Monday, April 28, 2008

Today I saw a case out east about a gay mom who became a christian and left her partner and took the kid they had. It was her kid. So the other partner is wanting the kid from the mom. So my friend asks me last night if it is the gays raise the kids to be gay.... Wait I thought they say you cannot help it if your gay so there it is. But to this case where one of the mas got saved and left the partner. So the partner wants to raise her kid that she had as a christian and the other partner wants to parent the kid. So should the kid have 2 moms or just the one mom. I looked for this case and did not find it. I think this is it

So here is my take. The marrige to me never was because the bible and God does not see it. It is a hard one because I think it is a sin to end one. But Gays are never a part of a marrige in the eyes of God so it is not a sin to break it off. It is a good thing to break up and go to the right way. But the kid is in a way the other partners and the other partner might have some rights to see the kid. So it is mess for the courts. I see how it could go each way. I say the mom who had the kid is the rightful parent and has the right to not let the other see her. Vermont law said both the parents have the right to the kid and VA law does not see the unions.

What do you think?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

God is the maker and substainer of all there ever will be. God spoke this world into being. God then made man and he saw it was Good until man sinned and then man was to work forever until the second comming. People now think God is not there and things happened by chance. I say to them that there is no way it is by chance. If one looks at the body we have it is not just chance that made it. Look at how the eyes are made and what it takes to read a book. Look at the ears and how the sounds have to be made ok in them to get to the brain and then the brain has to make a message and then send it over the vocal cords you have. This is not by chance. Look at the machine your reading from. It is a man made thing. First I hit keys and the keys are letters that make words (sometimes) that form a readable format on my screen. Then the text is copied into a thing that takes it and turns all my thoughts into numbers and sends it to a website which then takes the text and redoes it so it can be read by the computer it sits on. For you to read it you have to get onto a working machine and type in the site. The computer then takes your request and talks to a number of machines and gets you to the page which is then sent again by binery to your machine and you read it. Man Made and a plan does it. Darin wants to think that we just come from nothing but if you think that I would call you insane and in need of logical help. I mean that is so far fetched. God made the world and anyone that thinks this is not true is like I say insane.

Is 45 18     For thus says the Lord, ( Lord is the maker of the world. If not then who?)
     kWho created the heavens, ( all the stuff in space God made it.)
     Who is God,
     Who formed the earth and made it,
     Who has established it,
     Who did not create it 5in vain,
     Who formed it to be linhabited:
     m“I am the Lord, and there is no other. ( God is talking from the mouth of the writer and he said He is the sole maker of the world and all there is. IN THIS book Jesus death is portayed to the detail. BY the way this is penned 1000 years before Jesus was born. So a book called in detail the entire event to a detail of the death of a man 1000 years before it happens. Its like a book that told the life of Bill Clintion is written in 1000 ad. This book calls it all to a detail about clintion. Impossible? But the bible did that. So if the God of the bible wrote and told of Jesus then he can make all there is.)
19     I have not spoken in nsecret,
     In a dark place of the earth;
     I did not say to the seed of Jacob,
     ‘Seek Me 6in vain’;
     oI, the Lord, speak righteousness,
     I declare things that are right. ( God is and makes all the rules. But would a God who just made a bunch or rules be anything> God came in the flesh and did all the rules perfectly and then died so you can take his life and he takes yours.

 Someone once estimated that the number of random genetic factors involved in the evolution of a tapeworm from an amoeba would be comparable to placing a monkey in a room with a typewriter and allowing him to strike the keys at random until he accidentally produced a perfectly spelled and perfectly punctuated typescript of Hamlet’s soliloquy. And the odds of getting all the mutations necessary to evolve a starfish from a one–celled creature are comparable to asking a hundred blind people to make ten random moves each with five Rubik’s Cubes, and finding all five cubes perfectly solved at the end of the process. The odds against all earth’s life forms evolving from a single cell are, in a word, impossible.
MacArthur, John: The Battle for the Beginning : The Bible on Creation and the Fall of Adam. Nashville, TN : W Pub. Group, 2001, S. 39
Take the age of the human race, for example. Hugh Ross believes, on the basis of the fossil record, that the creation of Adam may have occurred as much as fifty thousand years ago.15 But Genesis contains a detailed genea–logy that traces the development of the human race from Adam to Abraham and beyond. The genealogy includes a chronology with the exact ages of individuals when their offspring were born. Archbishop James Ussher did a careful analysis of the genealogies in the seventeenth century and concluded that the date for Adam’s creation was 4004 b.c. Some scholars have suggested that there may be gaps in the genealogy, in which a generation or two is skipped and the name of a grandson or great–grandson is substituted for the name of a son. Such gaps can be demonstrated in some biblical genealogies. (In Matthew 1:8, for instance, Matthew skips three generations from Joram to Uzziah, apparently to maintain a symmetry in the genealogy.) No such gaps can be proven in the detailed genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11. But even allowing for some possible gaps, it’s inconceivable that the date for Adam’s creation could be much more than ten thousand years ago. As Henry Morris has written, “At the outside, it would seem impossible to insert gaps totaling more than about five thousand years in these chapters without rendering the record irrelevant and absurd. Consequently, the Bible will not support a date for the creation of man earlier than about 10,000 b.c.”16
15 Ibid., 159.
16 Morris, The Genesis Record, 45.
MacArthur, John: The Battle for the Beginning : The Bible on Creation and the Fall of Adam. Nashville, TN : W Pub. Group, 2001, S. 62

Friday, April 25, 2008

God is forever and that blows my mind. It does tricks to me to think God has been forever and was never made. He was before anything and will be when it is all over. God has not changed and he has tons of ;love for you and tons to give you in Jesus. Jesus is also forever. He became a man and now sits before God all the time working to get his help to you.

Psalms 119      xForever, O Lord,
     Your word 5is settled in heaven.
90     Your faithfulness endures to all generations;
     You established the earth, and it 6abides.

