Thursday, January 05, 2006


why evolution is bad

Call me whatever you want I will never give into any other faith than Jesus and I will never give science the right to overrules the Bible of Jesus. Jesus is truth at the cost of anybody or anything. I am not going to be swayed by anything. Here is a part of why we must fight this war

adman: I cannot think that nothing came to be everything it makes no logical since and when you say intellect design is not a option your whole whatever to me ioasa pure stupidly that makes it so you do not have to accept there is a Higher being thus allowing you to define and live any way you want. I think your evolution is a theory and a dangers one because you can thus liv e anyway you want
shadman: in this you have taken the truth of God out of the knowledge of schools and doing that makes all kids have to not live to a higher power. Making this a solid so called science and then forcing the schools to teach this makes it easier to make decisions that are wrong and live as their is not a God And that like it or not is killing the church and that is purely wrong. No God means you define the truth and to me that is horrid and will cost our land the freedoms to share Jesus and the gospel/
shadman: If your way is gone out it will mean no freedom to worship God because their is no god and then the government made by man can dictate the moral and allow people to go by rules like you cannot speak out and that brings many bad evil things like making gays ok or abortion s common. It is going to lead to dangerous things like assisted suicide and hell systematic killing of the old. All because their is not a common moral because their is not a higher power that leads the world. Dangerous and sick
Bottom line you give the rights to the people over 75 percent do not want their kids in classes that teach God did not make the world. If the people spoke and say they want something the majority makes the rules. If Gays wanted marriage we as the people of the states get the power to define and say no to them. It is not a free land to practice anything you want. We have laws that define a family and they are set their to rules. If you break them and try to change the definition of a family then you got to allow it to be defined by millions.

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