Sunday, November 19, 2006


my plan for the rest of this year

Ok I want to try a thing to do some interaction on my blog. I want you if you do not think there is a God or disagree with me to tell me why. I want you to convert me to your faith or lack of and I want you to make me re think my views. I am all game. Here is the chance anyone can say anything for the rest of the year. If you read my blog at anytime and did not like something lets duke it out. I mean this and if your a king james only person I want you to make me one to. If your a baptist and have a gripe on anything I have said about you here is the open mic and blog. If you think gays ought to be married your more then welcome I want to debate you. If you hate me or anything I think or say tell me and I am not stopping comments for the rest of 2006. So as of right now I am promising you all total freedom on my page on comments. I am not going to change this message I am beaming out but for the rest of the year I want your feedback PLEASE>
I am going to be on vacation for 10 days and hope to get more posts up on things I want to talk about. I WANT TO WARN SOME OF YOU THAT READ THIS. I know we are going to get some vain things on this site because I am hoping to draw the people the church is not going after. Get ready for a ton I hope of people that are going to not be shall we say haters of the truth of Jesus. I am hoping for you that read me to interact and make Jesus famous to a people that hate him and want to have no hope. I am praying that Jesus is going to use this page for his glory and save one sinner and if we get one my hours on this are well used. I want to befriend some of the people I hope that come and talk to them and if they are not open to Jesus I am wanting them and perhaps you to share why.
If you came here after seeing my question on God I want you to know first and foremost thank you for popping by. I ask you to read my page for a while and tell me about yourself and your reasons for not liking the God thing. I am not here to convert you as much as I want to know why you hate of dislike God and the concept of God. Maybe you never have been told the good news. I want you to got to and take the test they have and then tell me whats your take. I want you to tell me where perhaps we Christians are wrong and I want you to tell us what it is you want in life and whatever.

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