Thursday, March 29, 2007


Bible reading and election

By now if you read the things I tend to say here I am not out to be popular and loved. I used to be but I gave up last year when people started actually coming on and trashing my beliefs in the Lord. Good solid people that I once looked to for my walk made the faith out to be a list of rules and people left churchs over it and I told people to leave and I was told not to come back to that church and it was a mess. So much junk happened it hurt so many people and it was a mess. I came out of that and kept my blog even when this jerk pastor told me I was rebelling and telling him so shove it when I worked the bible into my page. I say that to say a few things I think are so important i8n my walk that I am willing to die for them. I am willing to die for Jesus if one asked me to because I am sure where I am going. I am willing to die for my bible and I could not live without it. Catholics have in the past blog that I ought to trust the words of man and I have told them they are off and have not been nice to them. I know people that have used the faith that is given to man and said that popes have the truth. I think that is wrong and many popes are going to hell for the crime of taking Gods holy word away from the common man. I am in a debate right now with a man that I think is a great man and I had it before that he said the bible is the Lord Jesus and it is and I agree with the man and love him to death. I do however in many times over the last 20 years of being a Christian have many times talked to people that do not value the bible and I think have left the faith or they are not what they once were in the faith. I know a man that told me off and I think is not saved and when I knew Chris he did not read his bible as much as he should. I said before I have never met a solid solid out Christian that did not read the bible every day and know it. Never. Now IK do not want to condemn you in any way6 if your saved and you feel that you do not need the bible. I think your young in the faith and you need to grow and the way you do is the word of God and reading the books of John and Psalms are great. If your in the Lord why not just read a book of the bible or get a one year bible and just get into a habit of reading the Love letter Jesus wrote to you.
We now are on a new part of the theology of John Calvin and that is the truth that we are elected by the sheer grace of God and that is undeserved and no merit on our part is required. I am n ot here to debate this I am here to report the bible and what it says in the topic. I am going to give you a definition tonight and go into the bible passages that prove this out next time. I am not debating this I am reporting the things I think in the bible are right. If the bible is right and it always s this is going to be a truth we need to trust. If the bible is not right then we can do whatever we will
ELECTION — the gracious and free act of God by which He calls those who become part of His kingdom and special beneficiaries of His love and blessings. The Bible describes the concept of election in three distinct ways. Election sometimes refers to the choice of Israel and the church as a people for special service and privileges. Election may also refer to the choice of a specific individual to some office or to perform some special service. Still other passages of the Bible refer to the election of individuals to be children of God and heirs of eternal life.
Throughout the history of redemption, election has characterized God’s saving activity. He chose and called Abraham from Ur to Canaan, making an everlasting covenant with him and his offspring (Gen. 11:31–12:7; Neh. 9:7; Is. 41:8). God also called Moses to lead His people out of bondage (Ex. 2:24–3:10; Deut. 6:21–23; Ps. 105). He chose Israel from among the nations of the world to be His special covenant people (Deut. 4:37; 7:6–7; Is. 44:1–2).
Election to salvation takes place “in Christ” (Eph. 1:4; 2:10) as a part of God’s purpose for the human race. As part of His eternal plan, God allows us to use our freedom to rebel against Him. Thus it is gracious of God to save those who find salvation through Jesus Christ. It is not unjust of Him not to save everyone, since no one deserves to be saved (Matt. 20:14; Rom. 1:18; 9:15). Election is gracious; it is also unconditional and unmerited (Acts 13:48; Rom. 9:11; 1 Pet. 1:2). It is an expression of the eternal, sovereign will of God who cannot change (Rom. 8:29; 2 Thess. 2:13). Therefore the salvation of the elect is certain (Rom. 8:28, 33).
Election is a necessary condition for salvation; faith is the sufficient condition. The elect inevitably believe, but they do not believe against their will. They have a God-given desire and ability to trust in Christ for salvation (Acts 13:48; 1 Cor. 15:10; Phil. 1:29; 2:13). The elect choose God because He effectively calls them through the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ; they choose Him because He first chose and called them to Himself (Rom. 8:28). That initiating love of God is reflected in Jesus’ statement, “You did not choose Me, but I chose you” (John 15:16).
A careful study of the Bible’s doctrine of man cures any romantic notion of a human will that is free to choose for or against God. Those who are slaves to sin and its power (Rom. 6:6) neither understand nor seek after God in and of themselves (Rom. 3:11; John 14:17; 1 Cor. 2:14). Outside of Christ, people are spiritually dead rebels who neither desire to submit to the Lord Jesus Christ nor are able to. Apart from God’s gracious, free, eternal, and sovereign choice of sinners to become His children, none would be saved but would remain forever under His wrath (Rom. 1:18).
Election is not to be a source of complacency (2 Pet. 1:12) or presumption (Rom. 11:19–22) on the part of Christians. They are to make their calling and election certain by growing in godliness (2 Pet. 1:2–11) as they respond with gratitude to God’s electing love (Col. 3:12–17).
God has chosen Christians to bear the image and glory of Christ (Rom. 8:29; 2 Thess. 2:14). They have been elected to be holy in conduct, like Christ (Eph. 1:4). Like Him, they are also to be glorified in their whole being in the life to come (2 Cor. 3:18; Phil. 3:21). The ultimate goal of our election is that we might bring praise and glory to God (Eph. 1:6; Rom. 11:33; 2 Thess. 2:13).
Also see Predestination.1
1Youngblood, Ronald F., General Editor; F.F. Bruce and R.K. Harrison, Consulting Editors, Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson) 1997, c1995.

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