Tuesday, July 31, 2007


John 7

So I want to work on a bible time tonight. Have not been in the book where I was for a long time. I am not as good as I want but I am going to get better.

We are going to look at this passage and see what the Lord is going to teach me and or us. I need to go this passage because I want to keep going in this study.

John 7 1After these things Jesus walked in Galilee; for He did not want to walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill Him. 2Now the Jews’ Feast of Tabernacles was at hand. 3His brothers therefore said to Him, “Depart from here and go into Judea, that Your disciples also may see the works that You are doing. 4For no one does anything in secret while he himself seeks to be known openly. If You do these things, show Yourself to the world.” 5For even His brothers did not believe in Him.
Why did the world want to kill Jesus? It was because in that day Jesus claimed to be God. In six Jesus said he was going to judge the living and the dead. If someone claimed to be that today they would knock him into a insane house. Jesus just fed 5000 people and the people wanted more signs. He was doing some things to make the Jewish leaders a bit nervous and they need a reason to kill Jesus.
Note his brothers were trying to tell Jesus to get out and do his thing. And they did not believe in Jesus yet.

6Then Jesus said to them, “My time has not yet come, but your time is always ready. 7The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil. 8You go up to this feast. I am not yet going up to this feast, for My time has not yet fully come.” 9When He had said these things to them, He remained in Galilee.
Why do people hate Jesus? Jesus did not come to the world and say we are ok and he loves us. Jesus came to tell us we need to stop sinning and be like him. Jesus love is not just for us he demands us to go out and love others when they hate us. We need to see what Jesus said here, we are evil in ourselves. It is called sin and if we fail to follow Jesus and do his demands we fall short. If you at anytime failed to love your Lord as he demands folks you fall and it is not a good thing to call sin ok.
Also I see Jesus is working a sovern plan in a place that folks might not hear the truth. Why do we not see Jesus getting the message out and going to get the Jews right and saved? I think that the plan was not to save all the folks and matter of truth as you know I think Gods plan is to save who he wants. No he does not offer all people salvation. He wrote a book and has the saved in it and they are the elect. Is that fair? If your saved friend that is not fair because you’re a sinner and Jesus does not have to save you!

10But when His brothers had gone up, then He also went up to the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret. 11Then the Jews sought Him at the feast, and said, “Where is He?” 12And there was much complaining among the people concerning Him. Some said, “He is good”; others said, “No, on the contrary, He deceives the people.” 13However, no one spoke openly of Him for fear of the Jews.
If God wanted them all to follow Jesus and a happy ending he can do it but it is not what we see. Some say good things about Jesus, Some said he is a cult and ought to die. Jesus said that was going to be the case in Matthew. Jesus is going to make folks go and split from friends and family. It is not easy to make Jesus Lord because it is going to cost you tons. Jews who loved God wanted to kill Jesus anyway they could.

14Now about the middle of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught. 15And the Jews marveled, saying, “How does this Man know letters, having never studied?”
Jesus wrote the things he was teaching. He wrote the bible really. Jesus tells the truth and not what folk want to hear. He was not like the people of his time Jesus got it right every time and he told the folks about his love and grace. Jews wanted to be making rules to control folks and Jesus made the law to free folks.

1 do not go to follow the Laws if they are not right follow the grace of Jesus and allow him to direct you.

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Monday, July 30, 2007


new yoerk

So I owe you all a report on my trip to New York. So here it goes. I went by plane to Albany new york. It is a small airport. I went to the place I stayed. I stayed in a cabin place. I liked the room that had a bed and a shower. The food was also top notch. We had prime rib to steaks.

It was a basic bible week where we had church 3 times a day and good preaching. The place I was at was Word of life. I think they are a good place but a bit full of themselves and they did not Macarthur. I think the teaching was ok. The best teacher there was Erwin Luther who is at Moody Church. Wendell Caldwell is to Baptist for my tastes. I learned that I am reformed. I got to meet the pretty singed Robin Noel and she sings well over many sopranos I like. She spent 2 meals with me and I got to meet Jim singers wither her who also knows how to sing. In church Sunday she sang so pretty. She loves Jesus and is solid. I took away I need to stand for the truth and be holy.

