Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Forget it momons you do not get the kids back because your all making them have sex and we are not going to give them back because your a sick unfaithful jerks. And It is interesting that our land has allowed the anti christ in the white house, Back to the kids your not allowed to abuse your kids and get by with it. All the kids are brained washed and sick. Mormons your sick and preverted and its time we ask you to shut down and get it right. Your church goes and tries to nail folks and get them to convert to your cult and that is what the Mormons are a cult. It is not true the book you read is false faith and Jesus never came over to this land because He went to the cross and died a bloody death and on the 3rd day he came to life again and if you or anyone does not trust alone in that for sins forgiveness you will spend forever in a lake of fire with no hope because you heard the truth and did not seek Jesus or you did and you did not repent or turn from your hell bound sins. Sin is the things you did or did not do for Jesus.

God is holy and this means he is seprate from anything made. He stands outside of all and he is moral and perfect and this means sin cannot ever be in his place. You do not have a prayer of getting the pray you wanted to be heard because sin is in your life and God is not able to accept you. Sorry God has made one possible way for you to come to him Jesus is it. If Jesus is not your way I am sorry but your wrong and on your one way ticket to hell. Only you can come to Jesus and repent and ask for forgiveness of your sins. Mom and dad cannot help you get right with Jesus. The pope or a priest is unable to get you right with Jesus and matter of truth this pope is not a man of faith and he is nothing but the leader of a failed system called a church. The pope holds the office of the Anti Christ and one day out of this office the very devils of hell will be found to rule this world and he will as the office has already killed Christians. Pope John is not in Jesus unless he repented of the Mary Worshiping false cult he led. The mass which kills the Lord Jesus billions a time a day is sad and does nothing to earn anyone hope of heaven. This church makes saints of dead folks and does not know that I am a saint as anyone that has place his hope of heaven on the blood of Jesus alone and his riseing from the dead. All in this false wicked satanic faith need to fight it and not trust in a mans who is a sinner and hopeless to go to heaven and does not teach his to read the bible and have a personal faith in Jesus ought to leave the parish and come to a solid church that will teach them hope. All Mary does is mourn for this cult not listen to one prayer ever said and never will because she is nothing but a sinner who had the Baby. Many in this faith are true Christians who deny the Roman system and go to Jesus alone and to grace alone not to a sex priest who does not repent of sin and embrace Jesus. To take a oath as a nun is to embrace hell in the afterlife and is to disobey the Son of God who said to preach to this lost world the saving truth that Jesus is going to come and judge each one and if they are not in the truth of grace they are wrong and will be asked to enter hell forever. To say a priest ought to never marry is not the bible and the truth so one mistake has caused this sexual abuse thing that is raping the cash of this cult because priests are not fired and sent to jail where every one of them belong who ever touches a kid is worthy of jail and instant hell (yes the death penalty) which ought to be the law for a raper and killers which tons of this church and cult have done. So pope get out of this land and stop thinking your a God when you are nothing but a cover for the sins of this office

Series: "Explaining the Heresy of Roman Catholicism"
Exposing the Idolatry of Mary Worship: An Overview
Exposing the Idolatry of Mary Worship: Catholic Dogma, Pt. 1
Exposing the Idolatry of Mary Worship: Catholic Dogma, Pt. 2
Exposing the Idolatry of Mary Worship: What the Bible Says
Explaining the Heresy of the Catholic Mass, Pt. 1
Explaining the Heresy of the Catholic Mass, Pt. 2
The Pope and the Papacy
The Scandal of the Catholic Priesthood

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