Sunday, January 22, 2017
I think I might have a good idea. Protesting is not a bad or wrong thing. If you want to protest fine I really think we got the right in this land. If you want to do anything peaceful and respectful fine with me. I will help the law protect you. BUT if you damage anything or block the flow of traffic or start fires or harm business ot block them you need to be arrested and charged with a felony. One day in Jail and 20 years probation so you do not get to vote for the things you protested. We need to get hard o n people that try to send a message in the improper way. If you do the latter your message is not going to be heard. Ur vold. We got to get hard on crime and do it now. Protesting is okay like I said but in the word we are to obey the government Now I am talking to the people of the Lord. We are to pray for the president and leaders of the nation and we are to obey them until they outlaw or make laws that r not right with Gods word.
Abortion is wrong everytime it is done.
Gay is not okay with the bible. NOTE if you are a gay and do not name Jesus I am not talking to you because it is how u r and until you know Jesus your not going to get it. But if you do not honor Jesus and give him your life your not going to heaven. B ut your not going to change and we are not going to take your rights away. But it is wrong in Gods eyes and it is nasty
So if you protest do it rightfully