Friday, October 06, 2006


Love is key too

I do think smoking is stupid not sin. I am not saying that the stuff is sin I am saying it does not show your walking with Jesus. Jesus is asking you to get right on the inside and then he is going to clean you up. I use to think you had to clean up to get right with Jesus but y6ou got to allow Jesus to clean you. If you are thinking your sin ought to hold you out of getting saved that is not what is right, what is right is you just come and ask him to come in and he is going to clean you up. Yes if your a Christian for ten years you will be cleaned up and with the help of Jesus sin is going to be less. Jesus expects yopu to live for himself but he is the one that you trust to bring change.
I got to say it is sad that the twins are no longer in the playoffs, but they did not play worth anything. I mean you got to hit the ball and not them hit the ball. If you want to know who I want to win I want the La team to play the Ny Yankees. Maybe the Tigers are going to win it all. I want the LA Dodgers to but I might also want to see them cats win them.
Hebrew 13 Let brotherly love continue. 2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. 3 Remember the prisoners as if chained with them—those who are mistreated—since you yourselves are in the body also.1
Lets look at the truth of the word tonight. It said here that we are to love our brothers in Jesus forever. Who is your brother? Anyone that has Jesus living in the Heart. One that does not have Jesus is also to be loved. How important is this in your life as a saved person, I think it is the most important thing because if you fail to love you are not a person in the faith. Jesus said it was the most important thing in this life is to Love God and Love each other. What is love, It is giving your self up for another. If you fail at love you not in the Lords will. People ask What is Gods will for my life and the first thing is to love others and Him.
I think one time God sent a angel to me. I am not sure but I think he wanted to show me he knows and loves me. I met this gal and never seen or heard from her but I know she was saved and Loved the Lord and God used her. Many times in my walk the Lord has put people to make me aware of himself. I am not sure if they are angels but I know that I might be the one that inspires people so I need to live in a better way so Jesus can use me. Jesus alwas found time to love on people and we are to be like Jesus. He is asking you to be the only Jesus in someones life so I am asking you to pleaswe love the unloved and try to love the heretic because they are not going to be saved if they see no love. Jesus said
“Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me” (Matt. 25:40). To feed the hungry, take in the stranger, clothe the naked, and visit the imprisoned in Jesus’ name is to serve Him. To turn our backs on those in need of such things is to turn our backs on Him (v. 45).
It is not love if you fail in this. It is bad. Give to the food shelf and when one asks give to them a gift giving it to Jesus because you are giving it to Jesus.
1The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

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