Sunday, November 05, 2006


John Jesus was God in the flesh

John 1 14And Christ became a human being and lived here on earth among us and was full of loving forgiveness£ and truth. And some of us have seen his glory—the glory of the only Son of the heavenly Father!
When Jesus came to earth the Lord God became a man and the term in theology is INCARNATION. I want to hot that term tonight and explain the truth of God becoming man. In the old GOD never allowed himself to be seen by us. His Glory was seen in by Moses and he was allowed to live and Isaiah saw the Lord and when he did the bible said he was ruined. One must understand that when Jesus was born the God We worship was in a manger and dweller in the human body. Jesus is God. He is not just a god or a son of God when Jesus became man GOD became man. It to the human mind is impossible. So when one saw Jesus he saw the maker of the world and they saw God and lived to talk about it. Jesus lived and he had a knowledge of who he was and in that he fully knew that he was going to die. When Jesus was arrested in the garden Jesus had given himself to be killed. When Jesus died in the bible he was as dead as any human being and he was risen by God to live forever. If we fail to get this truth we are going to get this book. Incarnation is Jesus being God in a mans body. It is a truth and we think it but not going to explain it.
Jesus was a man of Love and forgiveness. Listen Jesus is not out to harm you he wants you in his kingdom and he loves you and if you read this please learn what salvation is. Start making comments where you do not agree in this and I will let you post anything on salvation and if your not into Jesus please tell us why. God is not one to just allow you to just go and think as you want. He loves you and extends the offer of salvation to you. Here is a verse that explains Jesus is God
Col 2 9 For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; 10 and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.1
If one sees Jesus he saw the God in human form and Jesus lived as one of us and never sinned. Jesus became the final Word of God. Until Jesus comes again the rules for salvation will not change. The means of coming to God is Jesus and if you fail to come to Jesus your not Gods and heaven is not yours. Muslims are not a new thing God is allowing. No Muslim will ever go to heaven and no other faith will make you ok with God. Jesus is the only and final work and hope for the humans to be saved. God is Love and asks me to love you and I am loving you by teaching you Jesus is the way and no other way is ok. If I did not love you I would just be ok with your faith in whatever and allow you to go to hell.
I want to go into the election and I ask you to vote for values and safety and I ask you to consider that if we move from God in the marrige thing we will lose our freedom to preach the bible. If we allow the Demos in we are going to lose the freedom of money, they will make gays good and churchs are going to lose the right to preach that being a fag is sin. Ok vote
1The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

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