Saturday, September 30, 2006


Hebrew 12

I am happy that MLB has set the record for the people going into the gate. I like the truth we are going to the ball parks and making pro sports go. So If you never have went to a game on pro sports go out and get seats. It is good for all sities that have teams and will help the money of the cities. I have not worte for a little while so I owe you some news. I went to the Twins game this week and we lost to them royals. I am ok with the loss for now being we made the playoffs.
Last time in my study I got into a grove and I painted the passage a way that shared the gospwel but I want to go back and sort of do more work on it.
Hebrews 12
18 For you have not come to the mountain that may be touched and that burned with fire, and to blackness and darkness and tempest, 19 and the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words, so that those who heard it begged that the word should not be spoken to them anymore. 20 (For they could not endure what was commanded: “And if so much as a beast touches the mountain, it shall be stoned or shot with an arrow.” 21 And so terrifying was the sight that Moses said, “I am exceedingly afraid and trembling.”)
In the bible most of us know the 2 major parts are the old and the new. Old is then this passage is referring. Actually the law is one of 7 times and parts of the history of God. Here is also how the father is to be aproched. God is to be gone to with fear and trembling. God is holy and in that time he wanted to paint that to us. For most of history God has been hidden and not able to live in the common man or for that matter any of man. Our earth being 10000 years old 8000 of those years the Lord God was not as he is today. For 8000 years God dwell in a temple and not with the common man.
In this time our race was shown we were hopeless sinners and we have no hope unless the Lord gave a reason. But in the world only Jews were choosen to know God meaning every other race of people did not have any access to the truth. Many think calvinism is not true but when you ponder the God of our faith did not choose people to follow him or have a chance friend your mind will be changed.
22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, 23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, 24 to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.1
We also need to look more at the terms here: Mount Zion is the place of grace. Heaven is where this is and if you made Jesus your lord you are going to heaven forever and that cannot be taken away from you in any way. The firstborn church of the living God is what you the saved are a part of. If your saved you inherit the total of everything in heaven. If your saved your name is in heaven and cannot be erased out of the book of Life. Born twice is the truth of this. Blood of the sprinkling is the bllod Jesus gave at the cross for all your sins. In the old you had to kill a lamb in the temple for the blood to be applyied to your sins and now Jesus blood is the blood that took all your sins away and made a way for you to go into the throne room of the Blessed Holy God who is feared and I tremble at. This God is now able to be boldly gone to and forgives your sins and dwells in your heart. Jesus cleans you to the point where your sins are gone and you can be with GOD forever.
Here is a thing I am going to hit later but I want to note on now
Replenish The First Dispensation: Innocence. Man was created in innocence, placed in a perfect environment, subjected to a simple test, and warned of the consequences of disobedience. He was not compelled to sin but, tempted by Satan, he chose to disobey God. The woman was deceived; the man transgressed deliberately (1 Tim 2:14). The stewardship of Innocence ended in the judgment of the expulsion from Eden (Gen 3:24). For notes on the other dispensations, see: Conscience or Moral Responsibility (Gen 3:7, note); Human Government (Gen 8:15, note); Promise (Gen 12:1, note); Law (Exo 19:1, note); Church (Acts 2:1, note); Kingdom (Rev 20:4, note); also Gen 11:10, note.
7 dispensation
1 incent
2 Human government
3 Promise
4 Law
5 Church
6 kingdom
Note them and I am going to go into them. In bible study we need to define them because things are not the same in all 7
Again this is a good thing to note
Covenant The Eight Covenants, Summary: (1) The Edenic Covenant (Gen 2:16, note) conditions the life of man in innocence. (2) The Adamic Covenant (Gen 3:15, note) conditions the life of fallen men and gives promise of a Redeemer. (3) The Noahic Covenant (Gen 9:16, note) establishes the principle of human government. (4) The Abrahamic Covenant (Gen 12:2, note) founds the nation of Israel and confirms, with specific additions, the Adamic promise of redemption. (5) The Mosaic Covenant (Exo 19:5, note) condemns all men, “for all have sinned” (Rom 3:23; 5:12). (6) The Palestinian Covenant (Deu 30:3, note) secures the final restoration and conversion of Israel. (7) The Davidic Covenant (2 Sam 7:16, note) establishes the perpetuity of the Davidic family (fulfilled in Christ, Mat 1:1; Luke 1:31-33; Rom 1:3), and of the Davidic kingdom over Israel and over the whole earth, to be fulfilled in and by Christ (2 Sam 7:8-17; Zech 12:8; Luke 1:31-33; Acts 15:14-17; 1 Cor 15:24). And (8) the New Covenant (Heb 8:8, note) rests upon the sacrifice of Christ and secures the eternal blessedness, under the Abrahamic Covenant (Gal 3:13-29), of all who believe. It is absolutely unconditional and, since no responsibility is by it committed to man, it is final and irreversible.
The relation of Christ to the eight covenants is as follows: (1) To the Edenic Covenant, Christ, as the “second man” and the “last Adam” (1 Cor 15:45-47), takes the place over all things which the first Adam lost (Col 2:10; Heb 2:7-9). (2) He is the Seed of the woman of the Adamic Covenant (Gen 3:15; John 12:31; Gal 4:4; 1 John 3:8; Rev 20:10), and fulfilled its conditions of toil (Mark 6:3) and obedience (Phil 2:8; Heb 5:8). (3) As the greatest Son of Shem, in Him was fulfilled supremely the promise to Shem in the Noahic Covenant (Gen 9:16, note; Col 2:9). (4) He is the Seed to whom the promises were made in the Abrahamic Covenant, the Son of Abraham obedient unto death (Gen 22:18; Gal 3:16; Phil 2:8). (5) He lived sinlessly under the Mosaic Covenant and bore for us its curse (Gal 3:10-13). (6) He lived obediently as a Jew in the land under the Palestinian Covenant, and will yet perform its gracious promises (Deu 28:1-30:9). (7) He is the Seed, Heir, and King under the Davidic Covenant (Mat 1:1; Luke 1:31-33). And (8) His sacrifice is the foundation of the New Covenant (Mat 26:28; 1 Cor 11:25).
Eight Covenants: vv. 7, 8. (Gen 2:16; Heb 8:8)
1The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

And all that means what?
It is a good study, but what is it all for?
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