Wednesday, November 01, 2006


John Jesus is the light and we need to share him

John 1 1-2Before anything else existed, there was Christ,£ with God. He has always been alive and is himself God. 3He created everything there is—nothing exists that he didn’t make. 4Eternal life is in him, and this life gives light to all mankind. 5His life is the light that shines through the darkness—and the darkness can never extinguish it.
I am using the living par phase in this study and might use it for the time being. We talked last time on the truth the Jesus is God and Jesus made the word. We showed this truth in a few places. Tonight I want to talk about Jesus the light of the world. Light is the term for the biblical truth and dark is the term for the evil truth in the world and stiff outside of the bible. Jesus is the Light and in him is nothing false. God is him. Jesus is the truth and nothing in the world is true that he did not make or endorse. All other people in the world are sinners and that includes every soul that has ever lived and they have to account to the light they have. Jesus life is light and to know it is to know the truth of of GOD and to deny this is to be in darkness with no hope but hell.
Do you know the devil is not in hell right now. He is alive and well and he is out to harm you that do not want to trust in Jesus as your lord. Jesus is the light and when he is the light Jesus shines this truth into you and you are without excuse to live outside of the hope and light of God. If you fail to take the light you are given you fail to have hope in the kingdom. If you go to hell it is your total fault because you saw light and did not take it. The devil is blinding all who do not come to Jesus. If the truth is right here in front of you and you reject your blindness is going to lead you into flames of hell after you die. The devil has power over you if you do not make Jesus your lord. And it might mean one day you have the light and because you do not take Jesus one day you will become to a point where that light is gone and you will never have the chance to take the light. But if you read anything of the lord you still have the hope of the truth of God and if your still alive you can be saved. It might take you 50 years to repent but God alone can allow you to get saved.
6-7God sent John the Baptist as a witness to the fact that Jesus Christ is the true Light. 8John himself was not the Light; he was only a witness to identify it.
John the Baptist was the greatest man to ever live and he had the job of pointing to Jesus and telling us this is the Son Of GOD. John was if you want the first witness in the bible called t6o claim to know who Jesus and who this man was. John was the first one in this Gospel to claim Jesus is the light and the God of all. John was not the light Jesus was all John does is say this is the light and follow him. As the people who are saved it is our duty to tell everyone that Jesus is the way and no one can be a part of the falily of God or relate to God with out Jesus. Jesus has asked us to be the witnesses for him in the world. We are to tell all our friends and people in our world about Jesus. We are not to convert them that is not our job. We are to give them the good news that Jesus offers hope and life. We share Jesus by telling others what he did for us. It is so easy to say things to lead into a talk about Jesus and we are to do that. It is a good thing to share with our friends. I know how hard it is to share with family but if you are willing the Lord can use you to bring people to salvation. If you ride a bus give out tracts about Jesus. Make time to talk to people about things and ask them if they have a life after death and when they are interested explain the they have sinned and fell from God and the cost of sin is forever in hell. Then tell them Jesus paid that for them and tell them to place the hope they have in Jesus. If you need help go to way of the master. Also get some fun tracts and hand them out. Do something today to share the truth and get folks saved.

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