Sunday, January 16, 2005


Grace church day

Well my team lost in the playoffs but it was a fun. I got to see them play and that was good. I did not cheat and see the score before the end of the game. I think they did not play all that good but hey that is the vikings and the way they are.

I am finding lots of people know me here and they are glad I am here. I went to church at grace this morning. Mac talked on the parble of the mustard seed and how we have the kingdom and the kingdom of Jesus is going to be so big one day. It is like the 12 were not all that and the Lord bulit of the 12 a kingdom that is in all the lands of the world. Gods book is in almost every people group to. It ony is 5 percent and its in all. Jesus made this kingdom big and he has done well. Jesus is king. Holland talked about how great God is and how Jesus is all we need. He places alot into reading the bible and quiet times in his work. I will never get to know God outside of Jesus. I am seeing a thread here that I am not able to add anything to the work of Jesus for heaven. It is a great thing Jesus did for me to do it all for God and his work did it all. I add nothing to the work of Jesus. I also got to see Katie at church. She is a good sister and Loves me tons. I am so happy. I am going to here more mac tonight and hope to have more for you tonight.


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