Sunday, April 13, 2008
No new taxs for anyone. I am asking for the people that want to to pay more in tax to shut up and leave. It is wrong for them to take my cash and give it to things you want. I do not want to pay for the teaching of evolution or the kids being told that Muslims are a good people when they want to kill the Jews and others that who do not convert to their faith. Christian did not start the wars in the Iraq or the middle ages. It is not good for the tax I pay to fund any form of abortion or homos. It is wrong for the public schools to tell kids that is right to have sex before marriage. If they follow the Bible plans the kids would be in a home where the mom and dad are in the home and have the income to raise the kids to be good solid people. It is wrong for anyone to have any sex outside of marriage. I do not care if homos cannot help it it is still not the right way. If the doctors say this they are not right. I do not trust Doctors and people that do not think the bible is the rd of God and rules the laws of this land. Also a woman is not to have the office and she is that. It is the most important issue in my mind that Jesus is the king of my life and anyone who is going to ask for my vote is not going to get it. Healthcare is not a right for anyone it is a earned thing for people who work and if you drink you need to get to the point if you cannot afford to get treatment to stop and get over it. It is wrong to ask hard working folks to bail out the drunks and give them a life because they have choose to drink or take pills or whatever. If you get busted for drugs go to jail and earn the cash to get help and if you cannot I am not going to bail you out. If you smoke you ought not get treatments for things you ought to suffer for the stupid things you do. Like I cannot help if I got CP but you can help it if you go out and have sex and get aids and the folks that cannot help it ought not get any help from the government and if it is sin in the bible and you did it you ought not get help in it. I am sick of folks that are in the homes and do not take a job and sit and drink and do drugs and then want my money. NO NO NO we ought to tell then get a job or die because life is not going to hand you nothing. Welfare is a bad thing for this land. Listen if 21 people are in a town and there are 15 jobs then the other 6 can take care of the 15 kids and get paid for that. If your truly cannot work and you are living with one that makes money the person who makes the money ought to pay for you to live this is called family. No more living together and not taking care of the other and getting married and being a family. If your wife works a job and has enough for both of you then live of one paycheck do not ask me to pay for you. God said in the bible if you do not work you do not eat and I think that is right on. If you got to go to the doctor and theyu turn you away and you did not file the paperwork do not tell me one did not get help. It is a law they have to help you if you need help. If your sick and do not want Gods help then your on your own. If your in this land and do nothave a job and its your fault we are not going to baby you and just give you a free ride you get your life right and you find work and then we can help you. Governments arr not the baby sitters and we ought to kick every druggie off the governments. If you have a kid out of wedlock you are messed up and I am not going to take care of you unless you go get a job and work. DO not go out to the casinos and then tell me your broke. You get no help from my governments because your money if wasted. It might be you need to stop drugs and get off all forms of drugs and get to work. Why should you not have sex before you have a ring? Because if you have kids you are wrong in this and you got to get a job and work for the kid and the daddy has to pay for the kid with his job and if daddy does not pay daddy gets to go to jail and then get a job there and pay all of it not the tax moneyt because roads need to be built and kids need a school. Its not the Governments job to feed you its not the church that feeds you but we will teach you how to feed yourself and how to make a plan to save cash for needs. Listen you working folks ought to have 6 months of your cash in the bank before you get anything big. Then you ought to set up a retirement plan so that you save for it all the time because it is going to take it to retire the way you want. Then you make the fun money. Okay