Sunday, April 08, 2007


CNN is not the truth at all on Jesus

I had a talk about the bible with a fsmily member. I need to write out the lies he thinks he has right with the truth and facts
1 Bible is not writen by people who have seen Jesus. No the fact is the bible is writen by people who saw the Lord in his after death state. Matthew was a apostle and saw it all, Mark was friend of Peter who walked with Jesus after the death and Peter saw Jesus alive and on the place of glory. Peter died for the faith to. Mark is really peters gospel. Luke was a doctor who Paul helped write the gospel. John penned the John and revalations with no help. Acts is a history of the early vchurch penned by Luke. Dates of the books are within Mark was in 50 ad and places it within 20 years of the Life of Jesus. Mark in 63 ad, luke who did interveiws and had Paul as a eyewitness. Luke was done in 63 ad and John in 70 ad.
Many of the books Paul wrote were before the fall of rome in ad 70 and he saw Jesus alive in 40. SO the books of the New part of the bible were pened and most were accepted by 90 ad. CNN does not know anything about the bible and is anti Jesus and of course is not going to tell you the truth.
Calthlics have books in their bible that the trrue faith does not accept because none of the authors are who they say that they are. Fact is they do not honor Jesus and the authors put junk in the books and at the time the church picked the bible the bible as 66 books were the ones placed in the cannon. To say the least if the books are not in the 66 book bible the books are not vaild as Gods word. If you want the truth read the books by valid evangelicals and do not watch cnn who is anti Jesus and pro rome. Watch them for news and only for current at that. I do not trust anything they say now that they called the bible bad and not true. Anderson cooper is a lib working for the democraps and so is Zaun. Cnn is anti american and anti Jesus.Cooper went to Yale a place that tells you that earth is made from a explotion and Jesus is a goodman who taughtr good things. Jesus was not a good mad or good teacher he is the Lord of this planet and God in the flesh and what Anderson Cooper does with Jesus as what you do will send you to hell or heaven. We can and most reject him making your home hell forever and few accept him and his free offer of salvation by HIS work FOR YOU in dieing on a cross 2000 years ago for your sin. Die without making Jesus alone your sin bearing life giving and God loving way Heaven is going to be nothing for you. Accept his free offer and see Jesus as King for you and your going to live with Jesus forevere in heaven loving him and all the saints (ones who gave Jesus their lives NOT some folk who the pope makes them to be) in heaven forever. So trrrust in Cnn and their gospel or go to a church who is bible centered and Grace alone by faith alone in Jesus alone and get the truth..
I am chooseing to go to the bible ALONE

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