Thursday, April 17, 2008

I got a pal that thinks that the holyness of God is not his main thing. But I think he might be off. It is important to keep in mind that God is a Holy God and that he is not going to allow you into his presense without Jesus and his blood covering you. A sinner is not able to come near to God because sin offends God and he does not ever tolerate it. If your saved and you tolerate it your in need of a big slap in the soul because sin ought to break your heart and if you do not deal with it it is going to harm your walk in Jesus.

When I list things in the bible on my page look them up and mark them in your bible because this is a topical bible thing you can use in your study in the bible. Or keep a notebook for a topical thing for youre bible.

Ps 99 1     The Lord reigns;
     Let the peoples tremble!
     aHe dwells between the cherubim;
     Let the earth be 1moved!

Note that people are to treble before the Lord. Listen God has the right to send you to hell forever and I think we ought to respect his name and keep him Holy and fear him a bit. Jesus said do ot worry about the devil but the one that has made Hell and given all he had to save you from Hell. I think we ought to obey God and love and fear him.

Is 5 15     People shall be brought down,
     pEach man shall be humbled,
     And the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled.
16     But the Lord of hosts shall be qexalted in judgment,
     And God who is holy shall be hallowed in righteousness.

In the time you have in the Lord you ought to be in awe and have tons of respect and deep love as Jesus is right there and he is there al the time. I like 16 where God is exalted in his judgements. He is honored when we are holy and separate in our life's. How much do I fight for the world and not live away from it. We live in the world and do not live for Jesus and that is not the way we ought to.

I think of every time a human wanted to see God how one look and they did not have anything to give in the light of the glory God has. But do we bow and realize the king who will rule with a iron rod and who is ready to save as well as send to hell everyone who rebells and does not repent and trust Jesus

44 For I am the Lord your rGod. You shall therefore consecrate yourselves, and syou shall be holy; for I am holy. Neither shall you defile yourselves with any creeping thing that creeps on the earth. 45 tFor I am the Lord who brings you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God. uYou shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.


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