Wednesday, January 25, 2006



I was born in Durban, a city on the east coast of South Africa, where I lived almost all my pre-college life. My parents were “Christian” and from young I believed in God, my sinfulness and my need for Christ to save me. My fascination with nature made it easy for me to connect creation with a Creator; I knew God was great and was in awe of Him because His creation was amazing. He granted me child-like faith; simple, but trusting. My view of God was far too small though, and my understanding of the Christian life was horribly incomplete. I never read the Bible and the only teaching I heard was shallow. Though I was obedient to what I knew the Lord required of me through my time in high school– no drunkenness, drugs, sex, or fighting; I was ignorant of so much. My life was far from what it needed to be.

My parents separated when I was very young. My Dad moved to Simi Valley, started attending Grace Church, realized he wasn’t really a Christian, and got saved. He decided that he would only pay for my college education if I would go to The Master’s College for one year. I kicked and screamed at this “bribery,” got over it, and came. One year was the plan – one year and one year only. But the Lord had planned differently.

He brought me across the world to break me. He absolutely smashed me. Much tears and prayer in those first few days - much. I came face to face with His Word and the lives of Christians truly devoted to Him. I saw so much more of who He was and of what the Christian life was supposed to be. My attitude had to be that of Christ as He faced the cross – “Not my will, but Yours be done. Father, glorify Your Name!” (Luke 22:42, John 12:27-28) I had to give my everything for His glory, all the time, no matter what the cost. Those early days were a whirlwind! So much changed, so quickly! I learned and applied, learned and applied, learned and applied. Within a couple of weeks I knew I was going to stay for all 4 years. I had no clue what I was going to study, but I had to be at this place! I had to learn how to live as He wanted me to.

That was almost 4 years ago, and the Lord continued to use T.M.C in massive ways in my life. Equally He used Grace Community Church, Crossroads and the C.O.C. Bible Study in shaping me. It was through these avenues that God showed me His glory; painting His portrait right before my eyes through preaching and teaching that put Him on display, and through lives that showed me His infinite worth in how much they treasured Him. The grander I saw Him and His ways to be, the more I was changed.

Over time the Lord led me to become a Bible major, which progressed to “okay, I’m terrified, but full-time ministry it is,” to missions, and finally, to missions to where the gospel has never been before. I have a key-ring that is a little African mask. Scratched on the back of it is “Rev 5:9,” along with a drawing of a cross. This is why: The scene is the climax of all history, and the saints are gathered around the Throne to praise their Savior, Jesus Christ. They are singing “a new song,” “You are worthy… for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood, out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation.” One day Christ will be praised all the more not just for dying to save people, but for dying to save people from every people group, from the full spectrum of humanity. Why? Because of the awesome extent of His grace! Because of the grandness of His plan of salvation! Not only does His salvation extend to a part of the Earth, but to every part of it! His grace extends to those the world has long forgotten, to the primitive, poor and unlovely in the furthest corner of the globe. And it was His plan from the beginning! When He died He died to save people out of those remote tribes, and before the foundation of the world He planned to take the gospel to them through us, His body. Not just Jews will be united in their praise of Christ, not just Jews and Greeks; but EVERY tribe and tongue and people and nation! They will all be one in Christ and will praise Him together for eternity! An awesome plan, isn’t it?!

“Rev. 5:9” is on my key ring as a reminder. I want to give my life for this - to be the means God uses to bring one of these tribes before His throne, to see Christ receive praise from EVERY nation. He has died for these people; He has bought them with His blood. He is worthy this and nothing less!

Missionaries of old would yell back to shore as they left; “May the Lamb receive the reward of His suffering!” Indeed. May He receive His reward!


He is a good friend of mine and who I stayed with.

Donovan, thanks for your wonderful testimony. Thanks for letting God crush and remold you into His image. 2 Cor. 3:18

Shad, thanks for putting Donovan's testimony on your blog. Keep up the good work.
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