Sunday, February 18, 2007
I have been thinking about the life of Jack Hyles and his church in Hammond. I think he was not a good man for many things. He would ask the church to blindly trust him a lot. What a shame to have a female secatery and then have a door right to her and then deny that he was in sin with her. I see it in Grace church and think that is Pastored by a man that is into Hyles and takes the power to far. I also see it at other baptist places where the Pastor has to much power. Here in this area the 3 baptist church pastors fight each other and it is goofy. Pastor Mark out to say Pastor Campell is off and what is the deal. Pastor Mark is into he controls all you study and do. When I was there Mark had it that if you wanted to do a bible class it went though his office and he approved it. He also had time with me where he wanted to take my blog down because he was the one that has to teach the bible. Pastor C is ok with my blog yet he teaches things and does not have people go to him to say what they are reading. He is a Bob Jones man so he has some trends toward he is the boss.
One thing the men of God who are pastors they are solid men that love the Lord who have no moral failures, Both Pastors are strong in their love for Jesus and moral up right christ like living. I comend them both. I cannot say the same about Jack. He had some affairs and still people loved his preaching. I am not certain why he said some of the trash he did. He is king James only. He does not see the body of Jesus as all the ones saved and the baptists are the only part of the body. He claims that if you go on his bus he is going to take you to a ball game.
Stay out of the Jack Hyles church. If your Church is part of his cult leave. It is a insane man preaching things that makes me have to do things like this blog and expose them. I am going to expose things that are not good for the Lords work. I know it is not popular yet it is needed somewhere. I need to tell the body the truth of things like the Catholics and what they trust and believe. Why do I block folks? I did it because I am not going to have folks in a discussion I do not want to have. I know some of the things I might of said all of a faith might not agree with but I am not here to learn that faith I am exposing it, I took things from a web page that Macarthur said and they do not know Mac is one that spends time getting to know the bible and has done many things on it. Itr might be folks you thought what you said was right and it was off. And I do not want a to be nun to tell me about the faith I hold dear, it is not a good place to be and I cannot allow Lauren to get me to agree with her and have a friendship that is not part of the body. She had made a commitment to not post and she did and I am not here to allow that. Now getting a new name Lauren will not make it ok to come on my site and post. That I dealt with before and I am not allowing comments to run me I run them and allow them. I love Lauren but I have to do this my way.
One thing the men of God who are pastors they are solid men that love the Lord who have no moral failures, Both Pastors are strong in their love for Jesus and moral up right christ like living. I comend them both. I cannot say the same about Jack. He had some affairs and still people loved his preaching. I am not certain why he said some of the trash he did. He is king James only. He does not see the body of Jesus as all the ones saved and the baptists are the only part of the body. He claims that if you go on his bus he is going to take you to a ball game.
Stay out of the Jack Hyles church. If your Church is part of his cult leave. It is a insane man preaching things that makes me have to do things like this blog and expose them. I am going to expose things that are not good for the Lords work. I know it is not popular yet it is needed somewhere. I need to tell the body the truth of things like the Catholics and what they trust and believe. Why do I block folks? I did it because I am not going to have folks in a discussion I do not want to have. I know some of the things I might of said all of a faith might not agree with but I am not here to learn that faith I am exposing it, I took things from a web page that Macarthur said and they do not know Mac is one that spends time getting to know the bible and has done many things on it. Itr might be folks you thought what you said was right and it was off. And I do not want a to be nun to tell me about the faith I hold dear, it is not a good place to be and I cannot allow Lauren to get me to agree with her and have a friendship that is not part of the body. She had made a commitment to not post and she did and I am not here to allow that. Now getting a new name Lauren will not make it ok to come on my site and post. That I dealt with before and I am not allowing comments to run me I run them and allow them. I love Lauren but I have to do this my way.