Thursday, May 01, 2008

Jacob used the word of God as he went to meet Esau. We got the bible and sometimes I need it to fall back on the things that worry me. If I am worried I am told I can go to God in prayer and give it to him. Ron asked me for the bibles central message and I think it is a book God wrote to tell us about him and who he is and what he did and what he wants us to do about that. Jesus is the central point of all the bible and the cross is the point that all the bible points to. All of the books of the bible point to Jesus. Where Ron and I disagree is the point of Lordship of Jesus in the life of a christian. He said Jesus did the law and now we are free and I agree yet I think the freedom is not to sin and to follow the law. The bible is the love letter but if you do get saved you have to do things after your saved because you love the Lord. The bible tells you about Jesus and that alone is enough to make me want to know everything I can of the Lord. I want to know everthing God told us in the bible because I want to know the Lord and who he is and what he does.

I did some of the series on who God is and I want to go over the bible and just feast on Jesus and who he is so Ican relate to him and see how he worked in the past. Look at Jacob and how he rested in the truth in the Lord when he has hard things happen to him. Also look at the man who wrestles with God and was named for the nation.

Leman was a man that was jealous and wanted more that God wanted to give. Oh I am like that I want more and I want more than I am given. He used God to get rich but did not think of worshiping the Lord and was not content. We are to be content on the things we have. This is not a command but common sense and it is going to make us feeling better about things because we are not so stressed in getting.... Are you content or are you not? God is going to give what you need but not all you want.

Jacob tended to get rich for his sake. We need to share the money we have to make the church and the people in it better. If we do not give then we are not going to be in the plan of God to help others. Give all you can and then give a bit more because when you do that others we are called to love will have love from us to give.

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