Friday, April 04, 2008
Can you be a Christian and think the bible is not the perfect word of God? NO The bible is not going to change and the bible is the word and Jesus said the bible is his word to you. It is the Lords book and he is the one that wrote it to you and if you think it does not matter what you think of it your in sin and need to see if your in the faith. God did not just say you can think anything you want and ask him to forgive you and your in and he did not If you think the bible is not the truth then your not in the faith. I even think that if you do not like this you are not saved and you might be in the crowd Jesus said he did not know. It might be a sign your still in your sins if you do not love the word and excuse sins by it. It is harsh but the bible is not a thing to be messed with AND if God wrote something you best read and obey it. I am scared of many people that do not take the book serious and I really think it is a sign that one is not saved.
I WAS asked if Ithink this is truth
Subordinationism is a heresy concerning the Trinity. It is an error that states that though the Son is divine, he is not equal to the Father in being, attributes, and rank. This error was rejected at the Council of Nicea. Essentially subordinationism states that the Son is inferior to the Father.
There are different kinds of subordination in different kinds of heresies relating to subordinationism throughout history. One form includes the error that the Holy Spirit is of a lesser quality and essence than the Father. The Arian form said that Jesus was created and because of his inferior nature, he was subordinate to the Father out of necessity of the distinction between creator and creature.
The trinity is one in power and all have the same powers as the others. Jesus is equal with the Father and has the same rights and power as the father and if very God in the flesh. SO no I think this is a bad thing. The Trinity is 3 in one but one in three. Father is the powerful one and had Jesus who is forever both ways as was the Spirit and they were the God forever. Jesus who was forever became one of Man and then lived for 33 years and died and rose from the dead and this alone is the payment of every sin ever commited from the fall to the end of this earth. One must sign the check to get this forgiveness to be saved,
I WAS asked if Ithink this is truth
Subordinationism is a heresy concerning the Trinity. It is an error that states that though the Son is divine, he is not equal to the Father in being, attributes, and rank. This error was rejected at the Council of Nicea. Essentially subordinationism states that the Son is inferior to the Father.
There are different kinds of subordination in different kinds of heresies relating to subordinationism throughout history. One form includes the error that the Holy Spirit is of a lesser quality and essence than the Father. The Arian form said that Jesus was created and because of his inferior nature, he was subordinate to the Father out of necessity of the distinction between creator and creature.
The trinity is one in power and all have the same powers as the others. Jesus is equal with the Father and has the same rights and power as the father and if very God in the flesh. SO no I think this is a bad thing. The Trinity is 3 in one but one in three. Father is the powerful one and had Jesus who is forever both ways as was the Spirit and they were the God forever. Jesus who was forever became one of Man and then lived for 33 years and died and rose from the dead and this alone is the payment of every sin ever commited from the fall to the end of this earth. One must sign the check to get this forgiveness to be saved,