Sunday, April 27, 2008
God is the maker and substainer of all there ever will be. God spoke this world into being. God then made man and he saw it was Good until man sinned and then man was to work forever until the second comming. People now think God is not there and things happened by chance. I say to them that there is no way it is by chance. If one looks at the body we have it is not just chance that made it. Look at how the eyes are made and what it takes to read a book. Look at the ears and how the sounds have to be made ok in them to get to the brain and then the brain has to make a message and then send it over the vocal cords you have. This is not by chance. Look at the machine your reading from. It is a man made thing. First I hit keys and the keys are letters that make words (sometimes) that form a readable format on my screen. Then the text is copied into a thing that takes it and turns all my thoughts into numbers and sends it to a website which then takes the text and redoes it so it can be read by the computer it sits on. For you to read it you have to get onto a working machine and type in the site. The computer then takes your request and talks to a number of machines and gets you to the page which is then sent again by binery to your machine and you read it. Man Made and a plan does it. Darin wants to think that we just come from nothing but if you think that I would call you insane and in need of logical help. I mean that is so far fetched. God made the world and anyone that thinks this is not true is like I say insane.
Is 45 18 For thus says the Lord, ( Lord is the maker of the world. If not then who?)
kWho created the heavens, ( all the stuff in space God made it.)
Who is God,
Who formed the earth and made it,
Who has established it,
Who did not create it 5in vain,
Who formed it to be linhabited:
m“I am the Lord, and there is no other. ( God is talking from the mouth of the writer and he said He is the sole maker of the world and all there is. IN THIS book Jesus death is portayed to the detail. BY the way this is penned 1000 years before Jesus was born. So a book called in detail the entire event to a detail of the death of a man 1000 years before it happens. Its like a book that told the life of Bill Clintion is written in 1000 ad. This book calls it all to a detail about clintion. Impossible? But the bible did that. So if the God of the bible wrote and told of Jesus then he can make all there is.)
19 I have not spoken in nsecret,
In a dark place of the earth;
I did not say to the seed of Jacob,
‘Seek Me 6in vain’;
oI, the Lord, speak righteousness,
I declare things that are right. ( God is and makes all the rules. But would a God who just made a bunch or rules be anything> God came in the flesh and did all the rules perfectly and then died so you can take his life and he takes yours.
Someone once estimated that the number of random genetic factors involved in the evolution of a tapeworm from an amoeba would be comparable to placing a monkey in a room with a typewriter and allowing him to strike the keys at random until he accidentally produced a perfectly spelled and perfectly punctuated typescript of Hamlet’s soliloquy. And the odds of getting all the mutations necessary to evolve a starfish from a one–celled creature are comparable to asking a hundred blind people to make ten random moves each with five Rubik’s Cubes, and finding all five cubes perfectly solved at the end of the process. The odds against all earth’s life forms evolving from a single cell are, in a word, impossible.
MacArthur, John: The Battle for the Beginning : The Bible on Creation and the Fall of Adam. Nashville, TN : W Pub. Group, 2001, S. 39
Take the age of the human race, for example. Hugh Ross believes, on the basis of the fossil record, that the creation of Adam may have occurred as much as fifty thousand years ago.15 But Genesis contains a detailed genea–logy that traces the development of the human race from Adam to Abraham and beyond. The genealogy includes a chronology with the exact ages of individuals when their offspring were born. Archbishop James Ussher did a careful analysis of the genealogies in the seventeenth century and concluded that the date for Adam’s creation was 4004 b.c. Some scholars have suggested that there may be gaps in the genealogy, in which a generation or two is skipped and the name of a grandson or great–grandson is substituted for the name of a son. Such gaps can be demonstrated in some biblical genealogies. (In Matthew 1:8, for instance, Matthew skips three generations from Joram to Uzziah, apparently to maintain a symmetry in the genealogy.) No such gaps can be proven in the detailed genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11. But even allowing for some possible gaps, it’s inconceivable that the date for Adam’s creation could be much more than ten thousand years ago. As Henry Morris has written, “At the outside, it would seem impossible to insert gaps totaling more than about five thousand years in these chapters without rendering the record irrelevant and absurd. Consequently, the Bible will not support a date for the creation of man earlier than about 10,000 b.c.”16
