Friday, September 07, 2007


not all get heaven

I lost my clinton stuff. Explain to me why the lady is fit to lead when whe did so much under the radar in the white house and does not give me the right to see the records. White water to Foster suiside that she is responable for to all the health care stuff. She has no plan but to take your cash and give it to others. That is called USSR in the 1900 because wealth is not right for people. It is a plan to make it fair for the nobody that is a drunk to get cash. If your a drunk and hold no job go off the system and drink to death. Sorry no compassion for folks that sin. Sin means you die. Global warming is real and it is going to kill many because of sins of greed over oil money. To stop most problems we need to turn to Jesus and live as he told us to. No sex outside of marrige and if you are then you get aids and want me to give you a cure NO. Get off the drugs and sex then get my help. Jesus and our faith gives you chance after chance and sinners just spit in the face of hope. Another thing people that do not want home schools because the kids will not have to look at the pro gay stupid stuff and they can hear the truth of God who made this world in seven days. Yes God spoke and the earth was made. Evolution ought to be trashed because it can not stand any test. I do think there is a form of evoltuion but it is small changes over time. In 1st grade the frog becomes a prine and that is a story and a fairy
tale but in 10th grade it becomes true? Bull.

I got bad news for many billions of people... NO HEAVEN I preach this because folk are so confused on this. Many claim to be good people and if your not you need to be warned that your in danger of hell. EVERY PERSON THAT DOES NOT PLACE TRUST IN JESUS ALONE WILL DIE AND SPEND FOREVER IN HELL. I say this with love deep in my heart for every one that needs Jesus. I am not a hater I am into loving every one. I talked to gays today.

I Cor 6 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.1

No oned that has sex outside of marrige goes to heaven. If you sleep with another your placeing yourself in the fire of hell.

No one that has sex with anyone but his wife OR looks at another with lust is going to heaven

No Gay will ever enter the kingdom of God.

No one that steals will ever see or place one foot into the Heaven of Jesus. One cent is enough.

No Jealous folks will be allowed in heaven.

No one in false religion goes to heaven. It is Jesus and God or nothing. All other faiths in any form of religion allow you into heaven.

No one that uses achol is going to heaven. Get drunk one time face hell forever. It is the bible not me

If you gossip one time it is killing 50 people to God and you lose any hope of heaven. No one that takes one penny of funds goes to heaven.

But if you make it right with Jesus and take his life and death and make him your lord you are going to go to heaven even if you did all the above because in the death of Jesus your life is paid invfull forever and you will not do any of the above. Jesus died to pay your sins off and he alone can make you ok. In you nothing comes to save you MUST go to the cross and trust in the full payment of Jesus.


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