Tuesday, May 01, 2007


truth on the tithe

Ok I gave you a few sites we need to look at about the baptists and why yhe king james bible is not the best bible. I know many of you do not like the things that I say but I need to say them. I got asked by a pastor why I am going to a IB school and I am not one. I go to learn the bible and not to join a IB church. I am not happy with him or the movement. People are in that school come here and tell him what I am saying and I am not going to change for anyone. Listen the issues of KJV are ones that make me very mad. I do not intend to change so young Christians can just be ok I intend to get the truth of God out and not the Baptist church out, So if you go to my school and I offend you do not come to my site. Jesus is Lord and he takes the system and said it all is dung. I say that if you ladies wear a dress I am all for it and if you wear a tie Praise the Lord. But it is not a command of the bible in this time.

On the tithe I think it is wrong to preach that because the tithe was a temple tax and not for your time. I think if you tithe fine and good deal but do not make it the law of the bible because I am into free will giving and into faith promise. If you make a commitment to your church it is a act of faith and live too that faith. Gods plan is the free gift in this time. Let the bible and the Lord determine what you give. Step out and pledge more and watch the Lord fill his words to you that if you give Jesus is going to give to you. I right now am not getting a bunch of cash I am needing but I am not going to not give. I trust the Lord to grant me my needs. So when I am given more it is the Love of Jesus and the gift Jesus gives me.

I guess I am nailing a ton of folks and I am doing it because it needs doing.

If your church is not paying the local pastor the money he is needing maybe you ought to pay the missions less and fund the pastor first then do the missions thing

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