Gods word is forever and we are part of that if we love Jesus. His faithful grace and love is forever. It is going to endure until Jesus is in heaven and we are to and there we will be like Jesus and we will live forever.
Psalms 90 2     cBefore the mountains were brought forth,
     Or ever You 2had formed the earth and the world,
     Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.
We sing this in church from everlasting to everlasting. God is forever.
1 Peter 10 But 6may the God of all grace, nwho called 7us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, 8perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. 11 oTo Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Here is the end of the book and the writer talks about the Lord in it. God of Grace, grace means favor and one that gives you what you do not deserve. His Glory or fame. Give the fame for all of your salvation to Jesus who did it all for you. Jesus did all the work and gets all the fame forever of your salvation

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Some trimes people just make me mad. One thing is the truth that most of my good pals do not take a stand on the bible and think highly as I do. 2 of them do not want to study it in the right way they want to make me go the way they think and I hate it. One does not read the context and look at the points and make the call and the other does not even try and said the Holy Spirit is the only one that is going to teach it to you. I say you got to sit in a chair and work at it until a passage is right with the bible. I do not like it when folks tell me I am right in a passage yet they are right too. I have been going over the thought of who is God. God does not change ever. He is the same as he was when the world was made and will be the same in 5 million years. God is not going to change because we live in this land at this time. When the bible makes a rule we do not go and change it and when we do we are not ever right. God said no woman pastors and some so called have them. They are wrong and God is right.

God is not going to change the rules to get you out of your hard times.

Ps 119 89     xForever, O Lord,
     Your word 5is settled in heaven.
90     Your faithfulness endures to all generations;
     You established the earth, and it 6abides.

God has spoken in a book and it is the thing we read and it has not changes forever and will never change. We might go to it and find a new thing as God is teaching us but it has not changed ever. Homos are still wrong as Killing is and stealing is. God is the same as he is as holy as he was the first day of the earth and he is still the God of wrath as he was the day Jesus died. But to us Gods love has not changed. We loved us the day we were born the same as today. If we know the truth of Jesus he has granted us a new love but really the same love as he had.

Ps 102 oYour years are throughout all generations.
25     pOf old You laid the foundation of the earth, God made the world
     And the heavens are the work of Your hands.
26     qThey will perish, but You will 4endure;
     Yes, they will all grow old like a garment;
     Like a cloak You will change them,
     And they will be changed.
27     But rYou are the same,
     And Your years will have no end. (God is not changing because he said he never will. It brings my joy God is not going to change his love to me or make people not go to heaven when he already saved him. If the bible said it He is not changeing.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Clinton did not win unless Limbaugh let here by getting millions to the polls and voting to keep the fight in the party over. We fight her and we are going to kill her in the general and I am going to keep fighting to make it so see is not President. She is going to end a war that will make it worse because the Iran people will go in and take Iraq. Ending the war is a good thing if we know that they are going to not have the terror folk come in her. She wants to make change to the schools? Teach the bible and kick the people that hate God out and bring the morals and the truth into the classrooms. Stop being so evolution based and teach the Lord Jesus is the king and all others are going to bow to his rule in the end and every knee is going to bow. Stop allowing kids the rights and make them listen to the truth and only the truth. How bout telling the kids the bible is right and God is going to hold to account every action of the kid and if Jesus is not the king of the life they are headed to a bad place. Place the fear of God into the kids and the fear of hell so they can know the free gift of Jesus into the life so theyt have power and ability to know Jesus.

2 words to kill Clinton


Monday, April 21, 2008

God controls everything to the roll of the dice in a game. God decides where every drop of rain falls and where every man lives. Nothing in the world happens by chance. God controls every move of every being and every cell of every person in the world. Weather including every storm is controlled by a God who is holy and is the king. Even the people who go to heaven are the ones God personally picks the people who go to heaven and the ones who go to hell.

Ecc 3 14      I know that whatever God does,
     It shall be forever.
     mNothing can be added to it,
     And nothing taken from it.
     God does it, that men should fear before Him

If God decides to not save a person it is his plan and God is right.

