Saturday, July 22, 2006
I knew that
I bumped into Erin Buescher and she never hated me (I knew that) I went in to panera here in the Minnikeapolis after I went trying to get my card in my photo thing cleaned off. I was shocked. She said I could mail her once in a great mile. I think the key is just to email the blog to her and let her read it as she wants. It has to be where she does not become bigger than she is. Her mom told me I am not in trouble but it is Jesus rewarding me for being faithful to seek him and serve him. It is true that Jesus does reward the things I do and the things I seek for. If Jesus os the rewarder of the pursuit than I need to do it all the more.
I told my pal Jason the end of the war is going to be when Jesus comes basck and he told me I am wrong. Well for all of you and the record allow me to share how I think war is going to end. Jesus is going to take us home. If your not his then your not going to be in that number. It is called the Rapture. After that the world is going to become a one world goverment and this is going to be headed by the anti christ. This one is going to demand you take some kind of mark and your not going to be able to eat or buy if you do not have it. If your saved your going to die in this time and yes Jesus is still going top offer his offer of salvation. After this time Jesus is going to come to the earth and clean house and all the evil is going to be placed in Hell and Jesus is going to rule the world. He is going to restore life to the point of perfection. But even then folks are going to reject Jesus and not seek his love. So at the end of this time saten is going to be released for a time and all the people are going to go with him to the lake of fire. It is going to be the last day and your going to be there. God is going to judge you on works and if your notr perfect your going to be in the fire of hell forever. But if you have Jesus your going to be found with his record and all your sins are going to be gone and you go to Glory forever.
Now I told you I got to see erin and that is a reward of the Lord. Now I know if you seek God alone your going to be able to be rewarded. Jesus does not ever not allow himself to be found and always will reward you if you seek. So seek him and find him and not just for reward bujt for life.
I told my pal Jason the end of the war is going to be when Jesus comes basck and he told me I am wrong. Well for all of you and the record allow me to share how I think war is going to end. Jesus is going to take us home. If your not his then your not going to be in that number. It is called the Rapture. After that the world is going to become a one world goverment and this is going to be headed by the anti christ. This one is going to demand you take some kind of mark and your not going to be able to eat or buy if you do not have it. If your saved your going to die in this time and yes Jesus is still going top offer his offer of salvation. After this time Jesus is going to come to the earth and clean house and all the evil is going to be placed in Hell and Jesus is going to rule the world. He is going to restore life to the point of perfection. But even then folks are going to reject Jesus and not seek his love. So at the end of this time saten is going to be released for a time and all the people are going to go with him to the lake of fire. It is going to be the last day and your going to be there. God is going to judge you on works and if your notr perfect your going to be in the fire of hell forever. But if you have Jesus your going to be found with his record and all your sins are going to be gone and you go to Glory forever.
Now I told you I got to see erin and that is a reward of the Lord. Now I know if you seek God alone your going to be able to be rewarded. Jesus does not ever not allow himself to be found and always will reward you if you seek. So seek him and find him and not just for reward bujt for life.