I took 3 side3 trips.

I liked going here and walking where Washington walked and seeing this place. It was the history that was good. Look at the site to get the info. I got a hat from the place. I think it was a good old place to see and it made me love this nation more. A ton of folks had to die to keep us free and I love them for it.

I went to the place of the of the 1980 Olympics. I went to the place a small arena that held the hockey team won the gold. I also went on a plane ride to see the area and it was good to see.

I loved the trip to lake plalcid. I took some photos to.

I met a few new pals and Joe Corea and Jim Gilbert take the mvps. Jim got me lunch 2 times and we ate at a place in the town.

I liked the swimming place they had and the golf they had at the place where the holes were in the center. I played the carpet golf they had and it was really a neat thing to do is to put the holes in the center.

I guess you need to know more ask me things.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


read the bible

I said last time the pope is not going to heaven. I want to go further, I think this pope is antichristian and is not anything. It is time to go after the truth and make mo bones about it, we bible Christian that make the bible the center of our faith and do not go into anything but the bible need to stand on truth. In the faith we have folk that do not value the bible and that is frankly the scariest thing in the faith today. If we take away the bible the pope is going to be able to say what he wants and all the folk that have died for the words and truth of the bible are going to die in vain. I think it is time we value the bible above all and not just go and follow the Spirit and make it as we go. We are called to be bold and I am bold about the bible.

Here is some things I think we need to think about in regards to the BIBLE

We cannot pray or worship God with out the Bible. We are in need of the directions to do anything and if we get it wrong we get judged for it. We are not accountable to the word of another we are to the bible.

When I got saved the person told me to read the bible no matter what. Our faith is in the bible and the words of the Word. We sometimes take things like salvation and we forget the book and we lose things if we go outside the bible and define things.

I look at Calvinism and the truth of it to me is in the bible and when you take things and twist them you are not in the bible and use logic I do not trust you.

I think the best people who hold the faith have read the bible and lived it. In the survey I gave I saw your values, and the most important things that rule your faith. I rate the bible most important because mo bible you’re not going to get it right.

You cannot use logic to do a bible read. You follow the bible as the truth and if it does not fit your truth get saved. It is hard and narrow but the bible is narrow and hard. It is hard to follow the bible.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to be perfect and Jesus and grace is the only thing that saves. Pope said it is his way but the problem is he is not the bible. He holds no power and his way uis not the bibles way.

Sorry but no grace and mercy if your working in anyway for salvation. No you cannot pray to Mary. You do you miss the truth. Mary has nothing to offer you.

If you want to be right with God you must go to him
1 Jesus died and his blood is the only forgiveness there is. Jesus died on the cross and when he did your salvation was made possible. It is a free gift and you need to take it. It means you are sorry for your sins and you ask Jesus to take his BLOOD and make it right. Jesus died and if he did not we are all going to die and go to hell.

2 You have to repent and change your ways. Now Jesus is going to give you the faith and guide you. And this is for anyone I do not know who you are your faith is all a gift and Jesus is the one that gives it. Now if your in anyway convicted you need to take the gift because heaven is a gift and if you do not follow the truth your chance could be over. Some lose life in a car crash, in a heart attack and if your not in Jesus hell is your home. DO NOT ARGUE JUST GO TO THE BIBLE AND READ IT. If your not saved or sure please comment or private message me. This could be your last night and if it is take time to know Jesus. If your saved and not reading the bible today is a good time to begin, read one chapter in Psalms a day or one bible story and take notes. Read a proverb and a small book. Hey take a book and read it for a month every day. If it is a bigger one read 5 chapters a day for a month and get to know the book. Like 30 days of Matthew 1-7, 30 in Matthew 8-14, 30 days Matthew 15-22 and 30 days in the rest of the book. Read each night or day. In 7 days your going to start know the place in your bible it is and in 30 your going to know where it is in the bible and what is where. Like the sermon of the mount is the 5th page of the book right column and second paragraph.

Here it is. Get in to the book and stay in it no matter the feelings you have.


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