Is I jam the Lord, and kthere is no other; (this means every thing that is out there not from God is a fake and if you follow it you are not right. It means if you think Allah is god your wrong and you need to adjust your faith. My family always likes to make me say they are right and if I judge them I am wrong but the truth is they are not into the bible God therefore what they think is right is wrong>)
     There is no God besides Me. (The GOD of the bible is the father of the Lord Jesus)
     lI will gird you, though you have not known Me,6 mThat they may nknow from the rising of the sun to its setting
     That there is none besides Me.
     I am the Lord, and there is no other;
7     I form the light and create darkness, (evolution did not have a thing to do with the creation of the world. Look at the cell and the complex things of the body. Evolution is wrong and your stupid if you even think it is at all right.)
     I make peace and ocreate calamity;
     I, the Lord, do all these things.’(God does it, he does all behind the thinks from making the world to controlling the storms to making games go his way. All games are Gods determined fate. )
No God But God
Most Western-style democracies guarantee freedom of religion. For example, the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution ensures that American citizens are free to practice whatever religion they choose (as long as they are not harming anyone). Perhaps because of this liberty, many people today assume that all religious beliefs or systems are basically the same. But that is not the case.
The God of the Bible insists that He alone is God. There is no other God besides Him (Is. 46:9). To modern ears, this may sound intolerant, or even arrogant. It certainly conflicts with certain fashionable beliefs today, which claim that more or less everyone and everything is God. But the Lord leaves no room for disagreement or compromise on the point: there is no God but God. One can either agree with Him or call Him a liar, but there is no middle ground.
Suppose we deny that God alone is God. That does not affect God in the least. He simply says that we are wrong, and reminds us that we are mere mortals, who will die. But God also warns us that our perspective is distorted, because we are stubborn-hearted sinners (Is. 46:8, 12). Who are we to decide who and what God is?
God refuses to be bound by our ideas of Him. That’s why He declares the truth to us: “I am God, and there is no other.”
Thomas Nelson Publishers: What Does the Bible Say About-- : The Ultimate A to Z Resource Fully Illustrated. Nashville, Tenn. : Thomas Nelson, 2001 (Nelson's A to Z Series), S. 179
He controls so-called random happenings. “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord” (Prov. 16:33). “Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father” (Matt. 10:29).
He is sovereign over the free actions of all moral agents. “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes” (Prov. 21:1). “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Eph. 2:10). “It is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13).
He determines even the most evil acts of sinners. Peter told the crowd who had demanded Christ’s crucifixion, “This Man, delivered up by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death. And God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power” (Acts 2:23–24, emphasis added). The companions of Peter and John prayed, “Truly in this city there were gathered together against Thy holy servant Jesus, whom Thou didst anoint, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, to do whatever Thy hand and Thy purpose predestined to occur” (Acts 4:27–28, emphasis added). Joseph told his brothers, “Now do not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life” (Gen. 45:5). And Isaiah 10:5 says God used the wicked nation of Assyria as the rod of His anger.
He appoints the powers that oversee the evil world system. Pontius Pilate said to Jesus, “Do You not know that I have authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You?” Jesus replied, “You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above” (Jn. 19:10–11). Truly “there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God” (Rom. 13:1).
Indeed, the whole course of all events and circumstances is ordained in the divine decree, from the most profound milestone of the divine plan to the most trivial detail. God even determines the number of hairs on our heads (Matt. 10:30).
MacArthur, John, F., Jr: The Vanishing Conscience. Electronic ed. Dallas : Word Pub., 1994 (Logos Library Systems), S. 112
Every event in life is orchestrated by.
Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
MacArthur, John: The MacArthur Topical Bible : New King James Version. Nashville, Tenn. : Word Pub., 1999, S. 1398


Sunday, April 20, 2008

gay is not a thing you inherit and all you folks that think it is ok aqre discusting and wrong.

Top 17 Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong

17. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.

16. Gay culture is a new fad created by the liberal media to undermine long-standing traditions. We know this is true because gay sex did not exist in ancient Greece and Rome.

15. There are plenty of straight families looking to adopt, and every unwanted child already has a loving family. This is why foster care does not exist.

14. Conservatives know best how to create strong families. That is why it is not true that Texas and Mississippi have the highest teen birthrates, and Massachusetts, Vermont, and New Hampshire have the lowest. This is a myth spread by the liberal media.

13. Marriage is a religious institution, defined by churches. This is why atheists do not marry. Christians also never get a divorce.

12. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why our society has no single parents.

11. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

10. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.

9. Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

8. Gay marriage should be decided by the people and their elected representatives, not the courts. The framers checked the courts, which represent mainstream public opinion, with legislatures created to protect the rights of minorities from the tyranny of the majority. Interference by courts in this matter is inappropriate, just as it has been every time the courts have tried to hold back legislatures pushing for civil rights.

7. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

6. Civil unions, providing most of the same benefits as marriage with a different name are better, because "separate but equal" institutions are a good way to satisfy the demands of uppity minority groups.

5. Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.

4. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

3. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

2. Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

I am tempted to nail a friend on a passage and explain why I think he is off and needs some help in his bible reading but I am thinking about this and I am going with it. Ron I am working on a hard one for you look out

GOD is KING. We are to know this and honor the Lord as king and we are not to dare think of him as a pal or a buddy but as KING and honor as such. I need to say this that GOD is the father of the Lord Jesus and the maker of all of the unseen and seen including all the folk that mock him and say he is not there GOD is the king. He is the father of the world and his son is Jesus and he came and died on the cross and rose again.

9     And the Lord shall be kKing over all the earth.
     In that day it shall be
     l“The Lord is one,”
     And His name one.
God is one day going to rule this earth and all are going to bow. YOU are going to bow a knee to GOD one day. It is not what I say it is his words. So what is God the king off. Everything that is. He rules from heaven. DO not like it? He told Pharoh that his people are to given freedom and when they did not obey they were wrecked and Pharoh was killed. In the desert Moses do not follow and he was not allowed to the promised land. David did not honor the ruler God and his son was killed. Judas did not bow and it cost him a forever in the fire of hell. Many turned and said they did not want a KING and God gave them a human king that led to the nation going away for 3000 years. Every sinner that does not follow the king is going to hell. If your saved you are to give honor to the king. We are not to go before God without a gift. Listen to go before a king in the old times you gave him a gift.
Kings have a kingdom and God has one in the saved people who have Jesus in life. We need to think of going before GOD is a honor and we got to not take it lightly. We need to have our sins confessed at all thimes and know the KING is watching and recording all we do for he is going to judge us and give us a part of the kingdom to help him with. God is KING sok how r you in your worship of the KING

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I got a pal that thinks that the holyness of God is not his main thing. But I think he might be off. It is important to keep in mind that God is a Holy God and that he is not going to allow you into his presense without Jesus and his blood covering you. A sinner is not able to come near to God because sin offends God and he does not ever tolerate it. If your saved and you tolerate it your in need of a big slap in the soul because sin ought to break your heart and if you do not deal with it it is going to harm your walk in Jesus.

When I list things in the bible on my page look them up and mark them in your bible because this is a topical bible thing you can use in your study in the bible. Or keep a notebook for a topical thing for youre bible.

Ps 99 1     The Lord reigns;
     Let the peoples tremble!
     aHe dwells between the cherubim;
     Let the earth be 1moved!

Note that people are to treble before the Lord. Listen God has the right to send you to hell forever and I think we ought to respect his name and keep him Holy and fear him a bit. Jesus said do ot worry about the devil but the one that has made Hell and given all he had to save you from Hell. I think we ought to obey God and love and fear him.

