Tuesday, January 02, 2007


the facts about chick

Tome to expose chick.com a link on my friends site. I have done some work and found this site to be raceist toward colored people. Listen to me anyone that is a racist is going to burn in hell no matter what. It is a horrible sin and the Love of Jesus is far from you. All forms of that are totally wrong. Next they knock Billy Graham and that is hate toward a man of God and is totally wrong. They are king james only which alone means they are not truly Christian. They are baptist to the core. One of the tracts they have is called Why No Revival. The thing is a bad thing. Here is what they call sin Watching TV, ccm, pastors preaching good positive sermons, Then they say you need to give the tracts out because they are the True Church. And they cost a ton of cash so they make money which is not right. On the site they are so nasty to any who do not agree with them
Here is a thing that said lies about the kjv.
Lies about the West cot translation. I think they just do not accept the bible as it is and they do so much false teaching on their website. I used to thing that Chick was ok but the fact are they are not anything but bad. Here is a ad for them on the site that makes them the right thing to share Jesus
Here is the facts this ad does not show you the trash they want you to think. They use the teaching of David Cloud a blunt heretic. His site has junked good music and her has said many stupid thing.
Here is a person who said the strong s is wrong. She is not good to listen to and she is bad news like cloud. They got to shut this site down or something because it lies./
Here is what I think. Many people have gotten save using this tract line and Praise Jesus for the ones that got saved. However this does not make the tract ok to use and it does mean we need to not pay this company for the trash they make. I know Jesus freak has this link on his site and many links on the site are fine. I think that you ought to not listen to all the people that are out to get this land and this site he has does that. I am not one that is bashing the tract method I want Jesus preached and there are many fine places out there that teach the truth.
I think the best thing you can do is to get the John Macarthur Bible and listen to him every day you can. I also want to say that if you study the king james I am ok with that I am not ok with people who bash the new king James.
I wanted to say one more thing to people who think Jesus is not the Judge. Here is the topic in a few bible verses.
Shall be administered by Christ.
John 5:22 For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son,
John 5:27 and has given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of Man.
Acts 10:42 And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead.
Rom 14:10 But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
2 Cor 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.
MacArthur, J. 1999. The MacArthur topical Bible : New King James Version . Word Pub.: Nashville, Tenn.


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