Sunday, January 09, 2005


sundays news and notes

I did not write the last couple days so I am going to try to get better and write 2 times today. I also am working on some mp3s for my collection. I want to get them all into my computer so I am able to back up my collection.

Here is a tentive outline of the trip I am going to take to Cal. I leave on Thursday when it is going to be very cold here in MN. I get to LA at 8 our time and I suppose I am going to hang with Donavan. On Friday I am going to tour Grace To You. I am going to hear Mac talk on Friday night to the youth group. It will be one of many talks. I then on sat go to a bal game at masters college where they are going to win big time. On Sunday I am going to church 2 times and to crossroads. Monday I am not sure what I am going to do but it is going to be fun. Wednesday is the bible week kick off and then it is mostly bible stuff till the weekend. I get to hear good preaching and see some more balls.

It has been raining in the LA area but it is going to be nice when I get there and cold when I leave. I look at the weather in Saint Cloud and it’s going to be colder than la. I Am so happy to be going to la.

Why am I going to the Masters College? I am going to hang out with tons of Christians and to hear some of the things in the word that will help me to know the Lord better. I am going to hear Mac my favorite pastor teacher in the Land. I am also going to a place I have been and prove I am growing in Jesus lots and seeing if I am able to handle it better than last time. I want to behave so I am able to go back more and hear another bible week. Theme this year is how to glorify God. It is going to cover living a life that Glories in God, repenting to glorify God, holiness that glories in God, witnessing to glorify God, preserving to glorify God and forgiveness that glorifies God. In the seminars I am going to see Wayne Mack and the one about sports.

Last time there I was a mess. I was calling the Buescher and I was hopelessly in love with Erin. It is different this time because I am working to be better and not pestering the Buescher and I am not openly in sin with Erin by calling and contacting her. I am stronger in my walk and I am in the word. So it is going to be a fun time in the land of LA. I will try to blog on the trip and keep the 5 people that might read me.

It is going to be a interesting opening Sunday on the trip, crossroads and the Vikings are at the same time. I think I am going to do church over the Vikings yet somehow I know we will see it. I will see it. I know I ought to write a sermon on how Jesus is greater than football and church. I am not going to preach that because I will be lieing. I am a big time fan and I even skipped service tonight for a game. I remember in high school I had to miss the 1987 game when the Twins one the whole thing. Huls said throw in a tape but I am not that strong I guess. Kids obey your folks on this and not my example because Jesus is far better than sports. Be bless and go to church and confirmation then you to can write in a blog that nobody reads what you did when your team went to the big game and you went to Church and honored Jesus.

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