Is 5 15     People shall be brought down,
     pEach man shall be humbled,
     And the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled.
16     But the Lord of hosts shall be qexalted in judgment,
     And God who is holy shall be hallowed in righteousness.

In the time you have in the Lord you ought to be in awe and have tons of respect and deep love as Jesus is right there and he is there al the time. I like 16 where God is exalted in his judgements. He is honored when we are holy and separate in our life's. How much do I fight for the world and not live away from it. We live in the world and do not live for Jesus and that is not the way we ought to.

I think of every time a human wanted to see God how one look and they did not have anything to give in the light of the glory God has. But do we bow and realize the king who will rule with a iron rod and who is ready to save as well as send to hell everyone who rebells and does not repent and trust Jesus

44 For I am the Lord your rGod. You shall therefore consecrate yourselves, and syou shall be holy; for I am holy. Neither shall you defile yourselves with any creeping thing that creeps on the earth. 45 tFor I am the Lord who brings you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God. uYou shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Forget it momons you do not get the kids back because your all making them have sex and we are not going to give them back because your a sick unfaithful jerks. And It is interesting that our land has allowed the anti christ in the white house, Back to the kids your not allowed to abuse your kids and get by with it. All the kids are brained washed and sick. Mormons your sick and preverted and its time we ask you to shut down and get it right. Your church goes and tries to nail folks and get them to convert to your cult and that is what the Mormons are a cult. It is not true the book you read is false faith and Jesus never came over to this land because He went to the cross and died a bloody death and on the 3rd day he came to life again and if you or anyone does not trust alone in that for sins forgiveness you will spend forever in a lake of fire with no hope because you heard the truth and did not seek Jesus or you did and you did not repent or turn from your hell bound sins. Sin is the things you did or did not do for Jesus.

God is holy and this means he is seprate from anything made. He stands outside of all and he is moral and perfect and this means sin cannot ever be in his place. You do not have a prayer of getting the pray you wanted to be heard because sin is in your life and God is not able to accept you. Sorry God has made one possible way for you to come to him Jesus is it. If Jesus is not your way I am sorry but your wrong and on your one way ticket to hell. Only you can come to Jesus and repent and ask for forgiveness of your sins. Mom and dad cannot help you get right with Jesus. The pope or a priest is unable to get you right with Jesus and matter of truth this pope is not a man of faith and he is nothing but the leader of a failed system called a church. The pope holds the office of the Anti Christ and one day out of this office the very devils of hell will be found to rule this world and he will as the office has already killed Christians. Pope John is not in Jesus unless he repented of the Mary Worshiping false cult he led. The mass which kills the Lord Jesus billions a time a day is sad and does nothing to earn anyone hope of heaven. This church makes saints of dead folks and does not know that I am a saint as anyone that has place his hope of heaven on the blood of Jesus alone and his riseing from the dead. All in this false wicked satanic faith need to fight it and not trust in a mans who is a sinner and hopeless to go to heaven and does not teach his to read the bible and have a personal faith in Jesus ought to leave the parish and come to a solid church that will teach them hope. All Mary does is mourn for this cult not listen to one prayer ever said and never will because she is nothing but a sinner who had the Baby. Many in this faith are true Christians who deny the Roman system and go to Jesus alone and to grace alone not to a sex priest who does not repent of sin and embrace Jesus. To take a oath as a nun is to embrace hell in the afterlife and is to disobey the Son of God who said to preach to this lost world the saving truth that Jesus is going to come and judge each one and if they are not in the truth of grace they are wrong and will be asked to enter hell forever. To say a priest ought to never marry is not the bible and the truth so one mistake has caused this sexual abuse thing that is raping the cash of this cult because priests are not fired and sent to jail where every one of them belong who ever touches a kid is worthy of jail and instant hell (yes the death penalty) which ought to be the law for a raper and killers which tons of this church and cult have done. So pope get out of this land and stop thinking your a God when you are nothing but a cover for the sins of this office

Series: "Explaining the Heresy of Roman Catholicism"
Exposing the Idolatry of Mary Worship: An Overview
Exposing the Idolatry of Mary Worship: Catholic Dogma, Pt. 1
Exposing the Idolatry of Mary Worship: Catholic Dogma, Pt. 2
Exposing the Idolatry of Mary Worship: What the Bible Says
Explaining the Heresy of the Catholic Mass, Pt. 1
Explaining the Heresy of the Catholic Mass, Pt. 2
The Pope and the Papacy
The Scandal of the Catholic Priesthood

Monday, April 14, 2008

Published on April 12, 2008
Duncan R. McLeod

Duncan R. McLeod, 29
St. Cloud
July 1, 1978 - April 9, 2008
Duncan R. McLeod, age 29, of St. Cloud died Wednesday, April 9, 2008 due to an automobile accident in Benton County.
Friends may call after 2 p.m. with Memorial Services held at 3:00 p.m. Monday, April 14, 2008 at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Maple Lake with Rev. Peter Martinson officiating. Arrangements were by Dingmann Funeral Care, Maple Lake.
Duncan Roderick McLeod was born July 1, 1978 in Waconia. He graduated from Maple Lake High School in 1996 and then served four years in the U.S. Navy. He worked at Opportunity Manor in Sauk Rapids as a counselor and caregiver. Duncan was a well-known intellectual and touched the hearts of everyone in his family and many friends and will be deeply missed by all. He enjoyed reading, movies, and sports.
Duncan is survived by his parents, Doren and Hayley Anderson of Maple Lake; brothers, Dominick McLeod of St. Cloud, Jacob Anderson of Portland, OR and Nicholas (Erin) Anderson of Kimball; and niece, Alliyah Anderson. He was preceded in death by his grandparents, Robert & Elizabeth Aurentz, Carol Farley and Alden Anderson.

