Monday, January 23, 2017


school choice

Next topic is school choice. Now here is the bottom line we all pay for the public school and most of them do not teach things that we need. I think we ought to be able to teach the bible in them and creationism. I think we ought to be able to teach the kids how to think not what to think. And we ought to teach the kids respect for the flag and this land. Now in the schools we tell them sometimes God does not exist and the world was made in a way that there was a explosion and there it was. Then we tell kids the Pilgrims came to our land for riches and gold when they came to be able to worship Jesus as they want to and not have the state tell them how to worship God. We tell the kids our land is not founded on the bible and we are kid of not telling the whole story. Kids ought to have the rights to go to the better schools and ones that teach christ centered things if they want to. So lets ave the parents decide the schools for the kids and let the government fund some of them. Yes we need christians schools to have money from the government and we need to put higher learners in higher schools to get them to know more. Maybe that college can be done in high school for free yes free college. And on that topic make a grade 13 and if a kid wants a free year of college teach it on circuit TV in the high school for free or over the net. Make 11 and 12 grade college for kids that can do it and then you got free college. AP classes can be used for college credits and high school and if the kid does not want college teach a few classes on skills they could go out and work. DO some living classes? But let the kid choose Freedom

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