Wednesday, March 15, 2017



So like or not here is my thinking on tax that Trump paid. He did not pay in. He paid 25 percent of income. Obama did not pay like he did he got a lower rate. So what is the problem. MSNBC is not a news it is a take down of this President. They do not like the fact he won. Yes he has problems and yes some of what he did is bad. But he won and beat a clintion who is more dangerous then anything he did. She is anti Jesus and she does not care for people. She was going to move this land inun christian way. She was going to let more people take from the government and not going to pay the debt down. She is a lib to the core and going to raise money for her self. I think that she had other leaders pay her for favors in the white house and that was a big part of the email scandal and y she can not give in to the emails. I think she is Jeff sessions was asked if he helped the Trump campain talk to the russians. He did not ask if he talked to Russia for the business of running the usa. He did not talk about the campaign and Aql is trying to push bullshit to the people. Sessions talked to many people when he talked to the Russian

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