Wednesday, September 26, 2007


we need to love people

What got me dwelling on this thing is all the ads that I'm getting in the mail at home and we're getting at the church of the so-called "Christian" bookstores advertising their products that they sell in their stores.

Julie I need to nail you. I think your blog is very baptist and that is ok but when you take on true faith. It is nasty of you to put down and one of faith. They are christian whether you like it or not.

The word Christian means Christ-like. This thing about the "Christian" bookstores has bothered me for a long time now. If Christian means Christ-like then shouldn't the store itself have a testimony of being like Christ? Well...they sell books that they call bibles that are perverted versions of the Word of God.
KJV is not the only true bible. If you keep that up your cutting down millions of bibles and that is no good. It shows youyr true light that your the only true faith and that is nasty. I read 5 versions and you read one. No way I would think your the only faith. I can just go on and on on the KJV. I do not think your bad until you judge my bible that is the truth and It is ok to read the kj but do not make me listen to you.

They sell writings by heretics that blaspheme the Almighty God. They sell music that is wicked and ungodly.
No they give the faith they had. It is your judgeing people. I do not think a baptist is the only way as you think. Jesus is not just going to save you he saved millions.

They hire cashiers and people to work in their stores that have earrings and colored hair. They let the women in the store wear breeches and dress contrary to how the Word of God says to dress. Is any of this Christ-like?
No they dress in a cultured world to reach to the agee. I do not look at the outside and Jesus said he looks at the heart and your heart is full of judgement and hate for others in the faith. Look at thje log in your eyes.

I say absolutely not!! It burns me so bad when I go into these places to get the good material that is in there (and it is becoming less and less all the time I've been noticing) and see the people dressed and looking like they do and then to hear the ungodly music they play as I shop there. Then you see on displays books like "The Purpose Driven Life" that is leading thousands of people contrary to what God says.
Have you read the book. If not shut up and read it knowing your kind you will not read it. Sure your going to listren to a preacher. But you read the book and then show it to me where it is wrong. And your no music fan. It is good solid music. CCM is a good thing and people get saved. Let the Lord work it out not you.

As far as I'm concerned...these stores are not "Christian" bookstores but are "Religious" bookstores.
As far as Jesus is conserned your a judgementel person that is telling others that your right. Jesus saids to look on the heart not the outside.
Religion is being masqueraded as Christian everywhere you look. Yet we cannot even hear Christmas being mentioned anywhere in stores. It is "Happy Holidays" so as not to offend anyone. Folks...look for "Christian" influence to be done away with little by little. We who truly know Christ need to take a stand and live as God wants us to and present ourselves as Christians...Christ-like!!!
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