Obituary, Guestbook & Video Tribute
online at

I went to the funeral of my friend today. It was a fair sermon how the Love of Jesus ought to be with us to get over anything. It is a comfort to me Jesus and I do not know where he stood but I think I am able to rest in my faith and pray for this time when people are going to hopfully ask about heaven and think of the truth that we are going to die. We can die at anytime and then we are going to be asked what did we do with Jesus and his offer of salvation and it can happen in a instant so be ready for you do not have anything. You have no time really because this life is short and today is the day you have. Worry is so stupid when you have a short time on earth it is better to make it right with Jesus and live alone for his glory and take no chance with life because you might not have much time.

1     I cwill love You, O Lord, my strength.2 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
     My God, my 1strength, din whom I will trust; I do not know what the fortress is but I can guess. In the time of David the cities were built inside big walls to protect the people from the ones that would want to kill them. The walls would be thick and the buggy's would be able to ride on them and inside of the the army's would sit and be ready to fight when the bad people would go and attack them. This might be a fighting term and he might be saying that Jesus is one I can run into and be protected because the Love of Jesus is the protection of my life. Deliverer is like one that brings something or takes away. Jesus takes us out of danger or prehaps he is there when there is danger to us. He takes the danger from our souls and hearts. Jesus has taken the war and fought it himself by dieing for me on the cross and raising again.

     My shield and the 2horn of my salvation, my stronghold. WHAT IS A STONGHOLD  ANYONE HELP ME?
Horn of my salvation might be a weapon. Piper said this
He is a horn of salvation because He uses His power to secure and protect His people.
And that brings us back now to Luke 1:69. Jesus is the horn of salvation because he is a deadly weapon and tremendous power which, according to verse 71, He uses to save His people from their enemies and all who hate them. Zechariah means primarily; that the Messiah will one day literally destroy His enemies and gather his people into His land and rule them in peace. And indeed, He will when He comes a second time. But Zechariah's words necessarily imply more than that.
Verses 74 and 75 show that the goal of God's redemption in raising up a horn of salvation is to "grant that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve Him without fear in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life." God's aim in raising a horn of salvation is not merely to liberate an oppressed people but to create a holy and righteous people who live in no fear because they trust Him.

Thus, how are we to understand Jesus as the “horn of salvation”?  The answer should be fairly obvious at this point; the horn of salvation is a symbol of a place wherein one can find refuge from the assaults of this world—the greatest enemy we face being sin and temptation to sin.  And, indeed, that is exactly the context in which Zechariah is speaking.  In Luke 1:68, Zechariah speaks of God having redeemed his people, then in verse 69, he speaks of that redemption in terms of God having raised up the horn of salvation.  As the praise song goes, “He is our refuge in days of trouble, he is our shelter in times of storm, He is our tower in the day of sorrow, our fortress in the time of war.”
STRONGHOLD Jesus holds our life. He is the stronghold or a protection of the people who know him and salvation. It is a war thing and Jesus here goes to war for us and works on our lifes to protect us and hold us up in the hard times.

Here are some places for studying thie terms of the Lord tonight

Sunday, April 13, 2008

No new taxs for anyone. I am asking for the people that want to to pay more in tax to shut up and leave. It is wrong for them to take my cash and give it to things you want. I do not want to pay for the teaching of evolution or the kids being told that Muslims are a good people when they want to kill the Jews and others that who do not convert to their faith. Christian did not start the wars in the Iraq or the middle ages. It is not good for the tax I pay to fund any form of abortion or homos. It is wrong for the public schools to tell kids that is right to have sex before marriage. If they follow the Bible plans the kids would be in a home where the mom and dad are in the home and have the income to raise the kids to be good solid people. It is wrong for anyone to have any sex outside of marriage. I do not care if homos cannot help it it is still not the right way. If the doctors say this they are not right. I do not trust Doctors and people that do not think the bible is the rd of God and rules the laws of this land. Also a woman is not to have the office and she is that. It is the most important issue in my mind that Jesus is the king of my life and anyone who is going to ask for my vote is not going to get it. Healthcare is not a right for anyone it is a earned thing for people who work and if you drink you need to get to the point if you cannot afford to get treatment to stop and get over it. It is wrong to ask hard working folks to bail out the drunks and give them a life because they have choose to drink or take pills or whatever. If you get busted for drugs go to jail and earn the cash to get help and if you cannot I am not going to bail you out. If you smoke you ought not get treatments for things you ought to suffer for the stupid things you do. Like I cannot help if I got CP but you can help it if you go out and have sex and get aids and the folks that cannot help it ought not get any help from the government and if it is sin in the bible and you did it you ought not get help in it. I am sick of folks that are in the homes and do not take a job and sit and drink and do drugs and then want my money. NO NO NO we ought to tell then get a job or die because life is not going to hand you nothing. Welfare is a bad thing for this land. Listen if 21 people are in a town and there are 15 jobs then the other 6 can take care of the 15 kids and get paid for that. If your truly cannot work and you are living with one that makes money the person who makes the money ought to pay for you to live this is called family. No more living together and not taking care of the other and getting married and being a family. If your wife works a job and has enough for both of you then live of one paycheck do not ask me to pay for you. God said in the bible if you do not work you do not eat and I think that is right on. If you got to go to the doctor and theyu turn you away and you did not file the paperwork do not tell me one did not get help. It is a law they have to help you if you need help. If your sick and do not want Gods help then your on your own. If your in this land and do nothave a job and its your fault we are not going to baby you and just give you a free ride you get your life right and you find work and then we can help you. Governments arr not the baby sitters and we ought to kick every druggie off the governments. If you have a kid out of wedlock you are messed up and I am not going to take care of you unless you go get a job and work. DO not go out to the casinos and then tell me your broke. You get no help from my governments because your money if wasted. It might be you need to stop drugs and get off all forms of drugs and get to work. Why should you not have sex before you have a ring? Because if you have kids you are wrong in this and you got to get a job and work for the kid and the daddy has to pay for the kid with his job and if daddy does not pay daddy gets to go to jail and then get a job there and pay all of it not the tax moneyt because roads need to be built and kids need a school. Its not the Governments job to feed you its not the church that feeds you but we will teach you how to feed yourself and how to make a plan to save cash for needs. Listen you working folks ought to have 6 months of your cash in the bank before you get anything big. Then you ought to set up a retirement plan so that you save for it all the time because it is going to take it to retire the way you want. Then you make the fun money. Okay

Friday, April 11, 2008

I am in the Rochester office of the SHadman network on a computer that is not mine doing a blog for you the ferw and proud readers and myself. So there are going to be mistakes but I am giving you news so like it and I shall be on my own machine in a few days.

