Saturday, April 19, 2008

I am tempted to nail a friend on a passage and explain why I think he is off and needs some help in his bible reading but I am thinking about this and I am going with it. Ron I am working on a hard one for you look out

GOD is KING. We are to know this and honor the Lord as king and we are not to dare think of him as a pal or a buddy but as KING and honor as such. I need to say this that GOD is the father of the Lord Jesus and the maker of all of the unseen and seen including all the folk that mock him and say he is not there GOD is the king. He is the father of the world and his son is Jesus and he came and died on the cross and rose again.

9     And the Lord shall be kKing over all the earth.
     In that day it shall be
     l“The Lord is one,”
     And His name one.
God is one day going to rule this earth and all are going to bow. YOU are going to bow a knee to GOD one day. It is not what I say it is his words. So what is God the king off. Everything that is. He rules from heaven. DO not like it? He told Pharoh that his people are to given freedom and when they did not obey they were wrecked and Pharoh was killed. In the desert Moses do not follow and he was not allowed to the promised land. David did not honor the ruler God and his son was killed. Judas did not bow and it cost him a forever in the fire of hell. Many turned and said they did not want a KING and God gave them a human king that led to the nation going away for 3000 years. Every sinner that does not follow the king is going to hell. If your saved you are to give honor to the king. We are not to go before God without a gift. Listen to go before a king in the old times you gave him a gift.
Kings have a kingdom and God has one in the saved people who have Jesus in life. We need to think of going before GOD is a honor and we got to not take it lightly. We need to have our sins confessed at all thimes and know the KING is watching and recording all we do for he is going to judge us and give us a part of the kingdom to help him with. God is KING sok how r you in your worship of the KING

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