Sunday, January 02, 2005
Seeking the Lord
Happy New year to the people all over the world. I went to see my Pal Dave Jones and his clan. It was a good time. Dave's wife Cheryl died last year and that was not fun to have to deal with. I am glad she is in heaven yet I miss her love and her debates and faith in the Lord. It is hard to go and face it when a loved one dies. It is not something that I want to deal with but I need to. I have lost many friends and loved ones. In this sin filled word death is a part. I am happy Jesus has dealt with death for me. I will get to that in my bible lesson.
My Vikes did not play worth anything. They make the playoff but they do not deserve it! I hope they get beat and the packers win the whole thing because I love Brett Farve. He is far worthy of a ring. I do not understand the Greatness of a man that does not win. We call Dante good but he does not win. I am not happy he is the Pro Bowl man. I think we can do better.
Bible time I am going though the book of Matthew. I am in the sermon of the mount a model sermon Jesus preached and one of the first in the life of Jesus.
6 Blessed are those who ;hunger and thirst for righteousness,
For they shall be filled.
Happy are those who hunger for rightouness. Happy are those who seek the Lord with all they have. It is a important thing to want righteousness but we need to seek it with all our heart souls and mind. Where can we find it. Righteousness is obeying the Laws of God. If you can keep all the commands then your righteous and fit for heaven. If you cannot do it then read on. How can you be righteous? It is all in the Lord Jesus and the bible. All of what God wants us to trust in the work of Jesus and the blood to give you righteousness.
2 Cor 5:21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
Note that we become by the blood of Jesus. WE ARE NOT RIGHTEOUS UNLESS JESUS LIVES IN US.
Yet to hunger for righteousness after your saved is to seek the Lord and obey him when he askes us to. Jesus is going to fill us as we seek to obey him and be close to him. We ought to be happy in our Lord and let him fill us with himself. Rightousness is the Lord so we need to have him ruling in our lives in seeking him. It is obeying the Lord in seeking him and allowing him to work on our hearts. Our seeking the Lord is showing him He is what we rely on to keep us and to make him our total desire.
Here is the bottom line tonight Do I seek Jesus to fill me with joy or do I look elsewhere? Do I hunger for the Lord to work on my heart so I can live out my faith? Am I filled in my walk?
The New King James Version. 1996, c1982 (Mt 5:5). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
My Vikes did not play worth anything. They make the playoff but they do not deserve it! I hope they get beat and the packers win the whole thing because I love Brett Farve. He is far worthy of a ring. I do not understand the Greatness of a man that does not win. We call Dante good but he does not win. I am not happy he is the Pro Bowl man. I think we can do better.
Bible time I am going though the book of Matthew. I am in the sermon of the mount a model sermon Jesus preached and one of the first in the life of Jesus.
6 Blessed are those who ;hunger and thirst for righteousness,
For they shall be filled.
Happy are those who hunger for rightouness. Happy are those who seek the Lord with all they have. It is a important thing to want righteousness but we need to seek it with all our heart souls and mind. Where can we find it. Righteousness is obeying the Laws of God. If you can keep all the commands then your righteous and fit for heaven. If you cannot do it then read on. How can you be righteous? It is all in the Lord Jesus and the bible. All of what God wants us to trust in the work of Jesus and the blood to give you righteousness.
2 Cor 5:21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
Note that we become by the blood of Jesus. WE ARE NOT RIGHTEOUS UNLESS JESUS LIVES IN US.
Yet to hunger for righteousness after your saved is to seek the Lord and obey him when he askes us to. Jesus is going to fill us as we seek to obey him and be close to him. We ought to be happy in our Lord and let him fill us with himself. Rightousness is the Lord so we need to have him ruling in our lives in seeking him. It is obeying the Lord in seeking him and allowing him to work on our hearts. Our seeking the Lord is showing him He is what we rely on to keep us and to make him our total desire.
Here is the bottom line tonight Do I seek Jesus to fill me with joy or do I look elsewhere? Do I hunger for the Lord to work on my heart so I can live out my faith? Am I filled in my walk?
The New King James Version. 1996, c1982 (Mt 5:5). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.