Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Some trimes people just make me mad. One thing is the truth that most of my good pals do not take a stand on the bible and think highly as I do. 2 of them do not want to study it in the right way they want to make me go the way they think and I hate it. One does not read the context and look at the points and make the call and the other does not even try and said the Holy Spirit is the only one that is going to teach it to you. I say you got to sit in a chair and work at it until a passage is right with the bible. I do not like it when folks tell me I am right in a passage yet they are right too. I have been going over the thought of who is God. God does not change ever. He is the same as he was when the world was made and will be the same in 5 million years. God is not going to change because we live in this land at this time. When the bible makes a rule we do not go and change it and when we do we are not ever right. God said no woman pastors and some so called have them. They are wrong and God is right.

God is not going to change the rules to get you out of your hard times.

Ps 119 89     xForever, O Lord,
     Your word 5is settled in heaven.
90     Your faithfulness endures to all generations;
     You established the earth, and it 6abides.

God has spoken in a book and it is the thing we read and it has not changes forever and will never change. We might go to it and find a new thing as God is teaching us but it has not changed ever. Homos are still wrong as Killing is and stealing is. God is the same as he is as holy as he was the first day of the earth and he is still the God of wrath as he was the day Jesus died. But to us Gods love has not changed. We loved us the day we were born the same as today. If we know the truth of Jesus he has granted us a new love but really the same love as he had.

Ps 102 oYour years are throughout all generations.
25     pOf old You laid the foundation of the earth, God made the world
     And the heavens are the work of Your hands.
26     qThey will perish, but You will 4endure;
     Yes, they will all grow old like a garment;
     Like a cloak You will change them,
     And they will be changed.
27     But rYou are the same,
     And Your years will have no end. (God is not changing because he said he never will. It brings my joy God is not going to change his love to me or make people not go to heaven when he already saved him. If the bible said it He is not changeing.

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