Friday, April 11, 2008

I am in the Rochester office of the SHadman network on a computer that is not mine doing a blog for you the ferw and proud readers and myself. So there are going to be mistakes but I am giving you news so like it and I shall be on my own machine in a few days.

My boss and I spoke and he was doing rather well but he was working. I am going to print out your wishes for him if I get some. I went to the newsboys last night and I liked all the bands that played. I will be adding them to the list of groups I am in on facebook so you will go out and get the music. I think it is going to be on the site so youu can read. I thought the boys could of played more off the greatest hits stuff they did. I liked the fact they gave out the Good news of Jesus and I got a book I might go over here on my page in time. I do not have the set list but they played lots of the go album and Breakfast in Hell, a line of not ashamed and other praise songs. During Breakfast in Hell they were holding up Kaptian Cruch in the rows up front and the band grabbed one and started eating it on stage. I guess it was a fun night but I might not go here in Rochester.

I wonder if we raise taxes in the good ole usa how much is too much. Some want to raise our taxes to prevent more gobal warming but we have done that in the lottery. If the demos win they want to give you health care and tax you for it by taking away the small business by raking your money in and making them pay way to much. If you employ folks you ought to get a break for time so you can afford to pay more. We ought to make a law that only can take 15 percent fed and 5 percent state. In MN we have the 12 highest tax rate in all of this land and they want 3 billion more. I say we make all taxes go to the people and let them vote. In this high gas time theyh are raise it a dime a gallon more for the roads and that is to much.

But as a christian we are to pay the things we are asked and we need to prayt for the cash and the wisdom to save money and pay in and honor Jesus in our lifes/

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