15 Ibid., 159.
16 Morris, The Genesis Record, 45.
MacArthur, John: The Battle for the Beginning : The Bible on Creation and the Fall of Adam. Nashville, TN : W Pub. Group, 2001, S. 62
Is 45 18 For thus says the Lord, ( Lord is the maker of the world. If not then who?)
kWho created the heavens, ( all the stuff in space God made it.)
Who is God,
Who formed the earth and made it,
Who has established it,
Who did not create it 5in vain,
Who formed it to be linhabited:
m“I am the Lord, and there is no other. ( God is talking from the mouth of the writer and he said He is the sole maker of the world and all there is. IN THIS book Jesus death is portayed to the detail. BY the way this is penned 1000 years before Jesus was born. So a book called in detail the entire event to a detail of the death of a man 1000 years before it happens. Its like a book that told the life of Bill Clintion is written in 1000 ad. This book calls it all to a detail about clintion. Impossible? But the bible did that. So if the God of the bible wrote and told of Jesus then he can make all there is.)
19 I have not spoken in nsecret,
In a dark place of the earth;
I did not say to the seed of Jacob,
‘Seek Me 6in vain’;
oI, the Lord, speak righteousness,
I declare things that are right. ( God is and makes all the rules. But would a God who just made a bunch or rules be anything> God came in the flesh and did all the rules perfectly and then died so you can take his life and he takes yours.
Someone once estimated that the number of random genetic factors involved in the evolution of a tapeworm from an amoeba would be comparable to placing a monkey in a room with a typewriter and allowing him to strike the keys at random until he accidentally produced a perfectly spelled and perfectly punctuated typescript of Hamlet’s soliloquy. And the odds of getting all the mutations necessary to evolve a starfish from a one–celled creature are comparable to asking a hundred blind people to make ten random moves each with five Rubik’s Cubes, and finding all five cubes perfectly solved at the end of the process. The odds against all earth’s life forms evolving from a single cell are, in a word, impossible.
MacArthur, John: The Battle for the Beginning : The Bible on Creation and the Fall of Adam. Nashville, TN : W Pub. Group, 2001, S. 39
Take the age of the human race, for example. Hugh Ross believes, on the basis of the fossil record, that the creation of Adam may have occurred as much as fifty thousand years ago.15 But Genesis contains a detailed genea–logy that traces the development of the human race from Adam to Abraham and beyond. The genealogy includes a chronology with the exact ages of individuals when their offspring were born. Archbishop James Ussher did a careful analysis of the genealogies in the seventeenth century and concluded that the date for Adam’s creation was 4004 b.c. Some scholars have suggested that there may be gaps in the genealogy, in which a generation or two is skipped and the name of a grandson or great–grandson is substituted for the name of a son. Such gaps can be demonstrated in some biblical genealogies. (In Matthew 1:8, for instance, Matthew skips three generations from Joram to Uzziah, apparently to maintain a symmetry in the genealogy.) No such gaps can be proven in the detailed genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11. But even allowing for some possible gaps, it’s inconceivable that the date for Adam’s creation could be much more than ten thousand years ago. As Henry Morris has written, “At the outside, it would seem impossible to insert gaps totaling more than about five thousand years in these chapters without rendering the record irrelevant and absurd. Consequently, the Bible will not support a date for the creation of man earlier than about 10,000 b.c.”16
15 Ibid., 159.
16 Morris, The Genesis Record, 45.
MacArthur, John: The Battle for the Beginning : The Bible on Creation and the Fall of Adam. Nashville, TN : W Pub. Group, 2001, S. 62