Friday, January 26, 2007


cloud is needing to be stopped

I need to expose a lie to you. David Cloud has a piece on his site that needs to be taken off it. He has trashed John Piper and I am not happy about this. Please email him and tell him he is out of line and needs to repent to the people for his slander. We need to get him off the net and into a place where he is not damning to the body. Please email him and tell him this is wrong
A WARNING ABOUT JOHN PIPER (Friday Church News Notes, January 12, 2007,, 866-295-4143) - A 2005 survey of roughly 1,100 “young fundamentalists,” found that John Piper has a significant influence. Almost 50% agreed with the statement, “John Piper’s ministry has been a help to me.” Piper is a popular Evangelical author and the senior pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota, but though he pastors a church that is called Baptist he wanted to allow non-immersion “baptisms” for church membership. In 2002 Piper proposed to the church that the constitution be amended to allow a candidate to reject believer’s baptism by immersion if he “sincerely and humbly believes that it would be contrary to Scripture and conscience--and not just contrary to family tradition or desires--to be baptized by immersion and thus to count his infant ‘baptism’ or his adult sprinkling as improper or invalid.” The proposal was not passed, but the fact remains that Piper was willing to allow non-immersion “baptisms.” This is a heretical and strange position for a so-called Baptist pastor to take. Piper, a Calvinist, believes the strange heresy that regeneration precedes faith. Note the following statement: “God begets us anew and the first glimmer of life in the newborn child is faith. This new birth is the effect of irresistible grace, because it is an act of sovereign creation” (John Piper, quoted from John MacArthur, Faith Works, 1993, p. 199). Piper is also a New Evangelical ecumenist. For example, he was a speaker at the 2004 National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, joining hands in that forum with Franklin Graham, James Dobson, Ted Haggard, and Pat Robertson, all of whom have a close relationship with the Roman Catholic Church. Three Roman Catholic organizations were active at the 2004 NRB conference. The Global Catholic Network ran an ad in the NRB newspaper each day and rented exhibit space. Priests for Life handed out packets of their material; and Catholic Answers, which promotes Roman Catholic dogma, also participated. Piper even supports the heretical Charismatic Spirit-slaying phenomena. After taking his staff to a “Toronto-style” meeting he admitted that “a whole bunch of my staff went down” (“John Piper: Hedonist Theologian?” Faith and Freedom magazine, Dec. 2006). Piper said: “I simply know of too many people’s lives who have been profoundly helped for good by lying on the ground for forty-five minutes in a kind of laughter or peace” (tape of Question and Answer Session at a conference in Minneapolis, Jan. 31, 1996). Regardless of any good thing that he might teach, John Piper should be avoided. “Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us” (2 Thess. 3:6).
We need to stop this man.

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