the Bible at times uses parables, allegories, symbols, poetry, metaphors and other figures of speech and literary techniques to reveal God's truth.
Don't bring your own personal assumptions and preconceived notions into your understanding or conclusions.
Base your study on scriptural knowledge that you already understand. What do you know up to this point in time?
Do not form conclusions based on partial facts or insufficient information, or the opinions and speculations of others.
Remember that your or anyone else's convictions, regardless of how strong they may be, don't necessarily count. God's word is your ultimate standard and guide.
That is a loaded night
I do not think we are going to get hit again. I do think we needed to get to war and kill the people who did this. Is it Iraq, I know this that we needed to rid the world of evil and part of it was the folks in Iraq and they posed enough of a threat that we needed to fight them. We are at war there and we need to stay there until the generals say we can leave. We needed to call a draft and get more people to fight. We need to really back this war and fight to free as many people from the Muslim faith. It was the Muslims that did this to the nation and it is time to take the Muslims and get them out of the society so they learn they are dangerous and they teach hate and to kill all to kill people who will not convert. We need to get extremist Muslims out and replace it with Jesus and his truth. Some say Jesus would allow Christians to kill and that is a lie. It ticks me off that now people that never have read the bible now take things out of context and hit me with them. They think it is ok to make me not go into my deep faith in Jesus and the bible and go to websites and try to attack my faith, I am not going to allow them to post on this site and I am not going to answer anything they say. People do have rights to say whatever they want but not on my page. If I get tons of comments demanding freedom I might redo this but not for a long, long time. People died for all people to have freedom I know that and I respect that. I also respect the people who are Muslims that do not kill others for not converting but the time one thinks in anyway that killing one over not converting and taking planes to kill many people I will not ever respect anyone of any faith that ever takes a life in the name of a God and every single so called man or woman of Jesus who has killed over my faith will spend all external in the flames of Hell. And that goes to any faith that teaches any harm by mankind to anyone. I think that if you take a life in anyway premeditated is due one week in jail and then ought to be killed in public for all people of the area. If you kill in anyform because a false god told you to are bad hell bound people. If you are not killing a person over faith I think your ok and I am going to ask you to come to the true faith in Jesus. There is no other form of faith that leads to heaven. Jesus came and gives you life if you ask him and if you seek him in a heart with truth you find Jesus is the truth and not go and use the bible to mock God.
Study of the bible takes some things. One you must have Jesus as your king to be able to know any of it, Jesus has made it so if your not his your blind and are unable in anyway to have the bible. No man without a saving relationship can know the truth of Jesus. So when one said something is in the bible and is not a beliver do not even give time to him. I think if your a solid man of God you ought to see the claim they make and give them the truth of the matter and some background. Second you need to have a solid bible to study. I recommend the New King James and the NASB and the Macarthur bible and some solid software. DO not go to a website that is bent toward anti Jesus thought and study. None of them are right. Matter of truth go to a website and read the statement of doctrine and make sure it is solid. Things like King James only or not thinking salvation is a forever thing is reason not to read the site. When you have the tools read the bible over or at least the book and get to know the book your going to study. Listen to it on cd or tape a few times and read it over. Then if your new at bible study read a good overview of the book and find out the background of the book. When was it written and to whom and why. Is it in the new or old testament and mostly get the author and know some about him or her. If your new to the bible stick to John and the gospels. Good bible study takes HARD WORK.
Here is a rule or two
Rules for Profitable Bible Studies
If possible have a regular, private place for your Bible studies.
Before each study ask God to give you a spirit of humility while reading His word and guide your heart to comprehending, accepting and practicing His precious truth.
Start with Bible verses that are easy to understand when studying on a particular topic. Then, use these scriptures to understand harder, vaguer passages of God's word.
Let the Bible interpret and prove the Bible. Don't look for what you want to prove; look for what the Bible actually proves.
Seek to understand the general context of a particular Bible verse by reading the verses and chapters just before and after it. Does your understanding of a Bible passage harmonize with the rest of Scripture? Remember, the Bible does not contradict itself!
Study the original language (Hebrew or Greek) words and their meaning(s) behind a Bible verse. Remember, however, that although study aids like Strong's Exhaustive Concordance can be helpful, they should not be exclusively used to discover and prove what the Bible teaches.
Ask, what does the scripture you are studying clearly say?
Ask, what does the scripture you are studying not say?
Ask, to whom was the Bible book containing the scripture you are studying written to? Who wrote the book? Who is speaking the scripture(s) in question?
Seek to understand the general time frame in history when the Bible verses you are studying was written.
Remember that the Bible at times uses parables, allegories, symbols, poetry, metaphors and other figures of speech and literary techniques to reveal God's truth.
Don't bring your own personal assumptions and preconceived notions into your understanding or conclusions.
Base your study on scriptural knowledge that you already understand. What do you know up to this point in time?
Do not form conclusions based on partial facts or insufficient information, or the opinions and speculations of others.
Remember that your or anyone else's convictions, regardless of how strong they may be, don't necessarily count. God's word is your ultimate standard and guide.
That is a loaded night