Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Clinton the bitch is not going to win and I hope she falls flat on her face and loses the thing. I continue to not like anything about her. Nothing she does is good for me because she is a jerk and a Commie and not good for free people. She wants to shut down free talk radio because they hate her, she wants to get the job creators to pay more tax and take away the funds to give to folks who need more and she wants to take over everybody's life and take the freedom from the Christians to educate their kids which the government does not own in anyway. She has spoke out to the right wingers CHRISTANS. Friends Clinton is not saved in her policy's do not reflect the truth of God who is the creator and lawmaker of the world and will determine the fate of all people everywhere. Her heath care is a communust take over of the people and makes us rely on a failed government which she thinks can solve problems. No Jesus alone is the one to solve your problems. We cannot afford Her taxs which will take more of your hard earned money you made. She will make gas go higher because she is going to pull troops out and the Iranians are going to take the land with the gas over and jack up a oil thing to 600 bucks and your going to pay out of your ears for gas.

God is Love and Love is not a thing people like to think it is. If you love someone you ought to be willing to give your life for them and die for them. No God did more in his Love he gave the best thing he had and that was Jesus to die for you. Now I talked to pastors and I asked them to give me their son for me and not one has ever given that much. Jesus was given by God and he had to kill him and not be a part of his life to gain you. So love is not a free thing that lets you get away with things, it is a messy thing that Jesus bled for to get you back.

This nonsense people today call love is lust and a feeling and Love is not that. Love is not letting sin go by it is actully saying sin is horrid and we are not going to do it anymore. God loves some more than others, its called election some he chooes to die for and others he did not die for as he blinds then to the truth and salvation is not part of their life. If your not a Born Again Christian your not in the lone to be in heaven and your just not chosen but you can come. If your even thinking of God you better get into the bible and get saved because in the last month 3 people I know have gone on and have gotten to the judgement and are no longer ok to get saved. You die your fate is sealed and Love is going to tell you that your wrong and need to get right. Love is not allowing you to have the chance to get saved. Hate is to just let you go to hell. If I hate you I am not going to try to get you saved. Salvation is hard to get and impossible for you to keep in less you get saved from the Lord. On your own you will not make it to heaven.

If your in Jesus Love is the thing that grants you the comfort in all things. He is there when you lose a loved one, he is there when you lose a job and he is going to care for you. If you know Jesus and your alone He is the best thing that you ever have. He is there in the desert of Iraq in the war with the people who know him and loves them. He is in all places at all times.

So what is it to love. Its told by Jesus
Luke 10 30 Then Jesus answered and said: “A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among 9thieves, who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. ( so this man is just beat up and down. He was a nothing to the people of the day but Jesus said this is the test we have. If you do not love the outcasts and the low people your not in Jesus.)
31 Now by chance a certain priest came down that road. And when he saw him, khe passed by on the other side.( A pastor in a baptist church that does not have compassion, a person who needs to look good to the church. People who think Church is more important than real people. Looks are not what we are going for it is the heart of the Love of Jesus. Anyone that said Church meeting are bigger than helping others are fooling themselves and Jesus is not in them.)

32 Likewise a Levite, when he arrived at the place, came and looked, and passed by on the other side.( people that want to follow the code and make dress codes and then make people go to church and follow the rules. I had this happen to me and I told people to leave that church because of it and people did leave because of people who set things of looks and dress over the word of Jesus. I still think it is not a good place to attend because the pastor does not repent and serve people but demands to be served. Pastors your to serve not be served. You set a example and serve your church.)

33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had mcompassion.( It was the last person in that time who was not part of the Good People Club. Not the Duckerts who had all the right clothes and the right prayers and the right bible. It was the Ron and Tamera where the church kicked them out because they did not look the part and did things for people who stoped and worked on the person and made sacrifices to help people instead of going to the Pastors false teaching. A sermon that was telling me not to forgive the nonsaved. And the church did not fire on the spot that man. If my Pastor said something like that he would have been fired and his name out on the net As I did. Then the man told me to shut down my page and not teach you the bible on the net. No this man who showed Jesus love was a man that was a outcast to the church and he loved the person who is not loveable. You all were nothing to Jesus until He saw you and out of shear pity saved you by paying God the full price of salvation. Love is hard work and its dirty and hard. )

34 So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; and he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. 35 On the next day, 1when he departed, he took out two ndenarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, ‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I come again, I will repay you.’
He left his visa and would pay for the person to get better and gave him 2 days pay. That is true love If you are not willing to give out of your wealth. If your not willing to give all you have to Jesus do not call youself saved and if your going to church to look good and get any reward like heven please do not call yourself saved Please get messy and love others
36 So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?”
37 And he said, “He who showed mercy on him.”
Then Jesus said to him, o“Go and do likewise.”

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