Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Is your faith strong enough to do as the bible taught in the church? I do not think this is for folks that take light the truth that a man in Jesus is excpected to cut the saved off if they are causeing a church to stubble. Okay we do not like to hear this but I am going to preach this because it is in the bible and if you do not obey you need to think why?

Matt 18 15 “Moreover oif your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, pyou have gained your brother. 16 But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that q‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.’ 17 And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a rheathen and a tax collector.

If a brother which is a christian sins and it is serious you go to him and talk it over. IF he repents then your done and nothing has to be done. For this talk lets say Jack is sleeping with gals that are not his wife. If this happens and he is a member of the body you go to him and tell him this is wrong and to knock it off. Jack repents and does not do this again the issue is over and he is back in fellowship. Or if Jack thinks it is ok and does not repent of this sin you are to take 3 and confront him and pray with him and hopes he repents and if he does it stops there but if Jack still does this he needs to be hit hard. It goes to the church and the whole church is going to know this sin and if this wakes Jack up fine but if not Jesus said to kick him out and give him over to the devil. Jesus did not say accept him in his sin but to kick him out of the church until he is repenting and gets it right.

In the book of 1 cor Paul said to give this man to the devil so that his spirit might be saved. If the flesh is gone fine the Spirit is going to be saved. Jesus who built the Church is the king of it and if he said we do this it must be done or the church is not true to the bible. Now I think this is something many of my6 readers are going to get on me about I am to negitive or I ought to love instead of kick someone out. I say Jesus set this up and Jesus is the one that made this rule and if we serve him we do as he said and if we do not do this then your church is a false place and I say your in need of a church that is going to do as the bible said to do.

So I want to say why I think this is to be done for people. We need to plan to restore the people into the Family and to teach them that sins have to be dealt with. We need to share Jesus with people and we need to learn Jesus has died for sins and the freedom makes us not want to sin. Another issue in the church is the issue of female pastors. I think this is another thing we let go when Jesus said no to them and if he said no then that is the rule. It is not a culture thing it is do we love Jesus then we obey him no matter what. Bible said the woman is not to be pastor. Jesus wrote the book and the book does not allow the female to lead the male. It is the way of God and not the world. We do not obey the world views in the Church we are not of this system we are in Gods kingdom. If the females are pastors I do not think it is ever the plan of God. I do think the females have roles in the church and they need to teach other females, sing in the church choir, teach the kids and if the woman does teach in the pulpit I think she needs to wear a hat to show she is submitting to the male Pastor. She can speak in church if the Pastor of the Church is there and okays it. She can teach the bible to kids (but I do not like a lady under 40 to teach any kids under 30 due to sex issues and hormones) I have problems with lust and mixing the roles of males. I think it is best if growing is between the same sex always. Like your woman grow with the woman and the man and man. I think the ladies witness to the females and man the males but the gospel is ok to share with the other sex, heck woman in my life have shown me the truth and all my major decisions in Jesus were influenced with females on fire for Jesus. So for me I think this and I think the bible teaches the Male is the leader. Now females can sing solos and worship in the group. My church has a female worship leader so I got no problem if they have that role. But not the mail leadership ands not the pastor.

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