Monday, March 26, 2007


the bible is first

The bible is the only thing I am going to follow in my walk. I make the bible the most important book there is and if it is not the faith I think is right. The bible is the thing I am able to turn to to know about the Lord. I think the bible alone tells us who God is and who we are and what we need to do to be right with God. Nothing God said is not in the bible. If you ever take the bible out of the church your church is a mess and you ought to not go there. Only in the bible do we find the truth of Jesus and who he is. I think to make the bible anything else but the words of the living God is to make God out to be a liar. God is bound by what he said in the bible and if he goes outside the bible to do any work he is bound to lie. Here is things the bible does
Psalms 19 And there is nothing hidden from its heat.
7 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul;
You are converted by the grace of God and the convertion is only found in the repenting of sin and having the Lord Jesus taking your sin on the cross.
The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;
If god said he did it in the bible he did it. If God healed in the bible he did. If the Lord is saving forever that is what the Lord is going to do. If God said to love you love and if God said to share Jesus you do it no matter what.
8 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;
All the laws of God in some time did apply. We are to follow the rules found in the bible and NOT the ones not in the bible. When the bible said that a Pastor is not to be a man of divorce we follow the bible. When the bible said to raise our kids with the laws of the Lord we do it. When the lord said do not kill that means no abortions and When the bible said we are to give to the work of the Lord whatever the Lord and you decide we give. We follow the Lord out Love and the bible we read to know the Lord and follow his grace. Not to follow the laws out of duty (yet I think we need to sometimes follow blindly things in the bible to show we love him. For me I do not drink because it is the best thing me and the Lord have made it say to me. I do not steal because I am bound by the rules and I respect the laws.)
The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;
God defines pure in the bible. Not us/
9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;
The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
God said what he is going to expect of us and we all are going to given to the degree we follow. Jesus said to feed the poor are we? Jesus said to preach the bible in and out of season Are we? Jesus said to submit to the power that rule and the boss and we need to do it. God is going to hold you accoutable for everything you do as a christian. We need to make the Love letter of the bible our most loved and cherished book. Shame on us for our lack of knowing the bible and the Lord in the bible.
10 More to be desired are they than gold,


Bible points to Jesus. We agree on that.
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