My boss and I spoke and he was doing rather well but he was working. I am going to print out your wishes for him if I get some. I went to the newsboys last night and I liked all the bands that played. I will be adding them to the list of groups I am in on facebook so you will go out and get the music. I think it is going to be on the site so youu can read. I thought the boys could of played more off the greatest hits stuff they did. I liked the fact they gave out the Good news of Jesus and I got a book I might go over here on my page in time. I do not have the set list but they played lots of the go album and Breakfast in Hell, a line of not ashamed and other praise songs. During Breakfast in Hell they were holding up Kaptian Cruch in the rows up front and the band grabbed one and started eating it on stage. I guess it was a fun night but I might not go here in Rochester.

I wonder if we raise taxes in the good ole usa how much is too much. Some want to raise our taxes to prevent more gobal warming but we have done that in the lottery. If the demos win they want to give you health care and tax you for it by taking away the small business by raking your money in and making them pay way to much. If you employ folks you ought to get a break for time so you can afford to pay more. We ought to make a law that only can take 15 percent fed and 5 percent state. In MN we have the 12 highest tax rate in all of this land and they want 3 billion more. I say we make all taxes go to the people and let them vote. In this high gas time theyh are raise it a dime a gallon more for the roads and that is to much.

But as a christian we are to pay the things we are asked and we need to prayt for the cash and the wisdom to save money and pay in and honor Jesus in our lifes/

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

It is a sad night in my life as my friend and boss brother has died in a serious car crash. Duncan a funny man and a friend of mine has died. I know he knew the truth of the gospel but I am not sure where he is and It is my hope he knew Jesus. I have lost a few good frined butt to die in a car crash is a sad deal. I need lots of prayer as done my friends family and my boss. I know I gave him a bible (my boss) so pray that he turns to it. If you would pray or have any words of comfort or just that your praying PLEASE send them and I am going to print them out and give them to Dom and his family.


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Ok I got some things to think about. I do not think we are able to apply the culture we live in to the Bible because then I think we lose the meaning of the bible. I think we need to understand the time the bible is in and what it means to the people of that time and then apply it to this time. Case and point. Pastors are to be men. I think the bible forbids woman to lead a church because it did not allow it at that time so it does not allow it in this time. But also I think to apply the bible to this culture and make it conform to 2008 USA is not the thing we do. Then we could make it different in the land of Iraq to fit them and the land of South Asia to fit that lifestyle then what you got is a church that is not in unity around the world. If you got one set of commands in the church in Asia and another in South Texas then one must be wrong or off. If in china we thing drinking a strong drink is ok but in Rome it is not ok then there is a split and this is not the same Body of Jesus. We need to see what the bible means and apply it the same in every place it is thought. So lets look at a concept that I think we need to. I got this I think when I was at work and It is far cool.

1 Jn 5 lThis is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that mGod is light and in Him is no darkness at all. 6 nIf we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 7 But if we owalk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and pthe blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we qconfess our sins, He is rfaithful and just to forgive us our sins and to scleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we tmake Him a liar, and His word is not in us.
2     My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, awe have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 2 And bHe Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but calso for the whole world.
Jesus blood forgave all sins. We need to know this if we know Jesus and he has saved us. If we have placed our trust in his work on the cross to forgive and we have confessed him our sins are forgiven. But we are told to keep confessing our sins so we realize that we are in need of his grace. So if you are not confessing your sins it might be your not in tune in your walk. John said that if we say we are perfect we lie.
Do we walk in light or do we walk in the darkness. In Jesus there is no darkness and darkness is sin and the yucky junk of fithy things. Friend light is the ways of Jesus and the pure thinker. Now if we walk in the sin we are not really right with Jesus but if we walk in Jesus and slip Jesus forgives us and makes us clean before the Lord and we then can know the power of Jesus and Gods love. We all need to keep short accounts of sin with Jesus meaning when we fall we confess it and then forget it and claim the blood. Now if your not confessing it is something you can do. Turn this machine off and pray to the Lord asking him to convict you of anything and the agree and turn from it. It might mean you need to ask Jesus to forgive your sins for the first time and ask him to live in you. It is easy to do. Just ask Jesus to forgive you off all your sins and ask him to live in you as your lord and king. If you do this let me know. If you do read the bible in the book of John and tell the Lord all you are about as you would your best friend and ask him to help you with anything you need and he will. That is a friendship with Jesus and that is the best thing you can ever do is to be a friend of Jesus

Sunday, April 06, 2008

James was not the person who wrote the book He was killed for the Lord Jesus. James was done by the brother of Jesus. What Mary did have more kids so the virgin thing is out in the Catholics so sorry. James did not know Jesus was Jesus till the end from what I know of the story. So on face book one of the founders of my faiths kids are now friends are pals on my page. I doubt they will read this but if you do Huls clan welcome and your ma is one of the reasons Jesus in in my life today. I thi nk she got me into the bible and I thank her and when we get to heaven I am going to see if she was part of the Plan Jesus used to get my butt to heaven. We shall see.

