Sunday, October 08, 2006


heb 13

So I got to shoot some guns today. I shot a 357 magnum, a 12 gage and a luger. So I am not uneducated about guns and I bet you No funs are going to call me a sinner but I had fun. I am wondering sometime why you readers so not read things like the things about sin that I am writing and how it seems my comments do not agree with me on the basic topics. Like you all think smoking is so serious but Gossip is the same and so is not being humble or failing to Love Jesus with all your heart. So I can find sins you do and I will because you all need to see the grace of God and until you do your not going to get me.

Like Calvinism people want to say I am not one when I am one. I am one that thinks you are saved because God chose to save you and he needs no reason to do it. God did not set out to save all the world and does not give some even the chance to get into heaven. It is a gift to you if your his and nothing else. You did not choose Jesus Jesus in his grace gave you the Life and all his grace. God is not at fault if your not going to heaven it is all your fault because you sinned and you did not get saved. Jesus does not have to save you and if he does not pick you it is just the way it goes. God owes you nothing but he gives you his gifts. If you reject friend God is not at fault but the thing I ask that if you have been granted a gift and you do not take the gift your totally at fault. That is one reason I am not to happy with people that wish I was a baptist or follow the things they want me to.
Heb 13 4 Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.
Do you want the wrath of God in your life, because the best thing to do it is to have sex outside of marrige. God hates that sin and if you do it Gods wrath is going to be in you. Ok I am being judgemental? How bout a.i.d.s. That is a thing that is going to make our land so different. I got the cure. One partner for life and be married. If you fail to do that your going to die. Simple deal is when you have sex with a partner you have it with EVERY PERSON THEY HAD. Um you want to also go to hell faster, Have gay sex and do not repent. If you sin and do not make it right with you spouse God will not talk or listen to you. Marriage was a gift for us and sex is to be enjoyed in that relationship. Marriage and sex is the blessing of God and is not to made to be dirty or shameful. If your marriage is low making love is a great tool to bond you together. If your a couple and you got the ring sex is a gift to bond you as one. Sex is a way we create more kids. If your not in the bonds of marriage then you cannot raise a kid, you have no commitment and you ought to be scared to have sex. Kids reading this do not experament because it is not good to have a baby. My mother was a kid at 16 when she had me and I do not have a daddy. Men you have made a gal have a kid YOUR TO PAY FOR THAT KID AND YOU OWE THAT KID TO BE IN THEIR LIFES. Forget your dreams men because you have to raise a kid and that means to you all your extra cash goes to the funds for the kid not your life. It means Gals you get to get a job and pay the kids tab and if you give the kid up GIVE THE KID UP AT BIRTH BECAUSE YOUR GOING TO SAVE LOTS OF PAIN. AND PLEASE NO OPEN ADOPTION AND STAY OUT OF THE KIDS LIFE until THEY ARE 30. I was adopted and pain from the time I was is still alive to this day. It is going to RUIN THE KIDS LIFE if you give up on them because when I grew up I did not really like life. I know mistakes happen just let the kids not have to think they are the reason. MARRY YOUR GAL AND DO IT FOR THE KIDS AND MAKE IT WORK..
5 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 6 So we may boldly say:
“The Lord is my helper;
I will not fear.
What can man do to me?”1
Ok we are going to do this passage to so we can get to John faster. In the ten command God had said your not to want what your neighbor has. If you want to be like him your going to have problems and not live the Life God gave you. I wanted to be the Bueschers friend but the Lord did not have that in his plan for me and I am no longer in their life. Here we are given the will of God are we not? God said be content and not want junk. If your the Lords kid you got all in him your ever going to need and then some. God is going to be there forever for you and if your not saved your not going to have anything you need. What does one need that has Jesus and all his resources forever. No I do not need the I pod or even a new set of John Macarthur messages. I need the things Jesus gives me both in the spirit and in the physical realm. Bethany Edwards who is a sweet gal once told me that I need one thing and that is Jesus and in him all my needs are solved. Jesus gave me life, Jesus then gave me all the things for life. Jesus inspires me to work hard, Jesus gave me the work and jobs I have and Jesus gave me all the friends. Jesus gives me life forever
So here is the weeks poll, Can you sing hymns well.
1The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

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