Thursday, February 15, 2007
This and that on believeing
Ok Shane Yes I am blocking people and I need to because they were told not to talk on my blog and I meant it. I cannot allow folks to come in and just post sometimes and I am not going to. I know that I said that God does not love everyone. I ask does God love you and grant you heaven if you reject him. I think there is a point where one can reject Jesus and God no longer allows a salvation. I do not know where and when that is but it is going to happen. I say it again its not the ones God saved it is the fact God saved anyone. I also blocked because I felt the gal was to Catholic and I am not. Scary thing to have a person who is part of Rome who is the worst thing for the Gospel. They are seriously wrong and she kept coming and defending and someone might have the idea this church has truth in it. And talking down about Brother Macarthur is enough for me to nail this.
I want to thank Rudy for getting into the race to kick Hillery out. I am backing him right now. I think he is fit to lead. On Shawns show he said he wants to pick judges that are likely to overturn Roe and that is what we need. He cut tax 23 times as mayor. He fights crime and is going to give us a fight for the people who died. I also like his stand on getting folks out of the welfare plan and into the work world. It is the best thing for you to work. If you can get a job you ought to. If you kill you need to die and we need to fund this war we are in so they do not come back to kill us.
The book on John I am using is talking about the truth that one needs to believe in God. I want to record a few of the thoughts from the book. When you take on a belief from God you become the child of God, you are given life forever, you are freed from the judgment of God, You partake in life forever, you get the Spirit of God indwelling in you, you are freed from the devils work and you are given the power to work for God.
Jesus said that the gate to heaven is very small and narrow and only few get to go in to heaven. If you fail to obey this command you will end in hell. No zeal or good deed will ever replace any belief in Jesus. Do good and it will not save you but trust Jesus and your free. I am blamed for talking about hell tons on my blog. I rather would warn you about hell then give you hope in heaven because I think it is real place and folks are going to go there. I want you all to get out of a sinning life of false faiths and come to the only hope Jesus and his life given to you. Here are some reasons people do not trust. First they lack the information to trust. If your reading this you are not in that place. Second lack of weighing the facts about Jesus. Third people just have hard hearts and they really do not want to trust Jesus or they at one time did and the truth is Jesus shook them and they no longer need Jesus.
Next time we are going to look at one that did not know the Lord and how the Lord move in healing to save them
I want to thank Rudy for getting into the race to kick Hillery out. I am backing him right now. I think he is fit to lead. On Shawns show he said he wants to pick judges that are likely to overturn Roe and that is what we need. He cut tax 23 times as mayor. He fights crime and is going to give us a fight for the people who died. I also like his stand on getting folks out of the welfare plan and into the work world. It is the best thing for you to work. If you can get a job you ought to. If you kill you need to die and we need to fund this war we are in so they do not come back to kill us.
The book on John I am using is talking about the truth that one needs to believe in God. I want to record a few of the thoughts from the book. When you take on a belief from God you become the child of God, you are given life forever, you are freed from the judgment of God, You partake in life forever, you get the Spirit of God indwelling in you, you are freed from the devils work and you are given the power to work for God.
Jesus said that the gate to heaven is very small and narrow and only few get to go in to heaven. If you fail to obey this command you will end in hell. No zeal or good deed will ever replace any belief in Jesus. Do good and it will not save you but trust Jesus and your free. I am blamed for talking about hell tons on my blog. I rather would warn you about hell then give you hope in heaven because I think it is real place and folks are going to go there. I want you all to get out of a sinning life of false faiths and come to the only hope Jesus and his life given to you. Here are some reasons people do not trust. First they lack the information to trust. If your reading this you are not in that place. Second lack of weighing the facts about Jesus. Third people just have hard hearts and they really do not want to trust Jesus or they at one time did and the truth is Jesus shook them and they no longer need Jesus.
Next time we are going to look at one that did not know the Lord and how the Lord move in healing to save them