Thursday, November 09, 2006


ranting on

Ok the demos take the house and senate, but they are going have to fight out with bush. I think we need to start 08 and get people saved and into values. I know the senate was going to go demo and I think the gov is going to lose and Hatch is going to win. As I write this 3 out of 8 gay bans are won. But they have not called a lot of the races on morals.
Ok u8 bans on fag marrige so take that devil and take your lifestyle out of here. Ok here is the truth we still got Bush that has to sign off on all the trash the demos are going to try to pass. Taxes are going to higher. And now what r we going to with the war? Is congress is going to take the troops Bush has to ok it. If Gays want so called rights Bush approved it. I am sorry but who you date and love does not make you get rights. Marrige is not a right for you gay people because you cannot have kids and family and I will never honor Fags in any possible way. GAY PEOPLE ARE NOT RIGHT WITH GOD. THE BIBLE SAID THAT NOT ME. I will go to jail if needed and serve time because God made his mind up and has not ever changed it. God is the only standerd and all other have nothing in moral values. That means if your stand on thing does not match the bible your wrong and you need to change it. No your opinion is not the right one God wrote a book and if your not right i line with God your wrong to me.
It is not a womans right it is a created being of God your killing and it is just like shooting a man in plain day light. Abortion is a wrong bad nasty thing and if you are thinking of having one do not do it. It is cold blooded murder. As far as people coming in to this nation come in the right way and if your here we are not going to get you our money because we need it for OUR OWN PEOPLE. And if your kids are her they need to leave with you because your making us pay for your kids education. Get out of our land you muslims we do not need you here. We need to have our land and you get out because you all do not pay for things you do not get it.
We are not going to leave Iraq, We are not going to give gay rights, we are not going to pay more taxes, and we are not going to allow national health care. Get a job if your not covered and pay you own way. I am not responsible for your health care.

Do you pay for your own health insurance and get it through your employer?
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