Thursday, September 07, 2006


Moses in one night

I need to add a couple of verses on the race thing.
1. The racist has not properly grasped the concept that people are made in the image of God - all people! Gen. 1:26,27.2. Racism is foolish, since God "made from one" every nation. Acts 17:26.3. Racial bigotry is also ungodly, unlike God. 1 Sam. 16:7.
The "Golden Rule" forbids racial discrimination. Lk. 6:31; Matt. 7:12.5. Christians are commanded: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," (Matt. 22:39).6. Those of us who are striving to recreate first century Christianity have extra impetus to eschew racism. Rom. 10:12.
Ok covered that and I talked last time on the issue and I will address it as I need to. Lets go into Moses and see why he is in the chapter that I am covering.
Hebrews 11 23 By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden three months by his parents, because they saw he was a beautiful child; and they were not afraid of the king’s command.
24 By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, 25 choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, 26 esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; for he looked to the reward.
Could it be that from the womb God had plans for Moses? It is a thought to think about. God had preserved Moses and perhaps it was Gods plan for Moses to be the leader of the people. Was it known to God that moses just happened to be placed into the family that he was so he could gain access to the place to ask for the people to leave. It was not Moses choice how God was going to do what he wanted to and I think it is not your choice if your saved because God planed it all before Time began. Just my reformed mind going into deep stuff. It is a fact that many in the faith think they got saved because of then and I am here to tell you that God did it all and takes all the credit and Glory. No glory or fame is yours Pastors of the baptists church that do not think this way.
Back to Moses, he did not want to be part of the people that did not Love the Lord and serve him. When you get saved it might mean you have to cut off some of the old pals It might mean your friends are going to drag you down so faith makes a choice in action. It chooses Jesus over the world. It means you live Jesus more than things in this world and you love him if it means it hits your pocketbook, day timer and plans. It is not longer your life if you know Jesus it is his life and he has the rights to everything you are and have. It means you give up the world, separate from the trash in this place and bond to the bible. If the bible said sin is something you do you change your view because God is not one to change. If you ask Jesus into your life and you drank booze and the bible does not allow it you do as the bible said not as you want. If you think it is ok to fornicate the bible said your not to the bible is always right. Obey God before any people. If Jesus said to love one another Love one another with joy. Jesus also said to love the Lord with all of you and fail to do that you have broken the royal laws and you ought to fear.
27 By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible. 28 By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, lest he who destroyed the firstborn should touch them.
Moses did not care about the king and his rule over him, he cared and feared God. He did not fear his boss he feared God. I had a boss that said not to share Jesus at work and I am no longer there. We seem to fear the government and some people live in lands that say you cannot be a Christian and share this faith we have. But people take on the government and go to jail and get beat up because they Love Jesus and do not fear their government. What can they do really? Laws that make it bad for us to share Jesus are not to make us stop. If you go to school and your teacher said that evolution is right, stand up and tell him or her they are not right in teaching you that garbage. Kids evolution is a total lie so we got to fight it because this government wants you to not love Jesus. Clinton judges have made it ok to lie to you and the science teacher that tells you it is right ought to be fired and never teach and anything they teach from there on out can not be taken seriously. Faith is not just for Sunday school it can be taken with you to schools and you can pray and read your bible in school and if they tell you to stop tell me and I will get you help. Is the Muslims can pray to a fake thing we ought to pray in school and share Jesus and stand up to this land that tries and fails to get us to not love God and Jesus.
Faith is taking Gods plan to save you. In the tenth plague God said to kill a sheep and put blood on the door of your home and if you did not your first born will not die. God did kill every firstborn in that land that had no blood. Jesus came and died on the cross for you and if you do not take this gift you are not going to be in heaven. It is not your plan to be forgiven if you did not work. God takes the blood of Jesus and only the blood of Jesus for your sins. God gave the rules for heaven and it is his place you do not set his places terms. No you cannot to a Catholic purgatory and then go to heaven. God never made this place and he never is going to, It is take Jesus or nothing. It is do not kill and not kill people if they do not convert to Muslims
Ok I am done If you want to get saved email me. I pray for you the reader. If your saved tell 10 people about Jesus and lets convert the perishing

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