If you get a chance see the truth project by focus on the Family because it is the best thing on the world view I know of. This weekend I am going to be in a debate with folks that will tell me I am not open minded because I do not think they are right in not being a Christian and they will not like the truth when I say they have a wrong view of life. I will say that this nation was made for the faith and to share Jesus with the world and the people everywhere. In the books of the first grade in 1776 the bible was taught as truth when learning the basics. It is on the Internet and was the first grade text of the public schools from the 1700s till 1866. Our government was founded on the faith of the bible. It was founded on 4 things

1 We are not perfect people, 2 Our governors are sinners like all off us, 3 We are going to build the government in the manner of Gods rules in the bible.

Fact the nea made the kids learn the bible in the public schools. This is not my thinking it is factual. The land at one time taught the evils of the muslim faith, Harvard was founded on the truth of Jesus is the master of the truth and one must know him because without him there is not a truth. Every state in the union has in it the command the schools must teach the bible and morals in the school or you could not be allowed into the land. It is in every state Constitution that one is to be under the rule of God and the Bibles God. Read them all then dis me on this.

The law in this land was based on the truths of the bible. If you wrote a law in the 1800 and it was not in the bible you did not pass it. Our laws were based on Blackstone law books and if you do you see they are founded on the bible. Blackstone was one of the people to write major part of the laws in our land.

One thing changed the whole thing and I think the world was forever made to suffer and that was in 1859 with Darwin and his book on evolution. This changed the whole world as it was for 4000 years because Darwin said No GOD. By the way his book is filled with things that are wrong and he was a theology major. Some say he recanted but this is not the truth he died and I think he did not make it to the kingdom.

I THINK EVOLUTION WAS THE MAJOR THING IN THE WW2 AND THE GERMANS KILLING THE JEWS. It was a master race hitter wanted and did not get so he turned to killing the jews. We lost every school to this lie. They took the bible out of the schools and this made the schools teach kids that there is no God and this has made the schools a breeding ground for killings because they do not teach killing is wrong. They then want billions of dollars to do a school system right when the solution is to teach the bible and find the best bible teachers and let them teach the bible and morals and lead the kids back to Jesus. Here is where this goes into the government because Clinton is not a bible reading saved solid Christian. Her style is one of abortion and communism. She wants to take the rich and make them them give it to the poor and make government God and this is wrong because it will fail. When you give the states the power of freedom for the people they can take away freedoms. And this is happening in the US because they have power to outlaw home schools and this is making the parents not the people to have the freedom to raise the kids and not teach them the lies of the world like evolution or sex before marriage and this is killing the kids thoughts of God and will kill this land and allow dummys who are not in the power of the Lord to take away rights like not allowing the truths of the bible to be shown. Homos are the first at this. They made it a crime to teach the bible in Canda and said if you preach gays are sinners we put u in Jail. Oh we need to put Jesus into the land again

Friday, April 04, 2008

Can you be a Christian and think the bible is not the perfect word of God? NO The bible is not going to change and the bible is the word and Jesus said the bible is his word to you. It is the Lords book and he is the one that wrote it to you and if you think it does not matter what you think of it your in sin and need to see if your in the faith. God did not just say you can think anything you want and ask him to forgive you and your in and he did not If you think the bible is not the truth then your not in the faith. I even think that if you do not like this you are not saved and you might be in the crowd Jesus said he did not know. It might be a sign your still in your sins if you do not love the word and excuse sins by it. It is harsh but the bible is not a thing to be messed with AND if God wrote something you best read and obey it. I am scared of many people that do not take the book serious and I really think it is a sign that one is not saved.

I WAS asked if Ithink this is truth

Subordinationism is a heresy concerning the Trinity. It is an error that states that though the Son is divine, he is not equal to the Father in being, attributes, and rank. This error was rejected at the Council of Nicea.  Essentially subordinationism states that the Son is inferior to the Father.
There are different kinds of subordination in different kinds of heresies relating to subordinationism throughout history.  One form includes the error that the Holy Spirit is of a lesser quality and essence than the Father.  The Arian form said that Jesus was created and because of his inferior nature, he was subordinate to the Father out of necessity of the distinction between creator and creature.

The trinity is one in power and all have the same powers as the others. Jesus is equal with the Father and has the same rights and power as the father and if very God in the flesh. SO no I think this is a bad thing. The Trinity is 3 in one but one in three. Father is the powerful one and had Jesus who is forever both ways as was the Spirit and they were the God forever. Jesus who was forever became one of Man and then lived for 33 years and died and rose from the dead and this alone is the payment of every sin ever commited from the fall to the end of this earth. One must sign the check to get this forgiveness to be saved,

Thursday, April 03, 2008

It is very bad of some people to go to the bible and change it. My friend thinks it ok for females to pastor. But the bible said that it is not okay. He will not bend and claims to know the bible and havew the truth in his life and I claim the same but the bible makes some statements on the issue and I am going to show you the truths in the bible. One does not get to change the bible to fit the culture but the bible must rule over it. I think he is not okay because if we change this book we mess with a dangerous text and that is hell because I think you change the bible God is not going to save you.

1 Cor 11 3 But I want you to know that bthe head of every man is Christ, cthe head of woman is man, and dthe head of Christ is God.

God made this in creation. Men are to be the leader and the lady are to support the man. Its all over the world. Now that is equal in power but different roles. In Gods creation the Male is to be the bread winner and the lady is the weaker one and to be home and a homemaker. Not me but Gods rules.

1 Tim 2 8 I desire therefore that the men pray leverywhere, mlifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting; 9 in like manner also, that the nwomen adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and 5moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, 10 obut, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. 11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. 12 And pI do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. 15 Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.

Some have made this a thing of culture but how can you reading the passage and how God made the female after the male. It is a mans job to lead and a womans Job to submit to the man. No woman ever had the office of a priest in the old times. (However if a woman has Jesus she is in fact a priest in the new times because she does go to God for her needs and is expected to go directly to Jesus for the forgiveness of sins.)

33 For God is not the author of 9confusion but of peace, was in all the churches of the saints.
34 xLet 1your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the ylaw also says. 35 And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church.
Many claim Paul was addressing a cultural issue in Corinth—nothing that ought to concern our contemporary culture. But they fail to let the text speak for itself: “As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches” (vv. 33–34, NIV, emphasis added). That isn’t a cultural issue; it is God’s standard for all churches.
The context implies that the silence Paul commands is not intended to preclude women from speaking at all but to prevent them from speaking in tongues and preaching in the church. As in Ephesus, certain women in Corinth were seeking prominent positions in the church, and particularly by abusing the gifts of speaking in tongues and prophesying. Yet these women, who joined in the chaotic self-expression Paul had been condemning, should not have been speaking at all. In God’s order for the church, women should “subject themselves, just as the Law also says” (v. 34).
Women may be highly gifted teachers and leaders, but those gifts are not to be exercised over men in the services of the church. That is true not because women are spiritually inferior to men, but because God’s law commands it. He has ordained order in His creation—an order that reflects His own nature and therefore should be reflected in His church. Anyone ignoring or rejecting God’s order weakens the church and dishonors Him. Just as God’s Spirit cannot be in control where there is confusion and chaos in the church, He cannot be in control when women usurp the role He has restricted to men.
MacArthur, John: Different by Design. Wheaton, Ill. : Victor Books, 1997, c1994
That doesn’t mean, however, that God never permits women to speak His truth in public:
•     Paul spoke with various churches and synagogues during his missionary journeys, answering questions from women as well as men (cf. Acts 17:2–4). I see nothing wrong with a woman asking questions or sharing what the Spirit of God has taught her out of the Word during informal Bible study and fellowship. In fact, when we have a question-and-answer session in our church, I believe it’s proper for anyone to ask a question—because that’s the specified order of the time. But the ordinary worship service of the church is never to be interrupted and usurped by anyone’s questions. I also think there is a time and place for women to publicly offer a testimony of praise to the Lord.
•     I thank God for the many faithful women who serve on the mission field in a variety of public ways, but refrain from leading the church. If there was ever a need for leadership on the mission field, it was in Paul’s day. He could have compromised by using women in leadership roles, but he didn’t. When a shortage of men exists on the mission field, don’t violate biblical principles but instead ask the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers (Matt. 9:38).
Elisabeth Elliot, after the murder of her husband and several other missionaries in Ecuador, was the only missionary left who could speak the language of the Auca Indians. Rather than violate the Word of God, she taught one of the Auca men the sermon each week, and he then preached it to the church until male leaders could be found.
•     Women can proclaim the Word of God except when the church meets for corporate worship. The Old Testament says, “The women who proclaim the good tidings are a great host” (Ps. 68:11). The New Testament gives examples of Mary, Anna, and Priscilla declaring God’s truth to men and women (Luke 1:46–55; 2:36–38; Acts 18:24–26).
•     Women can pray in public. Acts 1:13–14 describes a prayer meeting where women and men, including Jesus’ apostles, were present. But during an official meeting of the church, leading in prayer, as we’ve already seen, is a role ordained for men (1 Tim. 2:8).
MacArthur, John: Different by Design. Wheaton, Ill. : Victor Books, 1997, c1994
Get the book mentioned and read it and then go ahead and dis me for this but I am not going to change the bible to make Ladies ok for the Pastorship

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I do not think the Pope needs to be a saint because if you have Jesus your a saint the bible said and your into the kingdom. Saint hood is one thing I think does not get the right truth in heaven. I think if you pray to the saints you miss the point because I pray to the Father by the son in the Holy Spirit and that shows me I have the right to go into the very place God is because my sins are gone when I took Jesus into my heart and this is the privage of every saint and person who takes Jesus into their life and gets forgiven sins.

I want tro go back to the bible and explain what it is it said about itself. I got tons of verses to go over and then I want to go over some tips for better bible reading. Last time I showed you the bible is a book that might make you feel guilty and that is good because you will confess your nothingness and confess Jesus is all you have and live in his power by and how he tells you to live.

Is 55 10     “For ras the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
     And do not return there,
     But water the earth,
     And make it bring forth and bud,
     That it may give seed to the sower
     And bread to the eater,
11     sSo shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
     It shall not return to Me 3void,
     But it shall accomplish what I please,
     And it shall tprosper in the thing for which I sent it.
God sends his word the bible and it goes out and does what God wants it to. It never goes out and comes back to him and did not affect someone. If you are in Jesus he is going to use the bible when you go to him and seek his plans for you. If you are not the If God wants to use his word to get you to see what you are missing in your life in Jesus and it might be you reject it God is building a case to send you to hell. His book is always going to bring results. Note 10 and see the truth of the water cycle and if you do not think the bible is truth then you need to see God sent the water and it grows the seed. Also God sends the rain and we do not. If your a farmer God allows your seeds to grow or maybe he does not allow it to grow. God does send famine and he is sovern so what God decides God does and it might be bad at first but know if you love Jesus its going to be for your good. Loaded huh
John 5 39 oYou search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and pthese are they which testify of Me. 40 qBut you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.
All of the parts of the bible point to Jesus. From the old that shows there is going to be a savior of the world to the new that show his life to the Letters that show you how to live and the rules you are to live for Jesus, and the end talks about the end. Jesus is the center of the bible as he needs to be in our lifes. Friend Jesus is the topic of the bible and not knowing him means the bible will never make anything to you. It does teach you how to trust for life in heaven and life here. If you trust the bible your wise and if not then your a fool.

1 Peter 1 23 jhaving been born again, not of 2corruptible seed but 3incorruptible, kthrough the word of God which lives and abides 4forever,

By the word of God your saved. HUH the Spirit uses the bible to show you your need of Jesus and the bible and his words make you take the action.

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